So I'm having a blast teaching a friend how to play a cleric. She used to play one (at 65) back when Complete Heal was the be-all, end-all. I used to have her cleric (she asked me to take care of her in case she wanted to come back) but her ex (apparently, three ex's ago) took it and deleted all the characters on the account back in '06 or something. Anyway, I finally got her to give EQ another shot on a new account and she of course went with the class she knew best (laf!) and made a heroic cleric. Some history:
- Her last raids were Avatar of War (with 48 people and an 8-cleric rotation), Grummus, and Aerin Dar.
- Her last memory of XPing was Plane of Valor inner caves....and you had to have PoJ trials done to get there. Oh and BoT sucked for XP and Windblade was OMGWTFBBQ good.
Anyway, once I explained to her what her various spell lines did and got her a merc and such, I had her copy to Test and we went to Feerott the Dream to camp the Guard of Tangible Thoughts. Group is me boxing a 100SK, 96ROG, 90SHM, and 90ROG and her. She keeps freaking out every time something happens. Rogue crits, rogue SPELL crits, SK tap crits, it's hilarious. Now, this SK is the toughest character I have by quite a bit (135k hp, 12k AC, all the toys) so she didn't need much healing at this camp. But Deb threw a heal and it crit (for 8888) and she lost her damn mind.
Deb: What the f was that?
Me: HAX!
Deb: That was more than a CH!
Me: Yerp!
Now, she did make some mistakes that derive from being still somewhat CH dependent (i.e. not throwing a heal until someone's under 50% health) and she felt like crap after my lower rogue died as a result. But I think it's a great cautionary tale about heroic characters in general. Playing a class in a completely different era still presents quite a learning curve. Right now, she's in the guild hall casting her various heals to see how much they heal for and how much they can crit for. She's trying to get a handle on all the new tools the class has gotten over the 10 years she's been away. I'm going to take her out with someone more challenging (my 85 UF raid geared warrior) a bit later to really put her feet to the fire but this was a fun little exercise.
And I haven't even told her about the Vow line yet...