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Opinions on AA's welcomeFollow

#1 Mar 18 2013 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
756 posts
Over the weekend, I worked on AA's for 3 alts. I would very much appreciate opinions on what I should get next, if any before leveling. I left the breaks where I found them on the online site I used as a guide. I am new to AA's, so if you think I missed some important ones, or my future choices should be different, fire away!!

Thank you in advance.

Necromancer Level 65 - 450 AA's

* Innate Run 5
* Innate Metabolism 3
* Innate Regen 3
* Spell Casting Mastery 4
* Natural Durability 5
* Mnemonic Retention 1

* Pet Afinity 1
* Critical Affliction 3

* Death's Fury 5
* Quickening of Death 5

* Spell Casting Fury 3
* Fury of Magic 3
* Fury of Magic Mastery - (Now Fury of Magic 4+)
* Spellcasting Reinforcement 5
* Spell Casting Subtlety 3

X Life Burn - 9 (LOL, kills you, NO)
* Wake the Dead 3
* Swarm of Decay 3

* Pet Discipline 1
* Feigned Minion 3
// delete Suspended Minion
// delete Persistant Minion

* Persistant Casting 6
* Theft of Life 5
* Combat Stability 3
* Combat Agility 3
* Innate Defense 5 (Now Combat Stability 4 - 8)
* Lightning Reflexes 5 (Now Combat Agility 4 - 8)
* Planar Power 5

* Mend Companion 1
* Hastened Mending 3
* Convalescence (Now Innate Regeneration 4 - 5)
* Innate Enlightenment 5
* Mystical Atuning 2
Mental Clarity 3 (2 done)
* Innate Intelligence 1 (Just to get to 450, lol)

Level 66+

Death Peace (66)
Destructive Fury (66)
Defensive Instincts 5 (Now Combat Stability 9 - 13) (66)
Reflexive Mastery 5 (Now Combat Agility 9 - 13) (66)
Chaotic Potential 5 (Now Planar Power 6 - 10) (66)
Willfull Death (66)
Healthy Aura (Now Innate Regeneration 6 - 10) (66)
Improved Critical Affliction (Now Critical affliction 4 - 6) (67)
Soul Thief (Theft of Life 6 - 8) (67)
Advanced Pet Discipline - (1st level only) (67)
Replenish Companion (67)
Army of the Dead (68)
Affliction Mastery (70)
Quickening of Death 6+ (70)
Thick Skin 5 (Now Combat Stability 14 - 18) (70)
Precognition 5 (Now Combat Agility 14 - 18) (70)
Graverobbing (70)
Spell Casting Subtlety 4+ (71)
Mnemonic Retention 2+ (75)
Persistant Casting 7+ (75)
Swarm of Decay 4+ (76)
Feigned Minion 4+ (81)


Cleric Level 56 - 150 AA's

* Innate Run 3
* Innate Metabolism 3
* Spell Casting Mastery 4
* Spell Casting Fury 3
* Combat Stability 3
* Combat Agility 3
* Spell Casting Reinforcement 3
* Persistent Casting 3
* Healing Adept 3
* Healing Gift 3
* Mnemonic Retention
* Spell Casting Subtlety 3
* Natural Durability 3

Mental Clarity 2 (For later)
Innate Regen 2 (For later)

Spell Casting Reinforcement 4 - ? (At 59)
Celestial Regeneration (At 59)
Divine Resurrection (100% rez) (At 59)
Persistent Casting 4 - ? (At 60)
Natural Durability 4 - ? (At 60)
Innate Run 4 - 5 (At 61)
Fury of Magic (At 61)
Divine Arbitration (At 61)
Combat Stability 4 - 7 (At 61)
Combat Agility 4 - 7 (At 61)
Planar Power (At 61)
Radiant Cure (At 61)
Healing Adept 4 - ? (At 62)
Healing Gift 4 - ? (At 62)
Blessing of Resurrection (At 65)
Silent Casting (At 66)
Spell Casting Subtlety 4 - ? (At 71)
Twinheal (At 86)


Wizard Level 55 - 122 AA's, 6 banked

Here, I left the order numbers as in the original guide, but I decided other
AA's were of more importance to my style of play.

* 1) Innate Run 3 (Run 5 avail at 61)
* Innate Metabolism 3
* 2) Mnemonic Retention (9th spell slot)
* 3) Spell Casting Mastery 4
* Spell Casting Fury 3
* Combat Agility 3
* Combat Stability 3
* Natural Durability 3 (Next at 60)
* Persistent Casting 3 (Next at 60)
* Spell Casting Reinforcement 2
* Mental Clarity 2
* Innate Regen 2 (Maybe hould have been later?)
4) Exodus (At 59)
5) Fire Familiar (At 65)
* 6) Spell Casting Subtlety 3 (Next at 71)
7) Crit frequency ??
8) Destructive Fury (At 66)
9) Gift of Mana (At 66)/Gift of Radiant Mana (At 71)
10) Silent Casting (At 66)
11) Mind Crash (At 66)
12) Quick Damage (At 59)
13) Mana Regen
14) Buff Slots
15) Pyromancy/Cryomancy
16) Stat cap
17) Innate resists
18) Resist cap
19) Magic & Cold Familiars

Edited, Mar 18th 2013 1:42pm by KEC
#2 Mar 18 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
As far as your Necro is concerned, you are fine and could start to level the character as there are not a lot of crucial AA lines yet for the Necro, and you have most if not all covered for 65..

As soon as you reach 66 get Destructive Fury for dps and the Death Piece AA as it frees up a spell gem for an additional offensive spell in your line up.

Also, the "Gift of Mana" line of AA's makes a difference to casters, so get and max it as soon as possible also..(I think it starts at lvl 65).

Good luck.
#3 Mar 18 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
489 posts
Well for necros you really will not use direct damage spells that much, so anything that adds more damage or crit chances for direct damage spells are pretty useless. The critical affliction line is what you should max out every level. Now the wizard on the other hand would benefit from those since that is really their only way to deal damage. Death Peace is a great AA and anything that can make your pet hit harder/faster would be beneficial. It has been a while since I have played my necro but somewhere around those levels there is an AA snare that would free up a spell slot. The only disadvantage to the AA snare is that it does not do damage like the spell version. The Gift of Mana line is a great way to save mana for casters.

I have never really played a cleric before, just playing around at lower levels so I would not be much help there.
#4 Mar 18 2013 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
Thank you, I had forgotten to add Gift of Mana to my to get list. Had it on the Wiz only. I have also now added it to the Cleric list.
#5 Mar 19 2013 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
AA selection can be such tough choices. I sure wish EQ did like WoW does with the talent "trees", allow you to re-do your AA choices, even if it was only partially and even if (moan) it cost us plat to do so. Like for 10k plat you can reallocate 100 AAs. But please let's not offer this for RL cash thru the Marketplace, no no, anything but THAT! ;)
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#6 Apr 11 2013 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
I very much agree Sippin. I have made a few mistakes along the way because of some lines being folded into others while another line had the same abbreviation. Would love to get those AA's back to reallocate to the correct line.
#8 May 24 2013 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
NM, I was responding to a spam post but evidently the admins removed it! Nice work!

Edited, May 24th 2013 6:40am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#9 May 24 2013 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Report button works pretty quickly, if you use it. :)

Yther Ore.
#10 Jun 02 2013 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
AA's vs. leveling.....all I can say is to each their own.
Personally I would much rather stop at level intervals and grind out some aa's, then move up and stop to aa again. Since your chars are still pre-75 (as of this original thread) you are at a prime spot to catch your Cleric and Wiz up in levels AND aa's, before you move on with your Necro, in levels --- IMHO. That is only if your alts are on the same account, though. If you are 3 boxing - then I would set your cle/wiz at 50/50 exp and work them up to level 65 to match your Nec. Otherwise, the choice is totally up to you. =)
I have tried many approaches to character building: level like hell to 75, then grind out a few hundred aa's - move up to 80-90 then grind more aa's (not a great choice, since your char will lack efficiency at higher levels and lower aa count. Or, you can try this tactic (since you're still young enough in levels): stay at 65 or 70, w/e you choose, pick a min # of aa's you want to achieve, THEN you level up again in small increments - say 5 levels each grind.
It really depends on "your" gameplay needs as to how you choose to grind exp vs. aa's. Are you in a guild that req you to be a min level for raiding? Are you a casual player? Weigh the want vs. need and you will figure out how your char matures.
Over the 13+ yrs I've been playing, I would much rather have a level 65 necro with 600 aa's, than a lvl 75 necro with 150 aa's. Just because you're a high level, doesn't guaranteeyou'll live as long without aa's backing you up. Powerleveling is good, to a degree. It sickens me to see anyone that is 85+ with any less than 500-1k aa's. If you're a tank type, you're not going to be a good one since you don't have the def / aggro aa's you need to keep the rest of your group alive.

A quick guide to class type aa's you should focus on capping out for your current level:
-- Tanks - all out defensive /aggro aa's. Anything that gains you HP, AC, or mitigation is a must.
-- Healers - Heal type aa's, concentration, GoM line
-- Casters - Offensive (DoT) or spell damage / crits, GoM line
Just don't forget those Combat Stability / Agility for all classes!!!! Easy to push them off for caster types, but you'll be able to endure hits and live longer to ensure your group doesn't totally wipe once your tank drops.
#11 Jun 03 2013 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
Like I always advise noobish players in-game if you're inclined to stay lower level and work on piling up AA's (which is a viable strat) be sure to get into a good friendly casual guild that's not orientated heavily toward highest-level raiding. Because you're going to want to group with other 65-85 folks and it's damn hard to find them with random pickup groups. There's no doubt a 95-100 player with <500aas is a weak kitten in a lot of content, but a 95-100 is going to have a much easier time grouping and eventually getting involved in higher-end raiding and the AA's will come, albeit more slowly at 95 than at 65. But keep in mind the pace of AAXP is on a sliding scale based on how many you have. So even at 95, if your AA totals are at the low end of the scale, they're going to pile up MUCH faster than a 95 with thousands of AAs.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#12 Jun 03 2013 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
756 posts
My current status is:

Paladin, Level 72 843 AA's (Awaiting the AA Grind)
Necro, Level 70 - 813 AA's (Awaiting the AA Grind)
Beastlord, Level 70 680 AA's (Still many to go)
Wizard, Level 65 563 AA's (About all useful for level I think)
Cleric, Level 65 324 AA's (Next in line to finish level 65 AA's)
#13 Jun 03 2013 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
From what I see in your current levels, I'm impressed!! Good job, not just zooming to 85 or 90 and dissing the aa grind. Seems you have a handle on how you want to play your chars and giving in to peer-pressure to reach lvl 100 with minimal aa's. If you are boxing a few chars, then I would say keep up the Def AA's on you tank and the others (casters) can slide a little more on aa's as you reach a targeted goal set level.

Sippin is right. Depending on your current guild - that will serve as a direction for your level vs. aa grind.

YOU determine how you play your chars. I have decided that my chars will never see "raid" action (unless it's an open raid), my guild is just my wife and I; so we play at our own pace...not worring about racing to get the latest expansion so we can lvl cap out. EQ should be enjoyable = fun to play, not a race to be like everyone else.

Good Job and Good Luck on those levels and AA's KEC =)
#14 Jun 03 2013 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
Thank you! Zooming to level was what put me in this situation in the first place. Just before I quit the game, the strat was to get 65, then AA. I was aiming at that. Then the level cap went to 70 and my entire guild defected to WoW. EQ after that was no fun so I quit. I came back in late November or early December of last year faced with a stable of chars with zero AA's and not able to even handle some grey con mobs in current content. I don't box. I do have 3 accounts from back in the day, but they were never boxed and my current laptop has a hard time handling one instance of EQ, lol. I decided that the level grind was over and the AA grind should start. I must say though that getting one level still feels much more satisfying than dozens of AA's. I guess that is due to AA's being a hidden stat for all intents and purposes as only I know how many I have.

The AA grind has taken it's toll though. It has been very boring. I had been off work due to illness and needed something to do. Now I have the go ahead to start working again 3 days a week, so EQ will be curtailed somewhat. I will however keep plugging away at the last few AA's for these levels....
#16 Jun 15 2013 at 6:04 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
Spam in post above mine, probably will be deleted once reported.

BUT... can't this site just block posts such as these:

Poster has very few posts and/or account just made.
Poster includes a LINK.

I think anyone allowed to post links here, given the potential risk to legit members clicking such links, should have to prove their "bona fides" by posting here for awhile. Bots and spammers won't usually go to that much trouble.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#17 Jun 15 2013 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Well I reported it. Seemed like an ad to me. Not sure why more people don't report them. I let them go for a few days sometimes, just to see. Not sure, if they always get reported, or if a developer just happens to see it (maybe not logged in or under a different name than their admin name). Anyway, the admins get on it pretty quick once you report it, unless it's like 3am or some strange time (maybe prime time also), when they're all asleep or playing. :)

Yther Ore.
#18 Jun 15 2013 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
I reported it too. So the post CURRENTLY above my earlier post was NOT the spam. Just to be clear! I think people don't report for the same reason I thought twice before doing so: I could be wrong! But I wasn't going to click a potential risky link just to verify. Suffice to say next time I'd use the same standard I advocated above. And it's even easier as a "real person" (as opposed to an automated verification process) since you, Yther, and I were both able to see that the post contained NOTHING of potential value to anyone browsing these forums. In fact, it was painfully obvious that this was the product of a spam-bot.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
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