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The "Tuning" of the Game [EQ]Follow

#1 Jan 07 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I've snipped this comment of Cjguy's as I've seen a lot like it over the years:

cjguy wrote:
still does not help anyone below 85 sure goto current content at 85 see what happns. 99% mobs summons have so much hp takes 10 minutes just to kill one. I do not box or power level nor do I want to or be forced to. as I stated in another post 90% to 95% people do that leaves the rest of us high and dry, that is the major problem with eq and why new people quit.

A background confession: I'm a casual alt-hololic that didn't enjoy the raid-aspect of this game at closer-to-end-game content years ago, so I have been behind ever since. The last 7 years I have mostly soloed, with the occasional foray into a fun family guild. When I first played, I quit a week in Omens of War because I felt like my class (enchanter) was broken and the content was ridiculous. From my perspective at the time it is fair to say it was. So I could easily have posted something like what I quoted above.

But... if OoW had been easy for me (in my way underdeveloped character, soloing or inadequate grouping of similarly played characters) then the expac would have been completely trivial to the more dedicated playerbase (in the sense of character progress, not love of the game or time spent).

So fast-forward that idea ahead to today:

I dislike the summoning mechanic for non-uber boss mobs, but the devs decided long ago this was there way of preventing certain classes from soloing way above their heads. (Necro is my longest played main in the game, trust me I hate summoning). It's basically their "this is group content" label. Level 85 is within grouping range of current cap... but getting far enough that it is part of the hotzone cycle now. Hotzoning being the devs inelegant fix for "bad xp grinding to get to population". It lets us solo the lowest con trash we can for decent xp.

Nobody has to box. Nobody has to powerlevel. Nobody even has to group to skim the edge of the more-current content, but ultimately if one wants to progress in the up to date content when it is current one has to group (and if you want the good stuff you have to raid). This was actually worse Kunark to PoP than it is now in my view (except that a lot of really good stuff was tradable up till Velious). Any class that is well-played can solo up to 75 in TSS. Using a merc makes that speedy for even the most otherwise tedious of classes.

Could they do some work extending the TSS approach to a few zones so the chain clearly goes 76-95? Yes they could.

The problem they've been arguing internally about (we've seen drips of it publicly over the years on the official boards such as in Elidroth's threads) is how to make it even easier for the player types that solo without the advantages to catch up without making it "too easy" for the people that use/have access to the advantages. AA count is really the crux of this gap (they've given us stupidly overpowered gear, and a decent spell system).

So it comes down to the individual player's wants. I long ago decided that I will enjoy each characters' journey and not care how far I take them (really helps with the alts). If I got serious about a character I would join an active guild. I would use vet rewards, hotzones, xp pots, mercs and group with much higher levels as a level 61 (as in take the friendly power-level so that I actually am useful to my guildmates in a group rather than just a leech) and get myself up to the content where they need me to actually play. This would mean buying the new expacs though...
#2 Jan 07 2014 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Very well said....I saw what cj had posted and thought about replying, but I understand the frustration...Velious killed the pvp server, and OOW was the most frustrating expansion for me of any of I understand.

But like Snail, one of the things that keeps me here is my atl-o-holicism. I have come to appreciate all that the game still has in it, and enjoy the journey: whether that be with a guild ( woohoo Mutants ) or just enjoying my characters ( only goal, to hunt and kill dragons ).

This game keeps going, years after its supposed demise. I play other games ( Skyrim, Aion, Star Wars, etc... ) but I keep coming back to this one cause it feel like home.

Not really sure where I am going with this, but to say that I always find something in this game that I enjoy and love...I guess if I was chasing endgame, I might not as much, but....
#3 Jan 07 2014 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
178 posts
Yes I do have frustration but think it is the fact that as a person who cannot afford to box, play another game I felt left behind. I would love to group with ours but when trying to get people to group is like going to the dentist to have half your teeth removed painful. Seems like a lot of people box and power level which is fine but when you want to group so you can explore, old and new content yes that becomes very boring and annoying. I understand the group content and aspect of the game.

I just wish there were area as a person who solo mobs were worth the time and effort to kill exp and gear wise: I know this would lead to some problems as plane of fire at usually a level 100 mage or ranger swarming the zone. My frustration is why did I spend time getting flags, just to have them be removed and getting nothing for my efforts why do I have over half of the leadership points purchased which I have heard they will be removed in the future.

I have stated and not alone if there has to be mercs wish they were half as powerful and one merc per 5 group that way maybe some people might be more inclined to group. I think it would be interesting to see one or two servers where there was no mercs just to see how many would play on it and I am not taking about what people are telling me in tells 1999 if you get the hint.

I will try to choose my words more wisely, try to keep my sentence structure in better order that way people can read it understand what I am trying to convey and maybe just stop posting for awhile and enjoy eq the best way I can.
#4 Jan 07 2014 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
cjguy wrote:
Yes I do have frustration but think it is the fact that as a person who cannot afford to box, play another game I felt left behind. I would love to group with ours but when trying to get people to group is like going to the dentist to have half your teeth removed painful. Seems like a lot of people box and power level which is fine but when you want to group so you can explore, old and new content yes that becomes very boring and annoying. I understand the group content and aspect of the game.

I just wish there were area as a person who solo mobs were worth the time and effort to kill exp and gear wise: I know this would lead to some problems as plane of fire at usually a level 100 mage or ranger swarming the zone. My frustration is why did I spend time getting flags, just to have them be removed and getting nothing for my efforts why do I have over half of the leadership points purchased which I have heard they will be removed in the future.

I have stated and not alone if there has to be mercs wish they were half as powerful and one merc per 5 group that way maybe some people might be more inclined to group. I think it would be interesting to see one or two servers where there was no mercs just to see how many would play on it and I am not taking about what people are telling me in tells 1999 if you get the hint.

I will try to choose my words more wisely, try to keep my sentence structure in better order that way people can read it understand what I am trying to convey and maybe just stop posting for awhile and enjoy eq the best way I can.

I do understand your frustration...I am sorry if it seemed I didn't. I posted, like you, what I felt about the game and how I handled that. It is frustrating to not find groups, and mercs do make it super easy at sub 75 level. Kinda why we started Mutants, to able to group and do things that required us to play.

The problem with that is we had to artificially set that up...if we were in defiant with mercs, it was grouping to group, not cause we needed to, and that is not as fun or challenging.

No idea what level you are ( assuming 90-100 ) but if you ever want someone to actually group with ( non-box ) I would gladly make a guy and group up with you ( can you tell I love alt"s....Smiley: sly Smiley: sly Smiley: sly ) Hell, we could make a necro and a mage and see just how much of the world we could take out....Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh

I hope you keep posting, even if we don't exactly get what you say, or don't exactly agree, its great to have every opinion here on this board. So please keep sharing, makes me think more, at least. And at my age, that is a good thing....Smiley: grin Smiley: grin Smiley: grin
#5 Jan 07 2014 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
You know, if someone with that kind of experience were announcing in General or OOC they were putting together an old school POP flagging party, I'd be inclined to group up.
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#6 Jan 07 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
cjguy wrote:

I will try to choose my words more wisely, try to keep my sentence structure in better order that way people can read it understand what I am trying to convey and maybe just stop posting for awhile and enjoy eq the best way I can.

Please keep posting. I snipped the quote to not derail the other thread --what you said inspired me to say something, as you captured my state of mind on EQ at a time in the past. My solution was to disengage from the new content... as I don't see the path to success there as enjoyable for me. My solution certainly won't work for all. I have empathy for your situation, as being in it led me to leave the game in the past.

1 easy thing the devs could do is take some "non sacred" content and hardcore it in the sense of simply level boosting it. For example:

Move all the epic/quest/spell related stuff from LoY expac into Gunthak. Then boost Dulak, Torigan Mines, Nadox and Hates' Fury to be level 75-100 zones (in a logical progression as they currently are) with exactly the same mob mechanics as they have now... with some of them being "weaker" as they retrofitted onto TSS mobs (like the spiders in Goru Kar Mesa). The global loot drops would be upped to suit the new level, leave the vendor trash as is (so terrible for the level so this isn't an attractve farming place). Make the gear drops good casual-level gear (better would be the same old junk drops tied into quests for better gear at the Gunthak Lighthouse). Make xp better than average, but not hotzone. This way the hotzones still have their appeal (and remain the PLer 1st choice, since PLers can be an aggravation to certain casual playstyles).

This revised LoY zone progression would offer a variety of challenge (mobs in Nadox can be hard as red cons despite them not having too many silly effects or summoning for example, just due to social aggro. The one ship in Dulak is a pain with the healer mobs in the same way). Possibly even add in some task-system based quests that grant 100aa but are only available once per level (so a level 95 person has 500 aa to earn, a level 75 would have 2500).
#7 Jan 07 2014 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Completely off-topic:

I've always liked Gunthak and Dulaks. Even Nadox has its charm. Torigan could get a little wonky with mob pathing -- but that's just EQ. :-DI didn't run a whole lot of Hate's Fury but the few times we ventured in, I wasn't disappointed.

Edited, Jan 7th 2014 4:09pm by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#8 Jan 07 2014 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
178 posts
I was just made aware of the time locked no merc server, however then there is no loyalty vendor which if you play a pet class some of the pet focus items would be nice to have, no Mercs is nice not sure market place is available did not check. That server will have to some more checking on however I just want a server that has everything but mercs that way we can progress and not be locked out from any content.

I am currently playing on Rather server 65 Mage, Xegony 73 Ranger and on Zek 87 Necro, 61 Beastlord. I play on different servers depending on the different times I play and how many people are actually doing anything.

I for one was looking for soe to change the station market place, liked the idea of one item a month at 2000 sc value but yet again they change there minds and decided to keep it at 500 sc which is fine but not awful lot to buy anything and takes awhile to save up especially for character transfer tokens. I was going to get a mount for my toons on the three different servers since they can be shared just not across servers which would be nice if they could ever make items that could infact be shared across servers. I wish they gave us a choice to choice either station cash a month or one item a month: I know majority rules but that is not always a good thing.

Edited, Jan 7th 2014 4:53pm by cjguy
#9 Jan 07 2014 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Honestly, I think that the changes they've made have made it much easier on the casual/solo player. I get that you want "the old days" when everyone had to group to succeed, but to be honest, those old days weren't really that great. As long as boxing is possible, people will box and those who can't/wont will end out being lonely at any but the highest levels. Mercs and defiant were added specifically because in their absence, people weren't able to obtain sufficient gear to advance in the game through the mid levels without boxing or PLing. Those changes were made specifically for the casual player. I'm not sure how taking them away will help.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think people will respond to the absence of those things by grouping up like in the good ole days. They'll just box their way through, or not play. Which is precisely what was happening which caused those changes in the first place.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Jan 07 2014 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
gbaji wrote:
Honestly, I think that the changes they've made have made it much easier on the casual/solo player.

I totally agree.

If you are a gold account, login to Vulak and try to play a cleric or warrior solo using nothing but what you loot, and travelling by foot to hunt (so no PoK to Paludal with skinspikes and temp cast on you). Keeping in mind that it is waay easier than it truly was (ooc regen, stronger spells for the casters, xp penalties removed, etc.). Most people won't make it to level 15.

I found playing a necro there annoying pre-kunark because of the weird xp curve the server had (has?). Basically negated the bonus of solo kiting red cons... I got better xp in a group killing dark blues.

I think a new progression server would have a robust population. I think if there was one that wasn't based of the top guild or two racing unlocks... it would remain robust despite moving much slower through stuff. It's hard to recreate any sort of progression environment on a live server as the temptations are accessable (i.e., LoN loot cards), not impossible though.

Truth is this game could support a "Naked Gnomes on Tuesdays Guild" if that is what people found fun, as long as they wanted to stick to their "rules". The trick is finding people that share "rule" interest.

I suppose the gist of the OP was: "You can solo/molo in EQ really well up to the near edge of current content. After that results will vary, but most will need to join the group game to see efficient progress. The less advantages you have access to or choose to use, the more tedious that climb can be though"
#11 Jan 07 2014 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
178 posts
There lays the problem I have been back now going on 5 months and m necro has been stuck at 87 because going to old bloodfields or any other content mobs summons and your dead. I gave pet all mage level 100 gear, using pet focusitem, j5 merc and pet stiil cannot hardly tank mobs and xp dark blue mobs is taking forever.

yes a group would be nice but no one does that which is one of my major complains and frustrations. I am happy they have gear for lower end people never desired them to take them away just wish mercs if had to extist were limited in the way they were used that way some people might actually group instead of totally depending on mercs.

Sad that people have to power level and box in the first place. I always thought eq was a game where you meet people, socialized, went on quests, killed together and enjoyed the game but the way it is now I might as well be playing guild wars which I have no desire to do.

Edited, Jan 7th 2014 6:04pm by cjguy
#12 Jan 07 2014 at 5:46 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Thinking directly about cjguy:

With no disrespect to Zek server... your necro would find a regular server that has a decent pop (like Cazic Thule) to have tremendously more options for interaction with others that are productive and fun.

Or go Povar server, for example there is <Unholy Czars> an absolutely massive casual grouping friendly guild. Jonwin (afaik) plays heavily there. I have a retired chanter there lol. My chanter was/is low 60s... that guild has people on level 40-100s at any given time (and I don't think I ever saw less than 25 logged in during my EST evening playtime), but my brief experience was they were really doing the 90-100 group content together.
#13 Jan 07 2014 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
cjguy wrote:
There lays the problem I have been back now going on 5 months and m necro has been stuck at 87 because going to old bloodfields or any other content mobs summons and your dead. I gave pet all mage level 100 gear, using pet focusitem, j5 merc and pet stiil cannot hardly tank mobs and xp dark blue mobs is taking forever.

I think you might just have gotten used to a much faster exp gain rate. Things do slow down in the high 80s IMO. Depends on your class as to where the specific break points are. You may just have found one with your necro. Have you tried fighting lower level mobs? I've found that it's often faster to blow through large numbers of lt blues than fighting blue mobs, especially where there's an expansion difference involved. And yeah, exp rate slows down.

yes a group would be nice but no one does that which is one of my major complains and frustrations. I am happy they have gear for lower end people never desired them to take them away just wish mercs if had to extist were limited in the way they were used that way some people might actually group instead of totally depending on mercs.

I agree with your objective, but I just don't think that this will produce the results you want. If mercs are not tuned sufficiently to allow people to be able to solo with them, then people will tend to just move away from the game rather than go through the frustration of trying to find a group every time they want to play. It's why they created mercs in the first place. Even if you do have a group of folks (like say a guild) that you can play with, it is nice to at least have the option of doing something solo if you want. Even back in the day, when I was in a very active guild, I distinctly remember being hampered by playing a class that couldn't solo well. That factor is much more prevalent today than it was back then.

Sad that people have to power level and box in the first place. I always thought eq was a game where you meet people, socialized, went on quests, killed together and enjoyed the game but the way it is now I might as well be playing guild wars which I have no desire to do.

Interestingly enough, I've found that I interact with people more today than I did during the time period prior to quitting last time (basically prior to mercs). I can solo my characters if I want, but I actually find myself joining groups more often now if for no other reason than there's actually people around now, and sometimes they get bored soloing. Also, mercs make it so that you don't have to have the holy trinity available to form a group (cause you can make them up with mercs). If I run into any random other player of any class and we feel like grouping up, we can, and it doesn't feel like we've gimped ourselves by doing so.

As an example. Prior to mercs, if I was soloing with my wizard, and I ran into an enchanter who was soloing, there's no way we would ever form a group. Those two classes have radically different soloing methodologies, and grouping together doesn't really synergize. But with mercs? One of us popped a tank, one popped a healer, and we proceeded to pull and mez and nuke the hell out of a whole area and had a blast doing it. So mercs can actually make it easier to form groups. You just have to go out and ask folks. I've been surprised actually how often some random person is willing to group up. It's not like the old days where you'd regret grouping because the tank went afk 5 minutes after you joined, then the cleric bailed, then you waited 20 minutes for a replacement to show up, only to have him insist that you all pick up and follow him to some "much better hunting spot", and a dozen other annoyances that inevitably occurred.

Dunno. I just think that in addition to making sure that every single time I log in I can at least accomplish something (even if it's just doing a couple dailies and burning LoD), it also makes it easier to form ad-hoc groups with random people I meet. At the very least, I don't see how reducing the power or stacking of mercs will make people group more. I just think it'll drive people to either box or quit.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#14 Jan 07 2014 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
178 posts
well I know one thing certain mobs a merc will be blown away and die. Yes they may have there place but I have spoken with, seen in general chat atleast 100 people who were returning on new quit. That is 100 less to play with. I will just have to suck it up and xp slowly.
#15 Jan 07 2014 at 8:52 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts

Handicapping, in sport and games, is the practice of assigning advantage through scoring compensation or other advantage given to different contestants to equalize the chances of winning.

The word also applies to the various methods by which the advantage is calculated. In principle, a more experienced player is disadvantaged in order to make it possible for a less experienced player to participate in the game or sport whilst maintaining fairness.

Handicapping also refers to the various methods by which spectators can predict and quantify the results of a sporting match.(...)

Variations of the above descriptions are ever-present in EQ. We handicap by grouping, by using merc, by twinking gear and with AA distribution. EQ is tidal force, soloists cannot hope to win by swimming directly into the current. Choose an alternate course, revisit AA and hope for the best.

My characters usually end up at bind, but hey, that's half the fun.
#16 Jan 08 2014 at 5:07 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Hello cjguy,

As a lvl 87 Necro (the soloing class of EQ) you can still get better xp or aaxp by soloing (specifically agro kiting) in "Feerrott the Dream" as opposed to OBF, despite OBF being a hotzone. I would forget the pet tanking and suspend mercs as a Necro when xp'ing, unless a named spawns etc.

Virtually all trash mobs in "Feerrott the Dream" except the animals and some lizardmen will be 85-86 iirc which would make them dark blue cons to your Necro till 90 or 91. i.e. the Undead Gorillas and Undead Frogs come to mind. The mob density, castors plus summoning mobs mixed in with them in OBF makes it less effective compared to "Feerrott the Dream".

Pick up groups and pick up clerics are rare for years now (before mercs) as indicated earlier in the thread. But as a necro you will do better getting xp solo with no mercs..

Believe me ! I play a Necro as my main and I box and group also. But when its time to gain some xp or aaxp my necro shines most when solo with no merc, not as much in a group scenario..

Good luck.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 4:42pm by hexeez
#17 Jan 08 2014 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
Trappin wrote:

[i]My characters usually end up at bind, but hey, that's half the fun.

Hahahahaha...hence all the corpses you see piled up in the LOY expansion on Cazic by me....Smiley: lol Smiley: laugh Smiley: lol
#18 Jan 08 2014 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
I'm guessing things haven't changed so much that Necros are still badass solo'ers up to level cap?
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#19 Jan 08 2014 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
nekokirei wrote:
I'm guessing things haven't changed so much that Necros are still badass solo'ers up to level cap?


Gratz on guru Nekokirei.Smiley: smile

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 3:57pm by hexeez
#20 Jan 08 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Thanks much Hex, and thanks all for the [:thumbs up:] .
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#21 Jan 08 2014 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
wow gratz on Guru ,man!!
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#22 Jan 09 2014 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
I would really like to see the speeds you level from 1 to 90 change. I think 1 to 60 is probably too fast and 60 to 90 is too slow. Problem with 1 to 60 is depending on your class it is VERY easy to let some of your skills go mostly unused then you end up unable to cast an important spell because a casting skill is too low. Also it just feels like once you to hit 60 it just drags. This doesn't even include the AA that is pretty much mandatory now. I know they have made AA easier and even higher end leveling is alot faster than it used to be. I remember the Kunark days when it took YEARS for a casual player to hit max level. IF they plan on churning out expansions that only cater to the max level population it really be nice if it didn't take forever and a day to reach that point in the game.

I know its my own fault I haven't ever done it but I have yet to ever hit max level in this game EVER. I have played it off and on since around 2000 and before I every reach max level I just get so burnt out that I just quit for several months at a time. By the time I get back new expansions have hit with new level caps and there ya go. Right now my max toon is lvl 85 with about 2100AA. The thought of logging in doesn't even appeal to me because I know If I want to do anything its going to be with me, myself, and I. I have a guild they are good people but the level ranges are so spread out that usually only a handful of lvl 95+ ever do anything in a group. I personally am sick of killing the same enemy over..and over... and over....and over again.

I really wish they would adopt the leveling system of a game like WOW (gasp I said that dirty 3 letter word!). When you look at the leveling system of Wow you can go from lvl 1 to max level and never kill a single thing that isn't part of a quest. You don't have to make every quest in the game a tedious chore that takes more time to complete than its worth.. Perfect quests IMO are the ones given out for the Hotzones. Make them simple kill X amount of things and get a worthwhile amount of exp for doing it... Change it up a bit make players hunt down a solo able named that doesn't take 2 days to spawn for a handful of PP and exp. The only quests I seem to come across in this game outside of TSS either require a group or they take hours to complete and/or require you to run all through a zone that with 1 bad pull will wipe you out.
#23 Jan 09 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Isn't there something coming where we'll be able to create a, I guess like a lvl 85 toon with level appropriate gear and some AA to avoid some of what Fronglo's points out?
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#24 Jan 09 2014 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
It wouldnt surprise me they did it in EQ2. It would be kinda nice i suppose. But in this game I find after i came back i found it difficult to get back into my druid who was my main since the start(march 2000). And even now sometimes i feel like im so far behind in the AAs and levels and new zones that i want to quit again. So i find myself with the druid going super slow, just doing lvl 70 daily and slowly spending my AA note he has less than 200, my goal is 500 before leveling and then keeping up with the AAs per level. But as far as the level 85 instant toon i would do it of course but i think i would find myself struggling with the placement of AAs.
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#25 Jan 09 2014 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
178 posts
I know I am facing that dilemma right now my ranger at level 73 just hit 1000 AA and been told are 11000 AA total, I dislike the grind my

self but it is a necessary one. I have people all the time to goto level 80 and I will have a better chance at groups and better gear. I want all

the AA I can out of the way first is my idea because 1) easier to grind AA now, 2) if I do goto a zone where mobs happen to summons better

gear will help but will need the AA to go with it so I have a chance at tanking the mob. The Old Blood Fields is level 80 or 85 hot zone which

my experience a lot of the mobs do infact summons heard half the mobs at 80 or higher do summons so my idea at getting better gear along

the way along with AA will be the opportunity to survive.
#26 Jan 09 2014 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
small preview of what's to come in the Hate Rising content release

•Heroic Adventures revamped to scale down to level 85 groups
•Currency from Heroic Adventures can now be used to purchase Level 95, 90, and 85 gear, weapons, and augs
•New Gear, Weapons, and Augmentations - including Breastplates!
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