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The "Tuning" of the Game [EQ]Follow

#27 Jan 09 2014 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
nekokirei wrote:
Isn't there something coming where we'll be able to create a, I guess like a lvl 85 toon with level appropriate gear and some AA to avoid some of what Fronglo's points out?

Highly anticipated in rumour circles. Not necessarily going to happen though.


-generates revenue
-didn't cause EQII players to all quit (I logged into that game recently... the option to super buff even applies to existing characters there, so I could up my 6 year old abandoned inquisitor by 40+ levels and way better gear/aa if I wanted)
-basic code was already written to do /testbuff and the mayong 51/50 server (so it shouldn't be tons of work for the payback)
-even a hugely headstarted level 85 or 90 character is behind... should have minimal negative impact on anyone's gameplay, but may have the positive impact of increasing activity in the current grouping content, and get behind types that want to do current raiding and such up to speed.

Personally, I think it lands in the game before the full anniversay hits.
#28 Jan 10 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
3,036 posts
It's rather ironic that in a game called EverQUEST quests are really not all that important. It's fully possible to max out a toon, including levels, AAs and gear, without ever doing even ONE quest.

I enjoy doing quests, especially ones that do NOT involve the classic WoW style "Kill 10 of this beast, 20 of that one and then return to the quest-giver for your prize" since those aren't really "quests" in the form traditional to fantasy fiction and RP games. I like those that involve solving riddles, travelling the world, sneaking into forbidden dungeons and jungles and killing only when all else fails. It's just that I'm inherently goal-driven and I find it hard to justify spending hours on a quest if the reward isn't significant. That's MY failing, since the "end" should be the fun, the challenge and the sense of accomplishment in completion. But this is why I search out fun quests with at least passable rewards. Like recently I started doing the epic ornament quest for those of my toons with their epics, under the apprehension that an epic ornamentation converts any weapon to "class only" which then contributes to strengthening a charm whose power increases the more class-specific "gear" is worn by the bearer. Well, this was a MIS-apprehension since it doesn't seem to work that way but I didn't realize it until I obtained my first epic ornament.

I may still do this quest for all my epic-bearer alts, since it's kinda cool to disguise a current level weapon with the appearance of a Kunark-era epic weapon. I've had more than one noobie ask my druid why at level 100 he's still using his leafblower. LOL. To me, this is all that's required to make quests much more enticing: SOME kind of reward that justifies the investment of time and effort. It doesn't have to be an awesome piece of gear, but something not as trivial as 10pp.

I would also love to see more involved and challenging quests (kinda like the epics when they first came out, altho maybe NOT requiring raids or access to locked zones) with substantial rewards unobtainable any other way, such as spells, ornaments, maybe even mounts altho there are already a ridiculous variety of "things" to ride and those don't motivate me at all anymore.

Somehow it would be nice if the name of the game was better representative of how the game is meant to be played! Agree or disagree?

Oh, to avoid being accused or derailing (LOL) let me respond briefly to the original message of this thread:

1. I disagree that it's hard to level in the current incarnation of EQ, at ANY level. Sure, it takes longer to go from 60-100 than from 1-60 but who could reasonably expect otherwise? The most common gripe I hear about WoW is that it's TOO easy to max out a toon. If you prefer solo play and you can't tank there are TONS of XP-rich mobs that do NOT summon. My main is a druid and those are my "bread and butter" mobs.

Summoning is a rather lame "workaround" fix for the problem of kiting class players being able to engage high-level mobs at no risk to themselves by outrunning them, snaring them, rooting them, nuking them, dotting them, etc. They could remove summoning from the game. The solution would be to make mobs run faster, make them immune or, better, highly resistant, to snare, root and damage, especially if the level difference between player and mob is high. I prefer "highly resistant" over "immune" because it gives the persistent patient player a shot and to me spell-immunity is as lame a workaround technique as summoning. The only mobs who I think should be able to summon are the rare "perma-rooted" mobs and only then in the rare case that the lore makes sense that such mobs would be perma-rooted: like plants, mushrooms, etc.

/rant off
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#29 Jan 10 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Sippin wrote:
It's rather ironic that in a game called EverQUEST quests are really not all that important. It's fully possible to max out a toon, including levels, AAs and gear, without ever doing even ONE quest.

I enjoy doing quests, especially ones that do NOT involve the classic WoW style "Kill 10 of this beast, 20 of that one and then return to the quest-giver for your prize" since those aren't really "quests" in the form traditional to fantasy fiction and RP games. I like those that involve solving riddles, travelling the world, sneaking into forbidden dungeons and jungles and killing only when all else fails. It's just that I'm inherently goal-driven and I find it hard to justify spending hours on a quest if the reward isn't significant. That's MY failing, since the "end" should be the fun, the challenge and the sense of accomplishment in completion. But this is why I search out fun quests with at least passable rewards. Like recently I started doing the epic ornament quest for those of my toons with their epics, under the apprehension that an epic ornamentation converts any weapon to "class only" which then contributes to strengthening a charm whose power increases the more class-specific "gear" is worn by the bearer. Well, this was a MIS-apprehension since it doesn't seem to work that way but I didn't realize it until I obtained my first epic ornament.

I may still do this quest for all my epic-bearer alts, since it's kinda cool to disguise a current level weapon with the appearance of a Kunark-era epic weapon. I've had more than one noobie ask my druid why at level 100 he's still using his leafblower. LOL. To me, this is all that's required to make quests much more enticing: SOME kind of reward that justifies the investment of time and effort. It doesn't have to be an awesome piece of gear, but something not as trivial as 10pp.

I would also love to see more involved and challenging quests (kinda like the epics when they first came out, altho maybe NOT requiring raids or access to locked zones) with substantial rewards unobtainable any other way, such as spells, ornaments, maybe even mounts altho there are already a ridiculous variety of "things" to ride and those don't motivate me at all anymore.

Somehow it would be nice if the name of the game was better representative of how the game is meant to be played! Agree or disagree?

Oh, to avoid being accused or derailing (LOL) let me respond briefly to the original message of this thread:

1. I disagree that it's hard to level in the current incarnation of EQ, at ANY level. Sure, it takes longer to go from 60-100 than from 1-60 but who could reasonably expect otherwise? The most common gripe I hear about WoW is that it's TOO easy to max out a toon. If you prefer solo play and you can't tank there are TONS of XP-rich mobs that do NOT summon. My main is a druid and those are my "bread and butter" mobs.

Summoning is a rather lame "workaround" fix for the problem of kiting class players being able to engage high-level mobs at no risk to themselves by outrunning them, snaring them, rooting them, nuking them, dotting them, etc. They could remove summoning from the game. The solution would be to make mobs run faster, make them immune or, better, highly resistant, to snare, root and damage, especially if the level difference between player and mob is high. I prefer "highly resistant" over "immune" because it gives the persistent patient player a shot and to me spell-immunity is as lame a workaround technique as summoning. The only mobs who I think should be able to summon are the rare "perma-rooted" mobs and only then in the rare case that the lore makes sense that such mobs would be perma-rooted: like plants, mushrooms, etc.

/rant off

I would love to add something to this, but I find I cannot. I think my biggest disappointment with the game ( and I love it immensely ) is that a game called everQUEST has such lame amounts of quests. The rewards seem non-existent or not worth the effort...I always did the breastplate quest in Erudin, not cause the armor was statistically amazing, but at the time it was the ONLY blue breastplate in the game ( before dye's ) I would do all the faction work to be able to get the quest, then wear that sucker whenever anyone was around. That is the kind of rewards ( or, of course, great statistical items ) that I would like to see.

I also hate the summoning. The whole idea of playing a necro ( or druid, I guess, only played it to 65 ) is to be able to pull off killing mobs you should have no business killing. I like the idea of resistant as opposed to immune...give my necro a shot, that is all I ask...

anyway, just my Smiley: twocents to an already great post.... Smiley: bowdown
#30 Jan 10 2014 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Sippin wrote:

Oh, to avoid being accused or derailing (LOL) let me respond briefly to the original message of this thread:

1. I disagree that it's hard to level in the current incarnation of EQ, at ANY level. Sure, it takes longer to go from 60-100 than from 1-60 but who could reasonably expect otherwise? The most common gripe I hear about WoW is that it's TOO easy to max out a toon. If you prefer solo play and you can't tank there are TONS of XP-rich mobs that do NOT summon. My main is a druid and those are my "bread and butter" mobs.

I think the original message of the thread was "I understand your frustration but it isn't hard to solo progress in this game, but it comes down to what you do and how you go about it"

However, a new account (veteran rewards, loyalty points and /claim that has lots of items can be huge) that doesn't use any of the advantages (without purposely handicapping themselves) will find some of the grind tedious if they insist on soloing non-ideal solo classes.

Play a warrior without a merc solo... you will take a while to do 60-85 and pile on basic AA. I'm not saying it would be hard.. but it might be boring and repetetive for many play sessions.

I agree completely on the quest comment. I don't mind hard quests at all, but I want the reward to be something I will equip or at least carry around (or want to put on a house wall if I was into that). My old chanter equipped Epic 1.0 for a few years after I had access to better, because I earned it and it was cooler than the "better" weapons.
#31 Jan 12 2014 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
362 posts
I astound my coworkers who play. I don't molo or box a lot. I do solo quite a bit. When I left the game, there was no defiant gear and there were no mercs and PCs that could support boxing weren't in my budget, not to mention the game wasn't F2P at that time. Gear and weaps meant making trade offs on stats and styles.

So, there I am, in my quested defiant gear solo'ing along and they're like "but..but...but..where's your merc"?

To me, yes, the game is easier than the "bad old days" with just the gear. OTOH, it's amazing how reliant so many folks seem on all the additional assistance. One of them plays a BL and doesn't get how I can melee with my warder rather than sitting back and playing pet cleric along with a merc -- *he just doesn't "get it". I can understand in newer content the devs have tuned the mobs and environments to requiring all of these things for solo players, but older content is now an easy coast -- and to be frank, sometimes I do miss that skin of my teeth feeling in a zone.

*he's also never been to a lot of Kunark era content where BL's can really solo well - Nurga, Droga, Veksar, Chardok, etc -- all fantastic zones for solo BL's.

Edited, Jan 12th 2014 6:43pm by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#32 Jan 13 2014 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
So, why not simply remove summoning from these run-of-the-mill mobs? (Of course, most high-level bosses should still be able to summon.) I don't see why it's a problem for certain classes to gain experience faster. Let the kiters kite. Let them skip through the levels if they want. The non-kiting classes would still be in demand for group content and raids. If a lot of people stopped playing warriors or clerics because they can't level as fast as necros and mages, that would just make warriors and clerics all the more desirable and in-demand.

Secondly, I do wish the game developers would ensure the game is enjoyable at every level. I also wish they should add more and better quests, with useful and level-appropriate rewards. Furthermore, I wish quests required real cleverness and thought to solve. It seems that 99% of quests just require players to get strong enough to kill a particular mob or mobs. If you boil down most quest dialog, it's just "Go kill this guy." Where's the thought? The challenge?

Moving forward - is there a way we can deliver our suggestions to the game developers?
#33 Jan 18 2014 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
The big key is what class a person plays. That determines how likely they make it past certain levels. For instance I play a Warrior... while getting to 70 was a breeze.. getting to 80 took an absolute horrid amount of time, because there is no group game on some servers untill level 90. This means that I must Box or solo/molo .. and as a Warrior I have very little options as group content is too hard and so I must find Light Blue or Green content that is several progressions less in order to do it. That I think is why I keep hearing Rumors of Heroic Characters being offered so people can just buy a level 90.. and get passed that hump... but I think this is a horrible idea.. but not much you can do anymore to help lower level players if there is no one at that level anymore.
#34 Jan 19 2014 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
3,036 posts
It's understandable that players focus on their main and want to keep improving its gear and levels/AAs. I think it would be cool if the game had lower level quests which could be completed by a lower-level alt and produce a reward that could be applied to a main. For example, let's say they made a complicated quest involving more than one low-level dungeon whose completion could ONLY be accomplished by a group of players ONLY (no mercs) who would have to be of a level appropriate to earn XP in those dungeons. The reward would be say an augment ONLY wearable at 90+. To avoid pharming it could be marked NO-DROP and HEIRLOOM so you'd have to quest it with an alt on the same account as your main.

If there's concern that some players would use higher-level alts to support the low-level group then make the quest using instanced dungeons and restrict access by level.

THIS would revive the lower-level game, for sure. Sony can use my idea, no problem and I don't even want a royalty. But just call it "Sippin's Dungeon Adventures"! ;)

Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#35 Jan 19 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Sippin wrote:

THIS would revive the lower-level game, for sure. Sony can use my idea, no problem and I don't even want a royalty. But just call it "Sippin's Dungeon Adventures"! ;)

Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh
#36 Jan 19 2014 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Sippin wrote:
It's understandable that players focus on their main and want to keep improving its gear and levels/AAs. I think it would be cool if the game had lower level quests which could be completed by a lower-level alt and produce a reward that could be applied to a main. For example, let's say they made a complicated quest involving more than one low-level dungeon whose completion could ONLY be accomplished by a group of players ONLY (no mercs) who would have to be of a level appropriate to earn XP in those dungeons. The reward would be say an augment ONLY wearable at 90+. To avoid pharming it could be marked NO-DROP and HEIRLOOM so you'd have to quest it with an alt on the same account as your main.

If there's concern that some players would use higher-level alts to support the low-level group then make the quest using instanced dungeons and restrict access by level.

THIS would revive the lower-level game, for sure. Sony can use my idea, no problem and I don't even want a royalty. But just call it "Sippin's Dungeon Adventures"! ;)

hmm. Quest NPC that gave out a quest for characters under a certain level (not shrouded), that gave a lore heirloom reward. Suppose that reward per task was 25AA points upon consumption. They could do this similar to the heroes journey thing (so you don't repeat the tasks), and weave the quests through some cool old content (keep it tight though, such as all Kunark/Luclin). So a person redoing the level 1-65 journey on the new character would have 3k worth of AA to disperse as they wish (but would have to be burning them as they went) via the quest reward, from ONE character's cycle of the questline.

To make the questline viable for the person not wanting to skim AA up to another character, just have option A be a mad amount of XP for the low level character.

The above mutated from Sippin's brilliant idea...

#37 Jan 19 2014 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
Mutations can be good!

Anything that makes more use of the wide world of Norrath would be a BIG plus for the game. I mean it's tragic how much of the game world is totally wasted these days. One reason I enjoyed the epic augment quest is it required visiting over a dozen older zones. They were fun to see again but it was bittersweet since almost every zone was empty except for my toons. They're all vast wastelands of beautiful scenery with legions of NPCs that just stare at each other in bewilderment over their fate as useless castoffs. Seriously, to a NEW player who comes into EQ it must be really confounding to realize that something like 90% of the zones in the game serve no discernible purpose and even at low levels the noobie is encouraged to pass all his leveling time in a handful of "hot" zones rather than to explore the awesome breadth and width of the game world otherwise available to her.

I wonder how long it would take to visit EVERY "ordinary" zone (meaning, not locked or requiring a quest to enter) sequentially, even for a porting class like my druid? I'd have to guess several hours, and that's with doing some advance route planning to minimize repetitive paths. It's a BIG BIG BIG world, too bad most players never see more than a tiny fraction of it.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#38 Jan 20 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Not to step on your whole trademarked idea or anything, but I'm not sure what the real gain is there. I suspect that what will happen is that either the time/effort to use lower level alts to boost higher level characters will not be worth it and it'll be ignored, or it'll be worth it and abused to hell and back. It also provides no advantage for folks still working up their first "high level" character.

You'd also have to be careful with the rewards. If you released something like a series of instanced tasks that provided rewards scaled for levels 90-100, that's great right now when 90-100 is the "end game" level range. But once the level max raises to say 110, or 120, that content you spent the time developing will go the same way as all the other outdated content. So ultimately, you'd need something that will continue to scale with the game as the game continues to grow. I'm not sure how you might accomplish that (although the AA idea might work), but I think one of the big problems with most of the "fixes" proposed out there is that they focus on the game as it is right now, and not how the game will change in the future.

That's how we got into this mess in the first place, right?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#39 Jan 20 2014 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
gbaji wrote:
Not to step on your whole trademarked idea or anything, but I'm not sure what the real gain is there. I suspect that what will happen is that either the time/effort to use lower level alts to boost higher level characters will not be worth it and it'll be ignored, or it'll be worth it and abused to hell and back. It also provides no advantage for folks still working up their first "high level" character.

You'd also have to be careful with the rewards. If you released something like a series of instanced tasks that provided rewards scaled for levels 90-100, that's great right now when 90-100 is the "end game" level range. But once the level max raises to say 110, or 120, that content you spent the time developing will go the same way as all the other outdated content. So ultimately, you'd need something that will continue to scale with the game as the game continues to grow. I'm not sure how you might accomplish that (although the AA idea might work), but I think one of the big problems with most of the "fixes" proposed out there is that they focus on the game as it is right now, and not how the game will change in the future.

That's how we got into this mess in the first place, right?

Very good points.

If Ldon had been scaled to level 125 at launch... it would likely not have foreseen the gear resets they have done, so it would have been tuned way too easy. However, since the "too easy" would have been locked behind an expac level cap, one would think they could adjust such before live launch.

EQ is kind of like a run down old car you love and don't want to ditch in that you see nagging issues all over, but have time/money for one fix in the short term. The one fix might do that one thing really well, or might just be a band-aid, but either way you are not addressing more things than you are with any single fix.

I will say though, that I think overall this Dev team has been pretty solid TSS to now (though I wish they do another TSS as in 1-endgame tight geography, new lore expac).
#40 Jan 20 2014 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
snailish wrote:
I will say though, that I think overall this Dev team has been pretty solid TSS to now (though I wish they do another TSS as in 1-endgame tight geography, new lore expac).

Agreed. They've come up with much much better standards in terms of expansion progression and tuning and it shows. Previous stuff was literally all over the place in terms of balancing.

The one area I'm still kinda annoyed by is the unwillingness of the devs to open up quests/tasks in terms of numbers of participants. I get that this can be a resource issue, but a ton of games out there allow for solo instanced content and they don't have problems with it. Also, this prevents content from being so horribly outdated (and thus ignored). Ironically, this is one of the flaws of the newer progression path methodology. There's often a lot of content that is locked as group/raid content. But once that expansion is no longer near the end game, no one's going to be able to gather the numbers needed anymore.

I'm firmly of the opinion that anyone should be able to request any task (assuming previous tasks in the progression are done) regardless of the numbers involved. If current content is tough enough that folks will need a group or raid to complete it, then allowing an individual to request it (and presumably fail) isn't really going to hurt anything. But that arbitrary requirement will ensure the content will die once it ceases to be current. I guess my point is that a task/mission/whatever is as hard as it is. Let the actual difficulty of the content determine who can succeed or fail. There's no real need to place arbitrary number restrictions on things.

There's a whole bunch of SoF and SoD progression stuff that I'd love to do with my Paladin. But unless I can talk some of my friends into more or less wasting a bunch of their time coming with, I can't do it even if the content itself is trivial to me. And let's not get me started on DoN progression.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#41 Jan 20 2014 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
nekokirei wrote:
Isn't there something coming where we'll be able to create a, I guess like a lvl 85 toon with level appropriate gear and some AA to avoid some of what Fronglo's points out?

Heroic Characters. I thought I read something about them coming to EQ.
#42 Jan 21 2014 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
Everything goes out of date as stat inflation progresses with increase in the level cap. The REAL problem is Sony ABANDONS content as they add expansions and new levels/AA/spells etc. Many existing quests would be attractive if they only scaled up the rewards as xpacs are released. I think my idea remains viable but the concept requires MAINTENANCE as time passes, to avoid either becoming outdated and obsolete or being exploitable.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#43 Jan 21 2014 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
amastropolo wrote:
nekokirei wrote:
Isn't there something coming where we'll be able to create a, I guess like a lvl 85 toon with level appropriate gear and some AA to avoid some of what Fronglo's points out?

Heroic Characters. I thought I read something about them coming to EQ.

EQII has it already. Highly rumoured, not confirmed (to my knowledge) at this time for EQ.

I'm really feeling like this will happen by/for the anniversary though... but I have been wrong many times before, especially in predicting what EQ devs will do Smiley: nod

Sippin wrote:
Everything goes out of date as stat inflation progresses with increase in the level cap. The REAL problem is Sony ABANDONS content as they add expansions and new levels/AA/spells etc. Many existing quests would be attractive if they only scaled up the rewards as xpacs are released. I think my idea remains viable but the concept requires MAINTENANCE as time passes, to avoid either becoming outdated and obsolete or being exploitable.


Cabilis class quests are one of the better examples of them keeping something going over a period of expacs, but even that was in fits and spurts and inconsistent. The Coldain Prayer Shawl should of had 7 versions in between what they eventually did.

It's funny... I'm sure the playerbase accepts that old quests that predate the task system aren't going to be redone onto the task system (I kind of prefer them myself), but why the Devs seem so opposed to building upon previous work escapes me. Secrets of Faydwer, for example, was a wonderful excuse to extend all the lowbie zone questlines up to the then-current level cap. Provide methods to get factions where needed, and have some of the quest NPC not be so "strict" in who they deal with (which there is tons of precedent for anyways).

Why not make the Kaladim dwarf warrior armor quest the prequest to a much higher all warrior (or even all plate wearer) quest?

"But Dark Elves can't do it easy!"

So? (Some of us like the challenge of getting that hard for a race/class/deity quest done. Besides, good devs provide options. All options don't have to be identical path or all use though).

Said more than I meant to. I'll stop now.
#44 Jan 22 2014 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
I think as with a lot of software older quests and content become "orphaned" when the original devs leave Sony, or move on to other projects, and no new dev wants to be bothered updating such old content since for the same amount of time and effort they can design something new and leave their own "mark" on the game. Plus EQ can hype "new" content so much more readily than hyping "updates to old content."
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#45 Jan 22 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
older code has issues of fixing one thing and makeing 3 other errors.
#46 Jan 22 2014 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
Larth wrote:
older code has issues of fixing one thing and makeing 3 other errors.

So true! Spaghetti code can be a nightmare to navigate (Not to say early EQ code is spaghetti). Sometimes it takes longer to decipher original code than to simply scrap it and begin anew.
#47 Jan 22 2014 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
I agree with the spaghetti code comments.

Using the final reward from any old quest as the turn-in for a new quest is a no-risk scenario to me though. You're not changing anything except the "quest" flag on the old item.

As far as "New expansion sell" goes... so (for example) they put "Akanon B" in, a quest hub zone that bridges the old Faydwer questlines into the new. You buy expac you can do all the cool new quests across all of Faydwer. You refuse to buy the expac, you see all the shiny new things (mobs, npc, items others have) in all the old Faydwer zones that you can't do the simple turn-in on, as the diabolical gnome(s) that start all the quests are locked in a new expac zone.

Considering some of the classic expac launch almost bait-n-switches (GoD fishing anyone?)... I'm actually surprised they haven't done lots of this.
#48 Jan 22 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
KC13 wrote:
Larth wrote:
older code has issues of fixing one thing and makeing 3 other errors.

So true! Spaghetti code can be a nightmare to navigate (Not to say early EQ code is spaghetti). Sometimes it takes longer to decipher original code than to simply scrap it and begin anew.

To be fair though, there's a lot of orphaned content in "newer" expansions (newer defined as anything after they standardized progression/tasks, so somewhere between TSS and SoF). I totally get that no one wants to touch the really really old stuff with a 10 foot pole, but I think the desire to just toss "new stuff" out there rather than building on the existing stuff isn't just about the code being too old and fugly.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#49 Jan 27 2014 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
136 posts
It would be nice if they would hire a small team of guys to actually sort out all the old code. using codes from Mac server to help filter the codes a bit. That way they can adjust and fix things in older content without breaking things as bad. It would also be nice to see broken quest lines fixed and updated. They could do it... they just need to get motivated by the player base to get it done.
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