Hey all,
Of late, the decisions of the development team have ended up pissing me off, so I avoid the main forums. I can only assume that this late in the day that the NDA has been lifted. If not, I consider it late enough now that it is now null and void. So ask away with any questions you might have about The Darkened Sea.
There are eight zones, as any basic search will turn out. Four of them are semi-large and four are tiny. Two t1 zones that will be light blue at 105th, two t2 zones, and four t3 zones.
There are seven raids, two of which lock out upon request. So don't wipe or have raid reset or you'll be waiting until next week. Raids are tuned for 54 players in CotF t1 raid gear. Trash mobs hit upwards of 42k (in silk, granted).
Necromancers will finally be able to equip other weapons. Whether or not this will be desirable is yet to be seen.
There is a mount keyring that will store ten mounts. Additional mounts can be purchased from marketplace.
There were no new spell lines that I saw, granted I didn't look at *every* class. Most classes are having a good number of their key spells and abilities not seeing upgrades.
There were very few new AA. Most are but upgrades of current lines and, like the spells, many aren't seeing upgrades.
Weapon augmentations aren't seeing any upgrades. Gear upgrades are very minimal across the board, however, there are new powersources.
There is only one group mission per zone. Most, if not all, of them take place in open zones, so competition might be fierce. Looked to be only six HA.
Well, these are just a few highlights. I'll go into further details upon request and I encourage others to do the same.