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Everquest MOD of Disrespect!!!!Follow

#1 Sep 11 2013 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
You have probably seen it...
EVERQUEST MOD:Customer Service is not the Raid loot distribution center HQ

Amazing!!! This is how they talk to their paying customers? Imagine you call Company X's Tech support and they go at the end of the call "CUSTOMER SERVICE IS NOT "FIXING YOUR ISSUE HQ" I'm pretty sure a lot of companies would fire the Customer Service Rep that ended that call like this. I'm not the only one turned off by this lack of respect to me as a paying customer. Head over to Everquest forums .
Read what others are saying and join in if you feel the same. I have never petitioned over a looting mistake, I have always figured, eh my fault pay attention, but to talk to us like this is highly unprofessional and disrespectful.



Edited, Sep 11th 2013 8:36pm by necraphilia
#2 Sep 11 2013 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
I thought it was an odd message, kind of trying to be cheeky/cute while firm, but coming out more confusing/pointless.

I would have said:

"We have noted a higher than usual need for Customer service intervention in regards to raid loot distribution. We believe this difficulty is arising from specific players and request they be more careful how they are looting. You have been warned".

But I would have made all cool boss loot nodrop years ago... but full loot table (go kill in Scarlet Desert to see what this looks like in EQ) on a kill. Tradable stuff shouldn't be the coolest... it can be almost as good. OR (just to contradict myself) make 95% of stuff attunable.

For raids... I would have given each participating character an independent loot chance (warhammer did a version of this on their public quests but slotted you based on your fellow questers... I would do it character-wise) based on their #of times completing said encounter. Short version... your % chance of getting the rarest drop goes up incrementally each time you do the encounter until you are basically handed it.
#3 Sep 11 2013 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I couldn't possibly care less about the MOTD. I read it, half-chuckled and moved on.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Sep 12 2013 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
He is Trolling.

They used CS to circumvent DKP.
They used CS because they don't pay attention to what they loot.

QQ more.

Isn't that what you guys say to us lowly groupers?
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 Sep 12 2013 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Jophiel wrote:
I couldn't possibly care less about the MOTD. I read it, half-chuckled and moved on.

Yeah, I wasn't offended because they weren't talking to me. Having never petitioned for such a ridiculous reason, it didn't apply to me. But some people experience outrage over anything that doesn't sound right, no matter whether it's directed at them or not. Uptight friend of a friend (a guy) got awfully offended when an admin at a site I frequent said, "Tampons are to be changed daily when Rosie is in town" after a few female members of the community (one of whom was married to said admin) got so wasted/addicted to slots during our gathering in Vegas that they went a couple days without doing so. Most of us laughed it off but one person (again, a dude) was so outraged, he left the community. Said gathering was in June, we just found out why he left (he didn't say a word, just stopped visiting the site).

Personally, I don't think the MOTD was strong enough in language. Also, I remember a time when "mistakenly looting" something was called ninjalooting, and was a punishable offense (especially if it happened repeatedly).
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#6 Sep 12 2013 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
I already said this on the Sony forum thread about it, but will say it again anyway. I tried to /petition when I first came back from EQ2 and won the loot of a head item, but there was a shoulder item on the corpse too, that looked like a head, that I accidentally looted. I didn't loot the head, and gave it to the next person since I already screwed up the shoulder loot. The response was I would have to marked as a ninja-looter and would probably be banned if suspected of it again. So I declined them fixing it to keep my status clean, as I had seen several people wrongfully banned without any infractions and thought even having one, would make it nearly impossible to get unbanned if it accidentally happened to me.

They must not be doing this any more, or people don't care, and they're not enforcing the multiple-strikes thing in order for them to make such a MOTD. Despite all that, and the MOTD, I don't really care, either. I think the MOTD could of been worded better, but I took it as they were trying to be funny, as previously said.

EDIT: Like Customer Service in not in the habit of fixing issues that YOU CAUSED REPEATEDLY!

Yther Ore.

Edited, Sep 12th 2013 11:40am by Yther
#7 Sep 12 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
I know people hate to hear that dirty three letter word, but the loot system on WOW would fix this problem instantly. Basically allow players who are in the raid to trade the gear for say 2 hours after it is looted. Once that two hours is up it can't be traded ever again.
#8 Sep 12 2013 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Yther wrote:
They must not be doing this any more, or people don't care, and they're not enforcing the multiple-strikes thing in order for them to make such a MOTD. Despite all that, and the MOTD, I don't really care, either. I think the MOTD could of been worded better, but I took it as they were trying to be funny, as previously said.

That's how I took it as well. Just assumed that for some reason they've been getting a lot of petitions from people complaining that they misslooted, or someone looted their drop, etc, and they're tired of getting them. At the end of the day, EQ is a social game. Deal with such things socially. If you're with a group of people raiding and you trust them, and someone makes a mistake, well... they made a mistake. You move on. If the same someone consistently "accidentally" loots something they're not supposed to, you don't invite them to raid anymore. There is pretty close to zero reason to involve the CS on this. The raid tool has long since eliminated the problem of someone outside your own raid ninjalooting items (ok, mostly), so barring an actual game bug occurring, I'm not sure what people expect CS to do here.

fronglo wrote:
I know people hate to hear that dirty three letter word, but the loot system on WOW would fix this problem instantly. Basically allow players who are in the raid to trade the gear for say 2 hours after it is looted. Once that two hours is up it can't be traded ever again.

Trade to/from only people that were in the raid? That might actually work. Would be a bear to program into the game at this point though. And again, you're "fixing" a problem that isn't a game design or bug issue. What's the old saying? The more you idiot proof the world, the more the world will produce idiots? I guarantee you that they'll still get petitions from people who picked up a piece of loot intending to give it to some other player, but then he logged, or crashed, or they forgot to give it to him in the 2 hour window, and pretty please let us trade it now...? Or "so and so won the roll for an uber drop and promised to sell it to me for X pp, but he gave it to someone else instead. Wah!!!".

I got a firm "we're putting our foot down on this silliness" message from that motd. Nothing wrong with that at all IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#9 Sep 12 2013 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
160 posts
gbaji wrote:
That's how I took it as well. Just assumed that for some reason they've been getting a lot of petitions from people complaining that they misslooted, or someone looted their drop, etc, and they're tired of getting them. At the end of the day, EQ is a social game. Deal with such things socially. If you're with a group of people raiding and you trust them, and someone makes a mistake, well... they made a mistake. You move on. If the same someone consistently "accidentally" loots something they're not supposed to, you don't invite them to raid anymore. There is pretty close to zero reason to involve the CS on this. The raid tool has long since eliminated the problem of someone outside your own raid ninjalooting items (ok, mostly), so barring an actual game bug occurring, I'm not sure what people expect CS to do here.

This is pretty much exactly what I thought when I saw the message. I'm sure there are people with legitimate claims, but for them to do a systemwide message says to me there are a bunch of people abusing the ability with frivolous things. Just being a paying customer in no way should entitle anyone to monopoloize the time of others with frivilous requests. If you keep going to court with frivilous lawsuits "But I'm a taxpayer" isn't going to suddenly make the judge not throw your case out and tell you to stop wasting his time.
#10 Sep 12 2013 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
fronglo wrote:
I know people hate to hear that dirty three letter word, but the loot system on WOW would fix this problem instantly. Basically allow players who are in the raid to trade the gear for say 2 hours after it is looted. Once that two hours is up it can't be traded ever again.

Good point/suggestion.
#11 Sep 12 2013 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
I'm guessing this is in reference to the two zone-wide drop items in Mistmoore and Naggie's Lair.... you know the cloak valued between $180 to $216 (3 mill pp value w/ 250k per card/krono) and the ring valued at $90 to108 (assuming 1.5m value w/ 250k value per card/krono)

I'd wager they had a LOT of petitions in regards to ninja looting.

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#12 Sep 12 2013 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
LuckyPoseidon wrote:
I'm guessing this is in reference to the two zone-wide drop items in Mistmoore and Naggie's Lair.... you know the cloak valued between $180 to $216 (3 mill pp value w/ 250k per card/krono) and the ring valued at $90 to108 (assuming 1.5m value w/ 250k value per card/krono)

I'd wager they had a LOT of petitions in regards to ninja looting.

Since those are tradable items, then that does fall squarely in the social solutions arena.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#13REDACTED, Posted: Sep 12 2013 at 9:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Read my post, im not asking for them to keep fixing loot. Talk to me with respect. No smart *** we are not the raid loot dist HQ. That's BS way to talk to a customer looking to pay 40 bucks for next expansion and spends 16 a month. Get rid of the raid dist HQ comment. Im tired of looking at it. You don't like your job QUIT loser
#14 Sep 12 2013 at 9:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Yeah, we get it. It's just that no one else here is especially riled up about it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Sep 13 2013 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Well damn it, I'm all riled up with laughter about these people that are all riled up about it. The political correctness has a stranglehold on people from speaking out the way it is. Trying to make it a joke, but still be firm, is now accosting the client base, huh?

Sure it could of been worded better as many people said, but don't think they won't do their jobs, and that it isn't a problem they'll fix when it's legitimate (and apparently when it's not or they wouldn't have posted such a statement). As that seemed to be the purprose of the motd, was to stop trivialous petitions.

Yther Ore.
#16 Sep 13 2013 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
756 posts
I'm reminded of an old saying by this thread. "You can't design anything foolproof because fools are so ingeniously stupid". This problem of looting will always exist. Players are human and humans are not perfect.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 9:54am by KEC
#17 Sep 13 2013 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Tempers flaring over the wording of the MOTD..

How dare they demand SOE to take finite developer time away from other areas of EQ for this....

The only MOTD that really matters to me is my Fellowship MOTD.
#18 Sep 13 2013 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Lol people just get mad about something that no one cares about.... the old saying "You can't please everyone." really holds true.


You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#19 Sep 14 2013 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
This is not the rant you were looking for Necraphillia, move along.
#20 Sep 14 2013 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
necraphilia wrote:
Read my post, im not asking for them to keep fixing loot. Talk to me with respect. No smart *** we are not the raid loot dist HQ. That's BS way to talk to a customer looking to pay 40 bucks for next expansion and spends 16 a month. Get rid of the raid dist HQ comment. Im tired of looking at it. You don't like your job QUIT loser

anyone else find it ironic that he wants them to "Talk to me with respect." but writes an insult laden post?

#21 Sep 15 2013 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
fronglo wrote:
I know people hate to hear that dirty three letter word, but the loot system on WOW would fix this problem instantly. Basically allow players who are in the raid to trade the gear for say 2 hours after it is looted. Once that two hours is up it can't be traded ever again.

No it wouldn't. It wouldn't fix the problem and it sure wouldn't be instant. In fact, it would create a larger problem than the one you want to solve.

gbaji wrote:
Trade to/from only people that were in the raid? That might actually work. Would be a bear to program into the game at this point though. And again, you're "fixing" a problem that isn't a game design or bug issue. What's the old saying? The more you idiot proof the world, the more the world will produce idiots? I guarantee you that they'll still get petitions from people who picked up a piece of loot intending to give it to some other player, but then he logged, or crashed, or they forgot to give it to him in the 2 hour window, and pretty please let us trade it now...? Or "so and so won the roll for an uber drop and promised to sell it to me for X pp, but he gave it to someone else instead. Wah!!!"

And this is why. "If you make it idiotproof, nature will just create a better idiot" We haven't even gotten into how much it would cost to implement the feature (I'm sure one of WoW's content releases costs more than EQ's annual development budget). Gbaji just pointed out the problems that exist with WoW's method too. It makes every server FV.....for two hours. You're naive if you don't think people would take full advantage of that. It would sure take the edge off of doing a farm status raid for the 117th time.

What I find funny is the OP throwing a tantrum about the MOTD still being up. They obviously don't care about your outrage. In this case, you're face with two options: you can either suck it up and deal or you can quit until they change it. If you think this is bad customer service, then you're not a very experienced consumer. Saying "Be more careful next time", even in a flippant manner, is not bad customer service because they're still giving you what you want. But if even 5% of their time is wasted on these types of issues, that's 5% less time available for real problems (ones that weren't caused by user error/negligence).
#22 Sep 17 2013 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
I support the Customer Service Rep's for they have a hellish job dealing with other silly crap going on in game. They are not there to hold your hand while looting, tell your raid leader to slow the hell down and kill one less target per raid evening and you won't be pushed for time to loot. Blame your loot problem on the raid leader's rushing a heard of kitten's thru each event that produces *%#$ ups. I know I was in a High End Raid Guild, 5 days a week 6 hours a night and it is a dog eat dog cycle Loot or Loose, off to next target .... loot wrong stuff o well. Remember, don't bit the hand that feed's ya.... CSR / GM's can make your day a nightmare..... LoL !
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