I have some intermittent problems with the lucy EQ item collector; mostly that it does not seem to collect items -- however, I can usually get it working by deleting the db and starting it again.
My concern is that it sometimes truncates item names. One in particular is the 'Stoneoak Tower Shield' [94936]. If you look at the history on this item, the whacked out stats over the past year are probably caused by me when I upload. I see that I am not the only one that truncates names, there is also 'Dresovir Shard, Ro's Fiery Tower' [98985]. Not only are the names truncated, but that stats seem to get scrambled -- until someone else updates the item and corrects the names/stats back to normal. When I scan the list of items, most look fine/normal. Just the 'Stoneoak Tower Shield' usually gets scrambled to 'neok Tower Shield' or 'ok Tower Shield' (along with the stats). Any suggestions to resolve? Running the latest Wincp and item updater.