I played quite a bit this weekend mainly because I had Monday off (Canada Day).
Started off the weekend with the Bard at level 80 and the SK a few kills from 82. The SK kept bringing in the AA while the bard was leveling. Over the course of the weekend, I think I got about 200 AA on the SK.
Last night, the bard finally caught up to the SK in terms of experience. They now level within a mob or two of each other. Both dinged 82 and have made it about 90% of the way through that level. When I get closer to 83, I am going to stop both of them to snag some more AA. Basically, I will pause long enough to get the SK whichever AA opened up at level 82 (like CA/CS), then I will move on. My hunting spot in Direwind is still light blue, but I think they start going green at level 83. I will take advantage of the light blue mobs at my current level, bank a few AA, then move on.
Somewhere during the weekend, I copied more toons over to Test. Just to spread the wealth some, I let my 66 Druid and 66 Necro tag along with the Bard and SK. I say tag along, because they did nothing but sit there. They ended the session at level 72.
I have for the most part dropped my boxing sessions down to 3 or 4 toons, but with F2P and Test Gold membership, I can create accounts as I want. Here is my current ******* of toons:
Account #1: SK 82, Bard 85
Account #2: Bard 82
Account #3: Shaman 86, Necro 72
Account #4: Mage 65, Ranger 85, Druid 72
Account #5: Wizard 84, Cleric 85, Rogue 85
Account #6: Warrior 85
With how easy it is to powerlevel mobs with an SK+Bard+Mage (think easy AE aggro + damage shields), I may start a F2P account and PL each class just to have them. Granted, that is only 5 classes left that I don't already have represented (Beast, Berz, Ench, Monk, and Pally.).