Yther wrote:
With the new system, you'll never get a proc, 'cause you're on a different target before the arrow lands, so never targeted on the possible proc mob, thus no proc.
You still get procs, even if you switch targets.
Try it out sometime when you have a group of 6 or so (if you have vinelash) from as far away as you can get and still shoot arrows. Often times you will shoot 2-4 arrows(depending on trickshot) that are all in the air at the same time. And since the proc doesn't register until the arrow hits, you can already be on the next mob shooting or casting Hail, while the previous one dies.
About my weekend though:
I got a late start on double xp cause I was working in Vegas Friday and Saturday. But when I got home on Sunday, I had my lesson and a 4hr xp potion waiting for me.
I got about 700 aa's total before I had to raid tonight. It felt really good to fill CS/CA, General sturdiness, healing adept/gift, and my innate STA and AGI increasers (UF, HoT, and VoA... not the PoP ones). I got a huge boost in both AC and HP this weekend from those.
I'm working on upgrading my aug set with some of the better newer ones. I have a pretty good set for SoD, but now I have a list of some better UF, HoT, and VoA augs that are easily camped , or have chance to drop in a group mission chest. This weekend while headshotting camps were claimed I camped Dreameater in lower house for the Slippery Slimerock. I lucked out, having only to kill one round of ph's before he spawned AND dropped my aug the first time! So I moved on to Envoy Frindar in the Underquarry, but haven't got him to spawn yet.
I also bought a couple more VoA T2 raid non-vis items. And I picked up a T2 hammer tonight from our raid. So now I am only 2 slots away from being fully VoA T2 raid geared.
So with the aa's, the gear, and a couple augs I have been able to rise to almost the top of the magelo rankings for rangers on EMarr: #1 for AC and #2 for HP. (As of tonight the numbers on the ranking haven't updated to reflect it, but if you click on my magelo you'll see the actual numbers).
I've never been one to worry too much about the magelo or eqplayers rankings, but it is kinda fun being there, lol.
I have to admit a couple months ago, I was wondering if I would even buy the expansion and continue playing. But here I am having a blast again. EQ has successfully kept me playing, lol. They must be doing something right.