Sounds like you've got the default channel set to Tells instead of Say. Under Options (Alt+O) make sure context menus is enabled, then right-click on the chat window(s) and set the default channel to Say. Also, if you can't figure that out, make sure you type
/say whatever when talking to NPCs.
Another thing to note is, old world quests do not give a task window. You simply read and follow the dialog and do what is told. Sometimes (or alot of times) in old world quests, the instructions are a bit vague and riddle-ish and using Alla to look up the quests will help figure them out faster. Also, you often need more than just what is in the brackets (and sometimes reworded even) for old world quest dialog to continue. Often Who, What, Where, etc. is enough, such has
what goblin?, as an example.
You might want to read the following thread about the different types of quests at: I haven't yet personally tried old world quests on a free to play (bronze) account, so they may have limited it on those accounts, but I seriously doubt it, as the rewards generally aren't very good, except for a very minor few.
EDIT: Crescent Reach (CR) pretty much is the way to go. Tradeskill suppliers carry everything you can possibly buy, instead of running all over the place to get stuff. TSS expansion, which CR is the center of, is the last expansion to have leveling from 1 to max at the time (75). Most of the quests in the expansion are still descent, although defiant gear has made pretty much everything armor-wise below level 80 obsolete. Just giving reasons why it's set up that way. The old world way of doing things was heavily time-sinked and required alot of thinking or knowledge to do anything, and is why sites like Alla took off back in the day, as many quests were very difficult to figure out without having read alot of in-game dialog and scrolls and books and know alot of NPC and item names to make the reference connections to lore, items, and NPCs.
You can do the old way, just saying it will be alot tougher as the learning curve is much steeper.
Hope this helps some,
Yther Ore.
Edited, Apr 1st 2012 7:15am by Yther