Sippin wrote:
Funny thing is most people think/thought PoP was a great expansion.
The snarky response is to point out that most people
who are still playing thought PoP was a great expansion. PoP was the point at which EQ popularity began declining rather than growing. And a lot of that was that it killed the middle level game and created a gulf between raid guilds and solo/group only play.
Sippin wrote:
But the game has not been all that "group friendly" going back to Day One, what with raids required for Vox, Nagafen, Plane of Fear, Plane of Hate, etc., all raid bosses and zones that mostly go back to Day One. Kunark, "the best xpac ever", was more of the same and even introduced epics, which everyone would inevitably desire, and which also absolutely required participation in raid encounters to obtain.
Sure. You had to raid to raid. In PoP, you had to raid to group. Group content (and drops) was so much vastly better in PoP, but required ridiculously large raid events to gain access to it. Couple that with a 5 level increase and you basically cut everyone who wasn't a raid player (or played one of a handful of classes which could easy get invited to pick up raids) from accessing the new content. That was a *huge* problem.
EQ has never been a "group game." Sure, you can play it "casually", only grouping rather than raiding. Heck, you can play it solo not even ever grouping!
Yes. Pre-PoP you could because outside of raid zones (or parts of zones), the whole rest of the world was directly accessible to the solo/group player. You didn't "need" to raid to enjoy the game from start to highest level. Today, with the much better designed tiered expansion system, you also don't need to raid to experience the game all the way to the top level. But there was a period of about 2-3 years, starting with PoP, where if you didn't raid, it was nearly impossible to enjoy or possibly even experience large portions of the current game content. You simply couldn't get there. Period.
And honestly, they compounded this error with the GoD expansion, which more or less required high end PoP gear to do more than nibble around the edges. It was "hard" even by raid guild standards, and for everyone else? Unusable. They didn't begin to fix this problem until OOW, but by then the damage had largely been done. And frankly, they still didn't really get the game back to the casual player friendly status until maybe SoF/SoD time frame (some might say TSS, but that really just provided an alternate route to level, and not so much alternative mechanics for balancing the top end of the game).
It was a terrible terrible mistake IMO. Nearly destroyed EQ.
But it's a social game and its highest manifestation of this social aspect is in raid encounters. For good or for bad. Frankly, I think it has survived this long because of its emphasis on end-game and raiding.
I'm sorry, but I simply have to completely disagree with you. The only reason EQ has survived (and has kinda begun to experience a surge of new/returning players) was that they
finally moved away from a "raid or go home" mentality. And to be perfectly honest, this didn't really start to happen until the HoT expansion, when they finally created true raid-disconnected gear options for solo/group/raid play and provided incentives for all three types of players to play.
There's a whole swath of players who enjoy just logging into EQ, doing some dailies, maybe working on a few expansion tasks for an hour or so, then logging out. They don't raid. They rarely group unless someone happens to come along working on the same thing they are. And they are perfectly fine with this level of play. I also think that Sony has figured out that their bang for the buck largely rests with these players. These are the kinds of players who may not put as much money into their pockets per player, but also aren't constantly making demands for more/tougher/higher content. I think we hear a lot more from/about the folks engaged in end-game raiding, but it's a mistake to think that's where the heart of the game lies.
Edited, Apr 16th 2014 3:56pm by gbaji