Hello All,,,,I just tried to gate to GL and the game froze. Login is up but getting 1017 error now. Anyone else ?
Just got booted on a zonein and now login wont even come up. grrrrr
Edited, Jul 9th 2015 5:22pm by djvsdjvs
Launchpad is trying to update now.
Edited, Jul 9th 2015 5:34pm by djvsdjvs
Another question begs an answer, since their forums are down too. How do we find out when DBG has their ***** in a neat and orderly fashion. Email to their customers ? Random logons I'm afraid.
Edited, Jul 9th 2015 7:18pm by djvsdjvs
LOL,,,I put fece* up above for ***** , I guess the board software changed it ,,, how gentile that this word isnt allowed LOL
Edited, Jul 9th 2015 7:36pm by djvsdjvs