tatankaseventh wrote:
Combat dummies can now be used as targets for skilling up casting skills like evocation (previously you had to target yourself :)
But I found last night that I wasn't getting any melee skillups against the combat dummies. Is that right, or did I just have terrible luck?
Several people have answered this, but here's the reason why: Combat skill attempts are based on the difficulty of the target you are swinging at. So attacking a grey mob (or non-combat NPC) will not grant skill increases, since the difficulty is too low. Spell skill attempts are based on the difficulty
of the spell. So as long as you are casting a relatively recent spell (which you pretty much always are), you'll get skill increases. The only restriction is whether the game physically allows you to cast the spell (ie: doesn't give you some kind of illegal target, or you can't cast that here message). Doesn't matter if what you cast the spell on is affected by the spell or not, you can gain skill just from successfully casting the spell. Effect is meaningless.
Back in the day, one of the safest ways to increase evocation (safer than nuking yourself, which some people did) was to nuke mob corpses. They were legitimate targets for spells. And if the mob had a drop on it, the corpse would stick around for quite some time. Might be silly, but that's the logic (and at least part of the game mechanics) behind this.
And, assuming this is so, what's the best way to skillup an unused weapon skill?
Several people have answered this as well. Just find some relatively safe/easy mobs (green or lt blue), and go to town. It'll take some time, but honestly nowhere near the amount of time skill increases used to take. About 6 months ago or so, I got on a skill up kick, and raised my h2h skill on my paladin (cause why not, right?) from basically zero to max in about an hour or so in Hill of Shade. In that case though, I was fighting mobs that I could trivially handle at 6-8 at a time (while still lt blue no less!), so taking extra time to kill (a lot of extra time, although getting slays with your fists is somehow satisfying). Depending on class and level range, this may be more or less easy for you.