This isn't a change, it's something I had forgotten was like this as it has been so long since I started a barbarian character: the mad social aggro of the level 1-3 critters just south of the zone into Halas. This is the area a newb barbarian is supposed to push those first few levels. Wolves and bears help just about everything it seems. It's fun and I suffered my first death on Lockjaw server when my little rogue couldn't make it to the guards.
How does this contrast with other super-low newbie areas though? I'm probably not running every combo to check but here's my recollections, perhaps warped by time:
Crescent Reach (modern zone) is cake. Not sure if anything assist until past level 6. Mountains of Rathe, Shar Val, areas just outside Cabilis, most of 1-5 Gfay are all easy to my recall. Gfay is all about picking targets and staying away from orcs you can't handle... that's when I have needed the guards there in the past.
Nektulos can be tricky if you get away from the Newbie log as their are nasty pockets all over the place. Trolls are almost better off getting a level or two in town before going to Innothule, but that's because of the runners in the water leading you to harder baddies really.
Hmm... is anything as "hard" as level 1-3 barbarian newbness? Granted I haven't got level 2 yet --that changes everything!