As a druid I haven't quad-kited in a long while, since our aoe spells did not keep up with content. But recently EQ seems to have decided to revive quadding since our 92-100 spells include 4 aoe spells, and these hit 5 mobs at a time. So I'm back to enjoying the "benefits" of killing 5 mobs real quick!
"Quinting" (as aoeing FIVE mobs is called) reminded me of the "Trick of the Trade" that I call the "Quarter-Turn."
Most players know that when a caster moves to a spot, stops, and then goes quickly to cast there's a good chance that his spellcast will be "interrupted", even though he stopped moving. This is because the EQ server doesn't "see" the stop yet and considers the caster to be still moving, and except for insta-cast spells we can't cast while running. This is a BIG problem during a quad/quint because the essence of that technique is to run around a pack of mobs nuking them down. The "trick" is to do a "quarter-turn" right after stopping. This just means using your mouse or movement keys to turn slightly to the left or the right just after stopping. I usually turn left and then immediately back to "straight ahead." This sends a position update to EQ's server which informs them that you are not in motion right before you cast a spell.
I'm sure most experienced players have run into this but it could be useful info for noobs and long-time returnees. I do the quarter-turn instinctively now, even when I'm just fighting at a fixed camp in a group and I have to move a short distance for any reason.
Anyone else got some useful "tricks" to pass on? I will post more as I think of them and find time. Even "obvious" tricks aren't always obvious to everyone.