You can most everything on the Cultural vendors in PoK or Crescent Reach. In PoK, they are located outside of the library at the entrance, near the Priest of Discord, and wedding supply vendors, and a few other NPCs. They should be on the Find (Ctrl+F) menu, but you'll probably want to go up the ramps first to get a good pathing to them.
Some of the newest stuff, you may need to go to the expansions to buy the books, but upto HoT (level 90) stuff, I believe is now all on the previously mentioned vendors. The patterns are now available on merchants as well, instead of having to redo the quest for the recipe book, that you used to make copies of the patterns from.
See for a cheat sheet guide to recipes and figuring out names and stuff. You'll probably want to start by looking up individual recipes until you get the idea down, and realize how to read the cheat sheet correctly.
The post at covers most of the how to in words for a beginner, but you may still have to do some research, as it's kind of condensed down.
Hope this helps some,
Yther Ore.