Time for another thread where we, the customers, inform the devs of THINGS THEY STILL HAVE TO "FIX"!
I put quotes around FIX since some of my suggestions aren't actually broken things (like quests, spells, abilities, etc.) but things which could seriously stand to be IMPROVED---sometimes at modest to insignificant cost in terms of time and effort---which is the best kind of suggestions to make if we ever hope to see such changes implemented.
I start off this one and will endeavor to add more if I remember to!
Use of Needlessly Cryptic Terminology.
Like "counters" for debuff spells. I can't tell you how many times when I used to raid guild clerics, shamans and druids would ask for explanation as to what it means for a "CounterAct Disease" type spell to "Decrease Disease Counter by 8." Can't they just say that when a bad spell is on a player it has a value of say "-10 points" (negative-10) and when you case CounterAct Disease it has a value of "+8 points" and so you need to cast it twice to "cure" the disease.
There's precedence for such simplification such as when they changed all references from "Flowing Thought" to "Mana Regeneration." At least here "FT" had some romance to the name where MR is purely functional. I doubt most players had a hard time remembering that one point of FT was +1 to your mana regen pace. Nonetheless they changed it and I suggest something similar with a cryptic term like "counters."
Also the whole "recourse" thing with respect to spells that have a secondary effect. Read almost any description of a recourse spell here on allakhazam (and that info comes from EQ's own spell databases so the blame isn't here) and see if you can make heads or tails of a lot of it. Just make it simple; "Spell X has a 10% chance of triggering Spell Y or Effect Z". KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!")
Anyone have more?