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Possible wide ranging nerfs and AA autogrant incomingFollow

#1 Feb 04 2014 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Just saw this on the EQ Forums: News and Announcements section:

The debate looks as if it may get viral.

Update Feb/14th 2014: Changes to spells and abilities that went to the test server on Feb/12th 2014 :

Edited, Feb 14th 2014 11:32am by hexeez
#2 Feb 04 2014 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I read the dev posts. Didn't bother too far in the O-board posters, as it was quickly devolving into a waste of my time.


They are most likely going to autogrant ALL AA up to the last 4 expacs, to all gold subs, from now on (so it moves as they release new expacs). You will have to be the level to use the AA of course still.

Beam swarming and related lag-causers are being nerfed.

Not clear: is there any point/way in "doing AA" before last 4 expac content? Sounds like no. So they are moving Live servers along to an entirely new model really, and furthering the case to streamline low level content into much fewer zones.

Also not clear how this hits prog servers. Not much point in progression, though 4 expac worth of lag isn't too bad if they retro it back so GoD going live grants all the Luclin AA... might actually help re-entry players be motivated.

I do have to say... it's the longest, most well thought out dev set of posts I have ever read from EQ.
#3 Feb 04 2014 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
I am looking forward to some of the changes ranger headshot is suppose to be chance not instant death of mob and is to work agaisnt humanoind not spiders, dragons, rogue assianiate and berserker decap chance as well.

I do disagree with instant aa though: I can make 1000 a month just killing, no power leveling or swarming invloved. I say give 50% exp aa bonus instead of instant and let us decide how to spend them.
give 5k free when gold I can go back to sliver especially as dps and not have much reason to be gold as it is now, except more aa, prestiage gear which as dps prestiage gear is nice but not required.

Edited, Feb 4th 2014 11:31pm by eqlovez1
#4 Feb 04 2014 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Major nerfs to PL techniques before they start selling auto-85 "Heroic" characters? Who could guess? Smiley: grin

Also noteworthy: PLing was a major way to get plat and then buy in-game kronos to sell for real cash. This will put a major crimp into that and right before kronos start giving "All Access" membership levels rather than merely EQ Gold membership.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Feb 05 2014 at 12:10 AM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
well soe is a business they want you to buy krono from them which I have no problem with. I am old school eq I perfer groups instead of people; power leveling, swarming and six boxing, I have to lolsome say this will kill eq, if a dev sneezes they say that will kill eq give me a break. I say if you do not like the changes quit, I will continue to play as will many others.

Edited, Feb 5th 2014 1:14am by eqlovez1
#6 Feb 05 2014 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
My personal take on the nerfs is that they went a bit too far with some classes that did not cause the latest lag issue. Such as the Shaman Lingering Sloth/Apathy/Fatigue line. Or the Berserker Decapitate line..Clerics have had their Shining Rampart line nerfed and SK's have had their Lich sting/Epic effect nerfed so that it will no longer proc a return heal from repostes. I suspect this will also affect tanking hard content- including a single target or w/one add. But the class's melee mitigation may be adjusted to compensate for that (so I read somewhere in that and/or another related thread).

Typical of SOE in that instead of making an incisive operation with a scalpel to remove the tumor, they used a 18 "machete to remove it instead and affected other classes that did not pull 200 mobs and cause this latest hyper lag scenario.

The AA grant is not a bad idea but 4000 to Underfoot may be a bit too much imho. I'd Rather they bump up the bonus to AA from 1000% at 0 AA's to 1500% at 0AA's and extend the range to maybe 5000 - 6000 or so. At least we would still have to technically earn them.

Oh well, exciting times in game and on the forums...Time for some milk and cookies as I want to see the new movie (EQ-Forum Madness) when it premieres..Oh it has started already ! lol.

Edited, Feb 5th 2014 6:26am by hexeez
#7 Feb 05 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
You know, the only thing this effects me is the fun I've had grinding AA -- I mean, solo at 55, full set of intricate defiant gear, in Howling Stones, has been a blast in comparison to the days of mindless grinding to eek out a single AA. Will it be handy to have such a boost, sure, and I won't complain. I'm just wishing I'd started grinding earlier for the sheer joy of it.

I do, however, feel for everyone who spent every exhausting minute grinding out AA before they implemented that first however many bonus, and then during the bonus, to now sitting back and wondering why the hell they even tried to grind. I'm not necessarily looking at it like that, but I know there are folks who will and I can sympathise with them.

The funny thing about the beaming, I only learned of it last Friday from coworkers who play. I'll be interested on their takes -- one of them also has a Zerker and a Ranger and he's been in love with the Headshot and Decapitate so I'm not sure he's going to be very happy.

The one thing I wish they'd really do? Change the damned RNG on skill-ups. My warder is so resistant to disease right now he could walk through a contaminated government infectious disease weaponisation lab and not even sneeze. And I'm still trying to get the last 13 skill ups on Abjuration after a day of casting. ARGH! :-)

Edited, Feb 5th 2014 8:33am by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#8 Feb 05 2014 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Nerfing exploitative power-leveling while auto-granting AA when leveling up is a clever way to kill two birds with one stone. I like it. Mind you, SOE encouraged the practice in the first place. They are simply fixing what they broke.

Grinding AA has always been a major factor in determining player commitment - and those who did commit were rewarded - either by peer esteem or slotage in raids.The changes being considered don't change the L100 raiding game. Those people are still committed to raiding and valued by their peers. What it does change is how money is exchanged among players and SOE. Player provided power-leveling services will lose prestige and earning power and that shift benefits SOE. I don't see that as a bad or negative thing.

Thumbs up for SOE.

#9 Feb 05 2014 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
I have no problem with nerfing the more zone/server disruptive soloing tactics, but I'm not really happy with the whole autogranting AA thing. Doesn't that more or less nullify all the work that some of us more casual players have put into our characters? So I shouldn't have wasted my time splitting exp between levels and AAs and just leveled instead is what they're basically saying. It also basically rewards the folks who follow the "grind to 100, then gear and AA the character" approach. Those of us who like to smell the coffee along the way and build an actual playable character (ie: earning AAs as we level) just got screwed.

BTW, this was part of my concern with the whole "free level 85 character" thing. I'm sure they felt that since they're handing out free level 85 characters, they would have to put free AAs on those characters as well, and that would be unfair to all the folks who worked to get a level 85 character (cause the free one maybe has more AAs than the one they earned), so their solution is apparently to boost everyone up to the same number of AAs.

How about they just *not* hand out free level 85 characters (was anyone really asking for this?). Then the issue of AAs to go with those free characters goes away. And then the need to hand out free AAs to all characters goes away as well. If they really want to balance the PLing nerf, then drop the AA costs and/or up the AA exp gain rate. But please please please don't just make AAs automatic based on level. At that point, you no longer have an AA system. Those become just abilities you get when you gain a given level. And IMO, that's really really stupid.

If it's a choice between those, then drop the entire heroic character idea. It's not worth destroying any sense of accomplishment the players have earned IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Feb 05 2014 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
They're not handing out free level 85 characters. They're handing out level 85 characters that cost (supposedly) $35 or so. They need to make it worth the price tag to get people to buy them. And given the number of people willing to spend kronos (i.e. real life cash) for powerleveling, there must be some market for that sort of head start.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Feb 05 2014 at 8:46 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Way back (when Elidroth was first talking about autogranting some AA) I felt the "smart" way to do it was to give the autogrant the level AFTER you can buy the AA.

So if I want to sit at 55 and grind AA I can.

If I don't I just ding 56 and get all the AA from 55.

So player choice is honored. My necro spent 3+ years of casual play doing AA 55-65 and I enjoyed it. Not sure I would do that again (seems to be the losing interest point with all my more recent characters).

Given the choice of status quo or the changes... I take the changes.

BTW, since the grant is for gold membership... I suppose that means silver/free types can still earn the AA the old way (up to their cap)?
#12 Feb 05 2014 at 9:36 PM Rating: Excellent
132 posts
They apparently just closed the thread over there - after 97 pages!



We've gone ahead and made a few changes to our plan based on your feedback. Please go read our changes here and continue to let us know what you think.


Piestro, 31 minutes ago
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#13 Feb 06 2014 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
what makes me laugh out loud is how much time and focus people are putting into this. it is a game, it does not feed you, clothe you, pay your medical bills, pay your rent, house morgage, taxes. i do agree the auto aa thing should be reconsidered, i say i can make between 500 to 1000 aa monthly without, swarming or power leveling; increase the aa exp out put by 50% another thing I am tired of hearing is I have been on since 1999, so what are you entitled or privileged some how. it is not fair they give 5000 aa tired of hearing that as well, how is it a game soe owns, operates, maintains unfair, how is it any different say having a level 70 alt shadow knight feign death in hills of shade then taking your level 100 ranger or mage and farming at a fast rate exp for the alt sk, it did not earn them as well, to me it is the samething. you still need to kill for further aa, gear, levels, quests etc. If you do not like the changes quit complaining log off, quit and never come back, I for one am tired of hearing about it and will continue to play everquest!!!!
#14 Feb 06 2014 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
599 posts
Our current plan is to automatically grant AAs up to four expansions behind the current expansion, if the player opts to do so. Clicking a checkbox in the AA window will enable the granting option and any eligible AAs will be applied the next time the character zones or levels. The option can be disabled at any time if you no longer wish to receive granted AAs, though any AA received via auto-granting will be retained should you decide to later disable this functionality.

Done and done. This is a huge win for the community and SOE.

My silver account shaman is level 75 with 870aa. It will be still be 870aa after the update and will continue to earn AA by grinding it the old fashioned way. No harm, no foul.

EDIT: I have the distinct feeling SOE had already planned to include the option to opt-out but withheld it as a bargaining chip, if true, that's a darn smart strategy. heh.

Edited, Feb 6th 2014 9:07am by Trappin
#15 Feb 06 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts


The target limit on the Flurry of Claws line was not increased or decreased."

ZOMFGWTFBBQ!1!! wai j00z nurf0rd mah t00n!1!!
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#16 Feb 07 2014 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
How do I begin this post: To those who called me out about my last post when I said "5 different stories from 5 different SoE Dev's is the beginning of the end" a was blasted by some so called elite post writer's that seem to have all the answer's without listening to other's. Well the 2k Station Cash Issue went down the crapper and I said that was the beginning of the end and EQ 1 would be dead by Dec 2014, in a push to Everquest Next, I got flamed. Since that has come and gone "forgotten" issue, for many month's I foresaw the Nerf's coming. I agree some are blatant act's that take away other player opportunity to utilize these zones and it does effect other zones "pathing issues" as indicated by the graph. Some nerfing could have been regulated to those specific events. I disagree with the entire revamp of character abilities when many player's are playing by the rules and honestly earning their way thru game content. I have a Level 100 Mage but I don't pull entire zones for cash to PL another, I never use the beam spell..... Limit it to 6 mob's and that closes that problem. I have a 100 Ranger, I headshot within my three box group or in group settings, I do not sit in Ferrott at the pyramids and headshot massive pull's of lizard's, Not my style. I have a 100 Monk and I do not abuse his abilities I play him like any other character of 16 I have. Why can we not solve Individual class problem's and not revamp the entire system. New player's... get off your butt, stop complaining and get up to speed with the rest of use. Why should the foundation of EQ 1, that have been here many years be flushed down the crapper because of a few player's manipulating the game. BAN their account's after a stern warning to stop. DO logical changes to player character's taking our abilities away. which will push player's away. When that happens many of us will be finished with EQ, because EQ Next isn't our cup of tea. I truly hope something comes from this post, besides rants and negative comments, This is the ONLY online game I have ever played and when EQ ends my online gaming days end. Mr. Smedley and the developer's please rethink of a better way that this can be controlled and solved. Thanks for listening and have a great day !
#17 Feb 07 2014 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Grodie wrote:
How do I begin this post: To those who called me out about my last post when I said "5 different stories from 5 different SoE Dev's is the beginning of the end" a was blasted by some so called elite post writer's that seem to have all the answer's without listening to other's. Well the 2k Station Cash Issue went down the crapper and I said that was the beginning of the end and EQ 1 would be dead by Dec 2014, in a push to Everquest Next, I got flamed. Since that has come and gone "forgotten" issue, for many month's I foresaw the Nerf's coming. I agree some are blatant act's that take away other player opportunity to utilize these zones and it does effect other zones "pathing issues" as indicated by the graph. Some nerfing could have been regulated to those specific events. I disagree with the entire revamp of character abilities when many player's are playing by the rules and honestly earning their way thru game content. I have a Level 100 Mage but I don't pull entire zones for cash to PL another, I never use the beam spell..... Limit it to 6 mob's and that closes that problem. I have a 100 Ranger, I headshot within my three box group or in group settings, I do not sit in Ferrott at the pyramids and headshot massive pull's of lizard's, Not my style. I have a 100 Monk and I do not abuse his abilities I play him like any other character of 16 I have. Why can we not solve Individual class problem's and not revamp the entire system. New player's... get off your butt, stop complaining and get up to speed with the rest of use. Why should the foundation of EQ 1, that have been here many years be flushed down the crapper because of a few player's manipulating the game. BAN their account's after a stern warning to stop. DO logical changes to player character's taking our abilities away. which will push player's away. When that happens many of us will be finished with EQ, because EQ Next isn't our cup of tea. I truly hope something comes from this post, besides rants and negative comments, This is the ONLY online game I have ever played and when EQ ends my online gaming days end. Mr. Smedley and the developer's please rethink of a better way that this can be controlled and solved. Thanks for listening and have a great day !

Not a flame, I ask because I do not have a mage or ranger. Did these changes change how you can play these 2 classes? Sounds like you were not over-using these particular abilities, and as I said, I don't even know how they work having never played either class.
Just curious as to how this will really affect how you play the game. I remember when they changed enchanter abilities early on ( duration of mezzing, how charm worked, especially pvp ) and they really didn't affect how I played the game, but did make the people that "pushed" these abilities have to adjust

#18 Feb 07 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Bring back bard AOE kiting! Smiley: mad
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#19 Feb 07 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,974 posts
Could someone provide link(s) to a "beam spell" because I have no idea what the hell you people are yakkin' about.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#20 Feb 07 2014 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
From says Beam - The beam line is similar to the PB AE line in that it has no practical limit to the number of mobs it can hit. Instead of firing in a small area around the caster, it emanates in a cone arc from the front a short distance away. It also has great damage/mana potential.


If you know about other beam type spells (Rng / Dru Vineleash root) same target type: 44; a frontal narrow cone. with unlimited targets as long as in range.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 5:46pm by Yther
#21 Feb 07 2014 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
They're not handing out free level 85 characters. They're handing out level 85 characters that cost (supposedly) $35 or so. They need to make it worth the price tag to get people to buy them. And given the number of people willing to spend kronos (i.e. real life cash) for powerleveling, there must be some market for that sort of head start.

I meant "free" in the sense of not having to spend the time leveling the character. The $35 cost is irrelevant since most people will spend more subscription cost leveling a character up to that point *or* spend more money paying for PLs. So ok, maybe not "free", but how about "cheap/easy as hell"?

snailish wrote:
Way back (when Elidroth was first talking about autogranting some AA) I felt the "smart" way to do it was to give the autogrant the level AFTER you can buy the AA.

So if I want to sit at 55 and grind AA I can.

If I don't I just ding 56 and get all the AA from 55.

That makes no sense at all though. Why would anyone at all spend the time grinding the AAs and then grinding the level if by grinding the level he will get the AAs "for free"? I have the same "huh?" reaction to that as the idea that by allowing people to choose to disable the autogrant feature, this somehow fixes the problem. It doesn't.

So player choice is honored.

I really honestly think that completely misses the point of the complaint. It's not that I can't choose to level slowly and smell the coffee along the way, but that I'm gimped for doing so. Making it a player choice just highlights the degree to which I'm really gimping myself by not taking the "free lunch". It's not about me having a desire to make my playing experience more difficult. The issue is that when you make a game too easy, it eliminates the entire point of playing it.

BTW, since the grant is for gold membership... I suppose that means silver/free types can still earn the AA the old way (up to their cap)?

Again, it's not about people wanting to make their play harder. You're totally missing the point of the objection if you think that's even remotely a solution. The point is that we shouldn't give that level of freebie to *anyone*. Period. It's not needed. Heroic characters? Not needed. Free AAs? Not needed. Drop the entire idea.

As a fairly casual player I can tell you that I don't want heroic characters to exist in the game and I definitely don't want autogranted AAs. Anyone who thinks this is about boosting new or returning players is kidding themselves. I'm a returning player and the changes to the game already are far far more than enough to keep my interest. I don't want or need free stuff. This is about giving the power to 100 crowd a cheap/fast way to do that.

Make AAs even cheaper to earn if they feel that's a problem. Make the heroic characters start with zero AAs, so folks will have to earn them if that's a problem. But don't. Please please don't, autogrant AAs based on character level. That completely breaks the entire point of having AAs.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 2:36pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Feb 07 2014 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
They're not handing out free level 85 characters. They're handing out level 85 characters that cost (supposedly) $35 or so. They need to make it worth the price tag to get people to buy them. And given the number of people willing to spend kronos (i.e. real life cash) for powerleveling, there must be some market for that sort of head start.

I meant "free" in the sense of not having to spend the time leveling the character. The $35 cost is irrelevant since most people will spend more subscription cost leveling a character up to that point *or* spend more money paying for PLs. So ok, maybe not "free", but how about "cheap/easy as hell"?

Fair enough but then the obvious answer is "Yes, there was a demand for this" since people were paying for PLs. Both things like beam/decap groups and paying into be in mission turn-ins and all the rest of it. SOE is just taking all that outside demand and creating an internal way to profit from it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#23 Feb 07 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
gbaji wrote:

snailish wrote:
Way back (when Elidroth was first talking about autogranting some AA) I felt the "smart" way to do it was to give the autogrant the level AFTER you can buy the AA.

So if I want to sit at 55 and grind AA I can.

If I don't I just ding 56 and get all the AA from 55.

That makes no sense at all though. Why would anyone at all spend the time grinding the AAs and then grinding the level if by grinding the level he will get the AAs "for free"? I have the same "huh?" reaction to that as the idea that by allowing people to choose to disable the autogrant feature, this somehow fixes the problem. It doesn't.

So player choice is honored.

I really honestly think that completely misses the point of the complaint. It's not that I can't choose to level slowly and smell the coffee along the way, but that I'm gimped for doing so. Making it a player choice just highlights the degree to which I'm really gimping myself by not taking the "free lunch". It's not about me having a desire to make my playing experience more difficult. The issue is that when you make a game too easy, it eliminates the entire point of playing it.

BTW, since the grant is for gold membership... I suppose that means silver/free types can still earn the AA the old way (up to their cap)?

Again, it's not about people wanting to make their play harder. You're totally missing the point of the objection if you think that's even remotely a solution. The point is that we shouldn't give that level of freebie to *anyone*. Period. It's not needed. Heroic characters? Not needed. Free AAs? Not needed. Drop the entire idea.

As a fairly casual player I can tell you that I don't want heroic characters to exist in the game and I definitely don't want autogranted AAs. Anyone who thinks this is about boosting new or returning players is kidding themselves. I'm a returning player and the changes to the game already are far far more than enough to keep my interest. I don't want or need free stuff. This is about giving the power to 100 crowd a cheap/fast way to do that.

Make AAs even cheaper to earn if they feel that's a problem. Make the heroic characters start with zero AAs, so folks will have to earn them if that's a problem. But don't. Please please don't, autogrant AAs based on character level. That completely breaks the entire point of having AAs.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 2:36pm by gbaji

I think it completely depends on what a person sees as their fun in the game.

A character under level 85 that shuts off the autogrant is not gimped. There is no group game to be gimped in. That person is merely choosing to slowplay/hardcore it (depending on the rest of their approach) solo/molo/box. If they were retuning level 55, 59, 60, 65, 66, 70, 71, 75, etc. (key AA upgrade levels) content to be only approachable by a group of characters that have taken the autogrant... then yes they would be shutting out some players.

If you want sub level 75 content to be challenging you have to be choosing not to use various tools/situations that are already in the game. The "opt out AAautogrant" is just another. That is why someone might choose to sit at 55 and not take the autogrant... because they want to spend time in the level 55 zones for xp, and if you aren't sinking that xp into AA you would end up outlevelling the stuff you were slowplaying.

Defiant is easymode... which one can choose to use (It can be fun). Hotzones, melee augs, out of era spells (if playing lower levels) the list goes on. This autogrant really isn't fundamentally different from that.

Newer games with much simpler systems (talent trees, etc.) have radically revised theirs in the past few years as they didn't age well into upper levels --so they simplfied them even more, and this is games with far less years/levels in the discussion compared to EQ. EQ is long overdue at rethinking the AA system seriously. You don't have to do Luclin content for anything (unless you want to) since what... PoP? Yet the AA system didn't follow this basic premise of the rest of the game's design... and Luclin AA remain some of the best overall too.

Besides, we haven't seen the other shoe drop yet... suppose they diminishing return all the old AA. "BTW, all Luclin era caster AA now cease to function at level 95. Fortunately we have made a new slate of AA to give you something to earn! ...cough... each rank of Forsaken spell casting sublety costs 30aa and does 2%..."
#24 Feb 07 2014 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
132 posts
Again, it's not about people wanting to make their play harder. You're totally missing the point of the objection if you think that's even remotely a solution. The point is that we shouldn't give that level of freebie to *anyone*. Period. It's not needed.Heroic characters? Not needed. Free AAs? Not needed. Drop the entire idea.

As a fairly casual player I can tell you that I don't want heroic characters to exist in the game and I definitely don't want autogranted AAs. Anyone who thinks this is about boosting new or returning players is kidding themselves. I'm a returning player and the changes to the game already are far far more than enough to keep my interest. I don't want or need free stuff. This is about giving the power to 100 crowd a cheap/fast way to do that.

Make AAs even cheaper to earn if they feel that's a problem. Make the heroic characters start with zero AAs, so folks will have to earn them if that's a problem. But don't. Please please don't autogrant AAs based on character level. That completely breaks the entire point of having AAs.

Thank you for that, gbaji. Sums up my feelings pretty well. I bolded parts that I feel especially strongly about too. I'm also a casual player and the 'race to 100' crowd is what started the swarming / server lag problem to begin with. The ones taking plat to power level others also share part of the blame.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 7:08pm by zirumkin
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#25 Feb 07 2014 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
A heroic level 85 character with zero AA is what... 2k AA below the tuning of the group level content? A level 70 Paladin with no AA couldn't handle that group level content (I know one that tried) back in the day, doesn't sound like it would be more viable at 85.

Every xpac since at least GoD has been tuned for a specific AA count (combat agility, stability, etc.) so they have been designing the enounters around "assumed purchase by this level" for years. This broad-stroke autogrant is basically saying "you should have bought this at this level back in the day" (though it sounds like they've lumped the non-essential AA into the mix to keep the process simple. Getting the +Cha stat aa line for free at level 51 is going to be... nothing).

Wouldn't that (no AA to heroic characters) defeat their stated intent to get re-entry into the current group-level game content?

I'm not opposed to the AAxp curve being improved, I'm supposing the devs had there reasons for going this way instead. This is not a new idea... autogranting has been publicly on Elidroth's radar for what feels like a couple of years.

The irony is... as long as you don't have to take the autogrant (as otherwise you would have to do grey content to "spend time" in old stuff without levelling) --which the "opt out" option clearly says you don't, then this change should get nearly all the powerlevelling (paid for sure... friends/guildie/self box is different anyways) out of the under 85 game. That frees up the content to the dedicated few that want to do low level stuff.

Sure, we'll have a run of a few people that have never been 85 going back and killing some old raid targets, but since there is very little of that with gear incentive or other reward, the novelty will drop off fast. The real farmers are still going to be level 100 so I don't see this as an issue with heroic characters.

What genuine harm does an autogranted aa level 85 character do to anyone? I've yet to hear an argument that holds up to be honest.
#26 Feb 07 2014 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,974 posts
Oh,,,,so what a Drakkin BW should have been. Smiley: grin
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

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