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Lunar Madness - Connil on the MoonFollow

#1 Oct 22 2013 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
9 posts
Connil grew up 'the old fashioned way', as any halfling from Rivervale should. Stomping fire beetles and leaf drakes in Misty Thicket, like many before him. Nowadays its hard to imagine how or why he was spared from 'slavery' in the Gloomingdeep Mines, but he's better off for it. He has a better sense of the hardships his elders went through, and a few pieces of homemade Moss Toe Armor to boot.

One day he found himself in crescent reach, grinding away at the Nokk undead, the shadow of the looming Hero's Journey quests closing in fast... when Connil shouted "ENOUGH! I'm going to the moon!" and without as much as packing a bag, he ran out to the Moors and touched the book of knowledge. Picked up a few spells in the library, and off to Shadeweavers Thicket he went.

That first night was eventful. Not much to be found in the Thicket, he trekked into Paludal Caverns, only to realize he had been there before, perhaps in a dream? The Phlarg Fiends put up little resistance as Connil pushed on through the zone. Eventually he reached the Hollowshade Moor, where he managed to find an outpost guarded by several Shar Vahl, who seemed friendly enough. An adventuring Enchanter alerted Connil that a war was starting, and that his current position wouldnt be safe for long. 'A war?!' the thought quickened his pulse, and in the spirit of adventure, decided not to seek safety, but to go watch the events unfold instead.

a quick run to the east led him to an Owlbear encampment; the owlbears seemed the right size for possibly making a cloak from thier hides, Connil relieved a few owlbears of them. and suddenly from behind, a line of stalking Sonic Wolves descended on the camp. Connil was already in wolf form at this point, and the Sonic Wolves seemed not to notice him. Connil decided if he blends in well enough, maybe he can walk along with them, to get a view of the action. Once the wolves reached their destination, though, they immediately noticed that one among them didnt belong, and set out to dispatch the infiltrator. Luckily Connil's speed is his saving grace, he was able to outrun the wolves and find safety at the gates of Shar Vahl.

The next night, Connil found Denth, leader of the Lunar Mutant Rights Now, and asked to join the guild. Thankfully, Denth agreed, and after a short chat, she buffed Connil and set off to her own adventures. Emboldened for new experiences, Connil went in search of trouble in the Netherbian Lair. And boy did he find it. The very first encounter seemed to set the tone for the entire evening- multiple adversaries at a time, more often than not a higher level than Connil. He was told he could keep his mercenary for a short time, so he could catch up to the rest of the guild; the mercenary earned her keep this night. For hours the battles raged on, Connil at many times overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents, but he persevered, and emerged victorious from every fight. Several times his mercenary was overcome, and Connil would run frantically down the hall, several snared & dotted reds in tow. The seasons ticked by, until just a few hours after leaving Denth, he had aquired 5 levels, from 20 to 25.

Very late in the evening, a Palidin guildmember found Connil exhausted but still going, and offered to help. They ran out to Marus Saru, and the evening continued same as before, overwhelmed in number and in rank, persevering in battle, yet this time with a gracious overseer, providing timely heals and snares. Soon Connil will be 26... very soon

#2 Oct 22 2013 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Wow...a Halfling with the spirit of Rallos in him...Rhaah is honored to fight with you...all glory to Zek!!!!!!

#3 Oct 22 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
9 posts
the honor will be all mine! i look forward to it =)
#4 Oct 22 2013 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Fun backstory, sort of deadpoolish for breaking the third wall (which no one has done in the recent spate of such things posted here) so kudos for that.

being 26 you're already ahead of almost half the guild Smiley: nod

I'd say the core group that is moving a bit quicker is approaching the 50s where it might slow down for a bit (my druid for example, will probably max out levell 55 useful AA). However, there's other level-range pockets and basically grouping opportunities during any evening playtime. Plus, many are either willing to assist a lower character that wants some company, or even roll another character to level with. [Kind of an in general update for anyone reading this that hasn't yet given into the desire to be a part of the lunar madness]

As far as mercs go... we've basically avoiding using them in groups because they supertrivialize the content. Mostly using them as a catch-up tool solo, or if a tasty named needs to die and you know you can't solo it but the merc could.

Remember to check out the guild bank for of Luclin goodness (still pretty much all 1-30s level stuff), we want it getting used! (and we need space for 30-50s stuff we haven't looted yet). Smiley: lol
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