Hey, y'all. When I last played in late '10 (that was about a 4-month run; the last time I played before that was '07), the level cap had just changed from 85 to 90 and, after getting my Berserker to 86, I gave up in frustration at the amount of time that was required to play him. As a single father, time is already scarce, so to log on and spend the entire evening (or a majority of it) LFG was quite discouraging so I cancelled my subscription.
I came back and renewed last weekend, but I haven't touched my Zerker out of concern that I'd face the same situation. Instead, I've been playing alts, trying to determine who I want to play primarily, but they all have their fun factors and I can't make up my mind. I kind of want to settle on one 'main', though, so I can accomplish some things instead of repeating the same leveling boredom over and over.
So, before I proceed to my ultimate question, let me first precede it with this: Is it possible, these days, to play my Berserker casually? That is, an hour or two a couple nights a week, and then a few hours on the weekends. I *do* have a lot of time and effort (and plat) invested in him, so I hate to see him sit by the wayside and just gather dust, but I want to make the most of my available play time.
If not, then let me move on to my next question. I know the final decision is mine to be made, and that I should play whoever I enjoy playing most (that's the problem I can't figure out), but I do appreciate any insight and/or opinions on the matter. My primary alts consist of:
74 Monk with ~200AA - Cleric merc
65 Beastlord with ~100AA - Cleric merc
64 Ranger with 0AA (waiting for 65) - Tank merc
I also have a 71 Paladin with ~200AA, 45 Necro, 37 Druid and 34 Wizard
Of the 3 primary alts, is there any advantage in today's game to playing one over the other? The Monk has an upper hand in being ahead in level and AAs, so I'd be closer to getting where I want to be (which, at this time, I'm not sure where/what that is). The Beastlord is probably more flexible and accommodating for a casual player, with a slow to help solo/molo content. The Ranger, I guess, is something I was just fascinated with because, when I was playing my Zerker, it seemed like equally geared Rangers were just... "better" than me.
I group when I can, but I want to be able to solo as much as I can for as long as I can when I'm sitting in that LFG-state. I know it's probably going to start getting harder to find level-appropriate mobs for the Monk to solo, but I can work on light blues for AAs with him.
- Which of those is going to provide maximum efficiency for time management?
- Which is going to put out better DPS to mow through mobs faster?
- Are epics worth obtaining on any of these?
- How far are each of them going to be able to progress on the Epic quests, should I choose to work on them?
Also, just because I have a love affair with the class (it was my main on my original account, which I gave away in '02 when I thought I could 'quit' this game; it was the first I made when I started this new account in '02), and also have some time/effort/plat sunk in to him: How do Pallys fare these days? Is their DPS versus non-undead still too low to solo/molo effectively? He could plow through The Hole with ease when I was working AAs on him at 71, but that spot was always highly contested on my server and hard to find open/available. Have they been improved any in recent years and made fun to play again, or are they still the broccoli class of Norrath (pretty bland; for the record, however, I love broccoli!)?
I really appreciate any time you take to address my questions and concerns! Thank you! I apologize for my drawn-out post...