background: I'm currently away from game due to moving and not having internet access (barely able to get online to do Zam) and am not expecting to return until September when we get into our new house. All of this while they (finally) launch new progression servers... with longer timeframes (something I've posted about since the previous round of servers). Now I hear they are speeding up Ragefire a wee bit but are going to allow transfers... making Lockjaw the slowplay casual server? [I've been a proponent of two rulesets to divide the population for ages as well... so this is a good move in my view]
My questions: So is anyone that posts/lurks on Zam playing on either of these servers? What class are you? What trends are you seeing (class mix, casual to raid guild demographics, etc.)?
I'm going to give Lockjaw a whirl when I come back. I usually play casters... and was thinking of going cleric (my original main back in the day that I got to high 40s before moving on) though part of me has always wanted to do a greenmist SK in a meanful context. Necro is my easymode to play but not so group useful in the last TLP round so I doubt I do that again... but I love feign death. Monks I always quit after level 65 (which is a long ways off for Lockjaw)... and the sadistic part of me thinks I should play an enchanter again.