Sippin wrote:
Shrouds were a good idea which required some serious development time to implement which was allowed to become obsolete and mostly irrelevant to the game due to failure to upgrade and maintain. EQ has a number of elements like this, for example LDoN missions, which were hugely popular in their time and encouraged real grouping, often with strangers, like nothing else since the first couple years of the game. It's unfortunate that instead of doing the relatively minor work needed to upgrade such concepts (i.e. keep them consistent with current levels, gear requirements, etc.) the devs invest probably MORE time, skill and effort in unneeded work like overhauling zones like Misty, Freeport, Ro, Nektulos, the Bazaar, etc. That isn't to say that all-new content isn't a good thing but keeping successful older content updated makes a lot of sense.
I much prefer new Innothule. Nektulos 2.0 was terrible, 3.0 is reasonable, Lavastorm was superbly reborn --but it was tied into purposeful additions to the game. Stall bazaar was a crashing lagfest on some servers. When they stick to the classic zone layout and just polish up the graphics... I see no harm in revamps done thoughtfully to lore, or necessary to improve gameplay.
Shrouds... if they hadn't been the sly way to save a pet kit, would they have ever been seen? I can't recall ever seeing anyone play one outside of the first 2 weeks of that expac except to cheat a quest. If the "shroud to 70" trick was nerfed I think they would be the most coding/least used feature in the game... to me shrouds are one of the best examples of expac sell hype candy.
LDoN is sad because it was sooo popular.