If you don't remember your old station name and password and didn't get through yet, the only last resort that I can think of (other than the dreaded task of calling via telephone) would be to make a temporary account to sign in and create a petition to lodge a "ticket" for them to help you get the account back.
The link below is from the questions and answers list in the "knowledge base" section within the "support" section on EQ Players sites home page. It has a link to create a temporary account to allow you to submit a petition/ticket to get your original account back. They will ask if you could remember the email for the original account, and any other details (like the secret question.. ie mothers maiden name) that you used when originally activating the account.
https://help.soe.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/28939/related/1 Good luck.
Edit : This is
if you are actually trying to get back your account to get in game.
Edit #2: Ahh...Just read your second post. Looks like your out of luck if they are not on Magelo.
Edited, Feb 3rd 2014 4:35pm by hexeez