I have a 77 beasty epic 1.5 750 AA 13k hp self buffed 2k+ac 2k+attack 40 pet focus. I started soloing the trash in Muramite Proving Grounds last night. I use my merc for temerity then back to zzzz for him. The trash mobs are level 69 to 70. They put up a good fight, a lot of fun soloing them.
Beasty is a very fun class to play. We get slow, hp & attack buffs, poison dot, disease dot, ice nuke, mild heal, strong pet heal, medium strength pets, nice pet buffs.
We can solo light blues at a good rate.
Got to love todays EQ as a casual. We can buy pet focus items at the items 50+ vendor now
Come join the wildkin, welcome.