Remianen wrote:
snailish wrote:
50+ we tend to need DPS of all things to make our groups more viable (or our adventures more risky). Yet having said that... if you love being a tank or a healer, feel free.
Hmm, I have the remains of my guild on CT. Most characters are in the 70s and above but I do have a CLR/ENC/WIZ trio at 65.
Let's see what remains of Rendition since the exodus to FV.
Is rerolling a requirement? Just curious because I could always roll a new character on one of my (now) perma-gold accounts. But the trio is already geared and would be neat to AA (in a group or with mercs). Might be fun to see how App mercs do. :) I could make a Bard and force multiply the existing DPS :D
Under 80, I have a Druid (71), Necro and Magician (72), Rogue (73), Enchanter and Ranger (75), and Monk (77).
I just noticed that my 65 trio haven't been logged in in almost four years (1/12/10). And everyone else hasn't been logged in since 2012.
EDIT: Ooooo, found a 40 warrior on the Necro's account and a 31 zerker on the 'chanter's account. Oh, chanter is 76 now. Logged her in and she immediately dinged the guild lobby?!?
Edited, Dec 9th 2013 5:53pm by Remianen rerollers are welcome, but it isn't necessary to do so. --for some that is the fun though (even continuously rerolling and never getting past level 40s)
We're loosely sticking to "era gear" with our era being Luclin + Odus (Odus being LoY and eventually TBS too). Mainly we are avoiding being geared in defiant and PoK quest/vendor gear as it super trivializes the content we are doing (and we aren't trying to do it all super fast). We're generally avoiding older content that isn't Luclin/Odus so we have strange gear gaps. For example my 55 druid has almost no focus effects.
The highest characters are presently working the content in the 59-63 range (so we've havent tapped out LoY yet). I have a level 4 monk... and others are playing lower too. We have people (including me) willing to help with the low levels if that isn't an appealling grind, and once someone hits the 40s they are able to group with are more active population (that is slowly creeping up as more move past 60).
If what we are doing appeals to you (or anyone) just send someone a tell and we'll get you invited into the guild and figure it out.
Rukkuss wrote:
had some time for EQ though got my monk/ranger combo both to 51 and earning some AAs still thinking of transferring them but its 2500 SC per and I just don't hink it would be worth it at this time although I really want to group up with you guys. I just have so much time invested on Bertoxx
Well, if you are gold sub on both accounts with no SC it's a long time (5 months?) to accummulate enough to do those 2 moves.
When this concept hatched, I decided to roll a class I wasn't playing elsewhere (druid). I've moved a few (mostly with saved up SC) from Zek where I wasn't playing them too, but I totally understand any person not wanting to spend a real life $ on such.
My suggestion is reroll something you really love in a new race. OR, try something completely new. I've done a bit of both actually (and still have several classes I have never really played that I could get into for this).
I also learned that the Hole no longer needs a key... the one character I had taken there in the last 5 years had her key already. I do wonder if it was still keyed on progression though? (Hopefully was imo).
Edited, Dec 9th 2013 6:54pm by snailish