I've read enough posts on various threads to know that heroic character hate is in. It's cool. It's what the cool people do!! Well here's the truth....I got a heroic character. (No it's not my main!) I have 2 accounts. One in gold all access and the other in silver. I had a chance to get a heroic character for free so I grabbed it, not because I needed it but because I was curious. This is what I found...
It may be that heroic characters are playable in an a gold all access account with about 4000 AAs you're auto-granted, however at about 1000 AAs for a heroic character in a silver account and at 250 AAs in a Free to Play (f2p) account those heroic characters are permanently (more or less) handicapped and no one should be jealous of their existence. Yes, you can buy 2000 AAs in cap increase through the marketplace with station cash (which is the maximum amount) but you can't do anything with them. You can't auto-grant heroic AAs into them because you're not in all access gold. You can't earn any AAs to put into them because you're capped already at either 1000 AAs in silver or 250 AAs in free to play which begs the question...what exactly is it that you've spent your money on? The truth is Sony won't tell us and NOBODY knows the answer to this outside the Sony EQ development team. You can't get this info reliably from any source. The best you can hope for is player speculation because nobody knows. Sony doesn't want us to know which begs the question....why? Some people in my guild have theorized the only way to get AAs into it is go gold all access for 1 month and apply for the AA auto-grant, get about 4000 AAs that would normally be assigned to the heroic character and then after you're gold all access membership expires next month and you're capped at 1000AAs for silver, plus any cap increases you bought ahead of time (before you went all access gold). Same thing for free to play accounts and you have to hope that they will cap you at the increased level of AAs that you purchased previously wherein Sony limits you in such a purchase to 2000 AAs maximum with 250 station cash per 100 AAs cap increase.
It looks to me like you are buying AA cap increases that can't be auto-granted (or used at all) and that you will be prevented from earning AAs in the usual way to put into the cap increase. Some people think this is a bug and Sony will fix it. Well...again nobody knows. What we know is nearly after a month of gold all access Sony hasn't fixed it. Most of the people I know who bought these things are asking for refunds. Whoops...did I say the word REFUND. well yes I did! Problem is generally things bought with station cash can't be refunded. What is the answer, well...nobody knows. Having said that of course people will post on this thread telling us they know. Nobody knows outside the game development team and they aren't telling. If you doubt that, go look at official sony soe sites and find the source and give the link below. What? You say there's no takers! Ah...yes there are no links. This means while we all give ourselves permission to hate heroic characters and the people who played them, we should at least limit that hate to people in all access because the people on heroic characters in silver or f2p accounts are getting screwed.
After a dozen years of playing EQ on and off, I'm here to tell you EQ is dying and probably heroic characters aren't going to save the game either. We had a good run for 15 years. I have been on board for 12 of them and its been a good ride but its nearly done. If you want to get on your secret heroic character and hide from your guildies and go out and have some stupid fun, I say go for it and enjoy the time that's left in the game because its winding down. I'm into marketing and sales, I understand bundling. If you can't sell something on its own because not enough people want to buy it anymore, bundle a bunch of things together that not enough people want to buy anymore for the same price you use to sale for one of them individually. Thats really what All Access membership is. I just know I really do that somebody is going to get on this thread and give us their pearls of wisdom by first announcing how many lvl 100 characters they have and how many AAs they have and we should therefore listen to them because their EQ uber gear gods. Truth is nobody knows where this is going. Therefore I hope we can respect the opinions of everyone that posts here mere mortals and EQ uber gear gods alike so no flaming please and no bumper stickers about let's "let the hate flow" either please. I therefore invite everyone in a mutual atmosphere of respect, ideas, thoughts, speculation and questions. Surely I don't have the answers that's why I am here. Hopefully to ask some good questions. Not necessarily to get answers because there may not be any but what there can be is an informed discussion. For anyone willing to extend themselves to participate in such a discussion I say thank you in advance. Please post away!