So last Friday night, I logged in for the first time this year. I had kept up with news on the game, including what the devs were going to do (and eventually did) and sad to say, I fell into the 'OMG they're dumbing down the game" crowd when autogrant AA was first mentioned. The heroic character thing was completely unexpected though. But I have to say, I was completely wrong about autogrant. It has completely removed the incessant buzzing in my head revolving around developing characters for "the next level". For example, I have characters in certain level ranges who are (or were) basically in purgatory because they had to have certain AA done before I would level them further. You know the drill, tanks had to have their defensives done/maxed, priests had to have their heal/utility lines done/maxed, etc. Autogrant completely removes that necessity (at least until 85). It removes the need to place XP leeches in my groups when I box, just to get "the basics' out of the way. But more than anything else, it frees me to do stuff for fun, not for necessity. I would imagine it also allows other low AA folks to move into new (to them), more challenging content. I can't really argue with that.
Not happy about the "mass killing" nerf but I knew it would happen eventually. I always hoped they'd give it some thought and keep these abilities relevant and unique like they were. So much for that.
Heroic characters I haven't gotten into yet. I have a big logjam in the 84-86 range so no real desire to do a heroic. Plus, my groups at 75 and 80 should be tons of fun to level naturally now that they're well developed AA wise, so boosting one isn't in the cards. I understand the concept and agree with it to a point. I don't think HCs are aimed at new players as much as returnees who may not want to spend the time to come up from scratch since there's "nobody" at those levels. From what I understand, the krono has been a HUGE hit for SOE and I expect HCs to be similarly successful.
For anyone who might be on the fence about how dramatic autogrant is, I kept track of what happened with several of my characters across a few level ranges. I'll put it in a spoiler box for those not interested in that information.
80 Necro: 931 -> 2963
90 Rogue: 227 -> 4078
90 Shaman: 233 -> 5201
95 Druid: 4017 -> 6402
90 Ranger: 3026 -> 5962
85 Monk: 1693 -> 4076
84 Wizard: 677 -> 3507
84 Cleric: 1358 -> 3784
83 Wizard: 402 -> 3358
80 Wizard: 604 -> 2757
80 Cleric: 1162 -> 2970
80 Cleric: 1890 -> 3094
80 Bard: 523 -> 2912
80 Rogue: 837 -> 2707
80 Rogue: 380 -> 2680
76 Cleric: 1159 -> 2254
76 Enchanter: 206 -> 2054
75 Ranger: 309 -> 2463
85 Warrior: 1660 -> 3985
73 Rogue: 226 -> 1722
80 Bard: 396 -> 2912
80 Warrior: 346 -> 2631
75 Rogue: 133 -> 1982
80 Druid: 680 -> 2832
85 Shaman: 744 -> 5257 (!!!!)
87 Paladin: 1166 -> 4976
85 Cleric: 331 -> 4969
85 Warrior: 1821 -> 4024
85 Enchanter: 580 -> 4568
85 Cleric: 3708 -> 5044
75 Paladin: 274 -> 2261
75 Druid: 348 -> 2016
That is CRAZY in some cases!