Ok, so I am playing a Shaman, and really enjoying it. I am only level 45 right now, so not too high and no AAs obviously, and I have been using a tank merc, dotting the mobs, healing when I have to, and buffing the merc and my pet. This is working out great for the most part, I have very little trouble taking down multiple dark blues or whites, and even a yellow or a red doesn't trouble me too much if I use my resist debuffs. Now here comes to where I'm having some problems.
Firstly, I'm having trouble making money. I have found a few named that I can farm here and there for some 50pp drops that I can sell, and if I'm working on it I can make about 500pp an hour, but it is no XP, and that really isn't much. Maybe it is, and I'm just being impatient? A nice guild member gave me a little money, and I had some loyalty points that I spent on bags of platinum, but that little nest egg is starting to dwindle as spells are getting quite expensive, as is filling in the pieces of defiant gear I have had no luck getting to drop. Any suggestions? Or is the 500pp an hour about the best I'm going to do at this point? I save things that look like they will sell in the bazaar, but have had no luck really selling anything since I can't be logged in all the time and I can't afford the RoF expansion until probably November, so no Offline trading.
Secondly, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the optimal spells to use in combat. I mean, I only have eight slots to use, so it is kind of hard picking what. I am using 3 dots, a resist debuff, my main heal, haste because the duration is so short so I can easily reapply it to my merc and pet without having to switch spell sets all the time, a nuke (I try to stick to the evocation ones, because I'm falling behind on the evocation skill even though the conjuration nukes hit much harder), and the last slot I have a hard time deciding between my disempower debuff and my slow. Now usually how combat comes is I pull with my debuff, let the tank get a little agro, send in the pet, apply dots, and let it die, nuke when it's running if it runs. So am I doing well? Does this work best? My melee skills are pretty much nil at this point, should I be tanking for a healer merc? Should I try to root rot? I only have 2 dots that don't have a DD component to them, so when I tried that it didn't work well. Any suggestions in this area would be grand.
Third is gear. I'm not upgrading constantly, just using my defiant drops, drops that I get that work well if I don't have a defiant piece, and I've started doing the daily quests for the hot zones. My problem is that I'm starting to fall behind on my gear, I'm wearing mostly the level 30 defiant gear, with some of the level 40 stuff and I just hit level 45. Is it super important to upgrade as soon as possible? Or is it ok to do like I've been doing? I'm not very lucky with drops, so filling in the slots seems to be very expensive, and like I said above, I'm running low on funds. Any suggestions on this at my level? Or does it not matter at this low of a level?
And fourth, and most important in my opinion, I'm playing a Shaman, and would one day maybe like to raid. I'm in a guild where that is a possibility, however since I'm mostly soloing and have had little luck finding groups my level, I have no idea how to heal properly. How am I supposed to learn how to heal? If I can't find groups, and I solo all the way up, I won't know how to play my class properly. Now is this a big deal? Is it possible to learn all the ins and outs and become a good healer if I don't start healing until close to max level? I mean at this point I'm not even sure what AAs to buy or what spells to use or have memorized in a group, it's all just solo knowledge at this point. I try looking things up online, but everything is pretty out dated, and a lot of what I do find is contradictory. So any advice on how to learn on how to play my class properly would be very much appreciated, more then any other advice. I just don't want to be a detriment to any group that I may play with later on.
Thanks for reading all of this, and I'm sorry it is so long, I think you all so very much for any advice and tips you might have to offer. Have a good night!