I really need to know if anyone cares to have pure a EQ. One without cheats.
Cheats outside of what you have been seeing posted lately of autobots farming. These people sometimes are banned not for the use of MQ but for making it run while not at the keyboard and foolishly or intentionally not utilizing checks to insure to do so while others are not around.. Many of the smarter programmers have built programs that are much smarter and also hide in the many HA/instances. Or many simply use these as bot programs to control many chars with little to no effort and still be more capable than most of the players actually playing them.
The major majority of all of the cheating and hacking comes from this software's framework. Many sites both paid and free have been providing this junk for 10+ years.
I would like see this finally resolved. I have challenged the staff to do something about this. They will not acknowledge it. People get all huffy and puffy when i mention doing something about it. "Your idiotic, Goth, for suggesting such a stupid idea"
Really is it such a bad idea to have a game free of cheats and overwhelming advantages to those that use it? I find it very odd that people would be upset about the removal of such software. Is EQ really this dependent on it.
IMO its time to stop turning a blind eye to the issue.
Is DBG more worried about making money on an openly cheated game than to lose some money on a game with more integrity?
Who wants something done about it? We all complain about cheaters but whats the point if you do not want to do a thing about the source of the problem?
My guess this will be locked and I could be banned. Some will be happy im sure. Its sad really. This will be the real answer to weather or not something will ever be done about MQ on EQ. If this is locked with no staff response to fixing the issue and im banned i will know this staff has no intention of making this game free of MQ.
For those of you who honestly do not use it. I am sorry for you, as you are at distinct disadvantage. You need to know that until something is done there are people out there that are cheating the game and the staff has no intention of doing anything about it unless you are one of these fools openly autoboting and get these video bans.