1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?
Shaman was'nt my first choice. First one was elf wizard. At least in first levels wizard did'nt feel interesting for me and then I picked wood elf druid. (Note: as D&D player I have always played elves - once an elf, always an elf
). After getting constantly lost in Kelethin, falling off Kelethin - oops! dead again! - and trying to find my corpse in a pile of other dead bodies... well...
So I decided there's no point just looking pretty, so I started an iksar shaman and landed in Kunark.
I really adore this class! Shaman is like a band, he has all what needed: buffs, dots, DD, slow, root, pet. Shaman is capable of about everything and never boring!
Oh, and I am in love with my scaly tale.
Have you hugged an iksar today?
2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?
Kunark, baby! Kunark.
I have been here and there in Norrath, but Kunark just is the best.
Only zone I did'nt like in Kunark was Crypt of Dalnir.
3. What's your favorite zone? Why?
It's hard to name just one favorite, but if I have to, then LOIO. Of course there's lots of nostalgia involved, but grouping there in good company and having fun killing sarnaks - that beats about everything.
Later days Dreadlands, OT, Karnor's aka Grand Central Station...
Hehee, and Kurn's Tower! I will always remember this skelly laughter. It's priceless!
Every time I see a skeleton in a picture or a movie etc, I hear this laughter.
Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:29pm by Surimuri