Inspired by Banner and Shishu, I started my own "old school " character Rhaah, a barbarian shaman. I wanted to do something a little different, and I remember Halas/everfrost being a place with a whole lot of mobs in the newbie area...
Some notes now that Rhaah is level 3
1. I always thought that it took longer to level back in the day because you were underpowered, but really it is more just because I cannot kill anything quickly...takes minutes to kill blues and whites at level 3...
2. With the way Halas is set up, having to swim the lake, it takes forever to just run errands and finish quests...which is actually fun because Halas was always a confusing place for me to run around, and I am getting to know the zone better.
3. It is fun to loot EVERYTHING...I forget that I cannot give myself all this money to buy things, and spells cost.
4. I get sooooooo excited when I see mobs carrying weapons, cause that equals money....
5. The class armor that you can make is really get 3 wisdom on a bracer when you got nothing is actually EXCITING...
Anyway, if you are on Povar and you see some corpses named Rhaah in Everfrost, please stop and say a little pray...