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Gaining AA for mercenaries...Follow

#1 Apr 07 2015 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I am trying to come up with a strategy to come up with away to speed up the mercenaries AA seems like they gain faster in the 20's. I was wondering if I used a shroud say like did level 20 or 25 would the mercenary gain AA any faster. I did noticed however in shroud form AA is not shown or available, however my thinking is part of the experience would go to me, part of it to the shroud and maybe some of it to the mercenary. Am I right in my thinking shroud form and gaining for AA that it might speed up the process only reason I want AA for mercenary is I tend to solo a lot and figured it would help fighting mobs and healing me. Any suggestions, comments, ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

#2 Apr 08 2015 at 5:56 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Unless it changed, mercenary AAXP gain is based solely on the share of XP that the mercenary already takes from the group. I have never tried to shroud down to attempt to increase incoming Merc-AAXP.

But from what I have heard and read on the EQ-Forums, most say it does not work for merc AAXP gain though a small minority insists that it works.

Since the Merc AA lines are few and they have few ranks compared to character AA's, I think that they purposely intended its gain to be slow, similar to the leadership abilities but not as extremely slow.. For my higher characters who use it (levels 95-100 range), I average a Merc AA every 30-45 AA's to its owner (a rough estimate).

Just a thought,
Some Merc AA's are available at lvl 20 iirc, while others are available at higher levels. So if you already filled the level 20's AAs and are shrouded down to level 20, I do not think that the merc will be able to gain the higher merc AA's (ie ones available at lvl 30 or 50 etc) while shrouded at 20 or under the AA's minimum requirement.

Good luck and hope this helps.
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