<Lost in Progression> on trakanon server is newer and still holding at 50 so not a daunting catch-up. I'm not in the guild, but know some who are and they are liking it.
<Lunar Mutant Rights Now> has quieted down at the moment. We started on Luclin only but have hit a "Do anything under 65 not in defiant you want to do" sort of phase. EST has been dead (when I play) but I also haven't had time for EQ since the holiday break. The PST crowd seems to be on hiatus too, but some are still checking in.
There's at least on well established progression guild on the test server, but they are farther along in content.
If you are gold sub, you could play on a progression server itself. I think they are somewhere around Prophecy of Ro which isn't that old in respects to what "old school" is usually applied to.
Welcome back.