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Just Starting? Been Away and Returning? Read HereFollow

#1 Jan 01 2016 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I PMed Ychir a few months ago about rebooting this thread as it has become quite bloated over the years (non admn don't see the multiple pages of nuked posts). Ychir is not presently active on the forums, but has a standing offer to repost a new version of this at any time and have it become the sticky (rather than a compilation posted by me).

EverQuest FAQ

Q. What is the easiest class to solo with?

A. For the easiest and most efficient class, a Necromancer. Necromancers have a snare, a pet and huge range of Damage over time spells (DoTs). Also, if you get into trouble you have an easy escape route: Feign death. Magicians are also very strong soloers (much more than in the original game).

You may also want to consider a bard. Whilst a less intuitive method of playing than a necromancer, a skilled bard can solo very efficiently using charm kiting. You can see the website EQDiva for strategies on playing a bard. If you are starting on a fresh progression server a druid can solo well (and make a good income from ports and buffing). Enchanters are very strong in early expansions in a progression environment if you are willing to charm --but are arguably the most subtle class in EQ.

Q. Which server has the highest population?

A. As Daybreak will not release any information regarding player subscriptions, or server populations, this is a very difficult question to answer. Anecdotally Luclin and Antonius Bayle still have some of the higher populations. However, Firiona Vie, with a special roleplaying rule set has a very low population due to not being merged along with the other servers. If you're new, I would advise staying away from Firiona Vie (note: the FV comment may be more 2007... circa 2015 it is probably fairer to say the droppable loot ruleset and influx of transfers have stabilized the servers population and given it a very different economy/culture than the rest of EQ. Maybe it would suit you, but don't judge the whole game on FV server). If you have friends on one server, think about joining that server. Progression servers tend to high extremely high population to start with, for example the Phinigel progression server was one of the only EQ servers to display as "high population" all of December 2015 (the month of it launching).

Q. What is the best race for class xyx?

A. As the game stands, it makes very little difference what race you play anymore, with the slight exception of the new Drakkin race, which gets a breath weapon that improves with levels. Most would argue that modern AA more than negate any racial advantage. As it is very easy to max stats pick something that you like the feel of, and enjoy playing.

Q. Where should I head to get a group / What is the best zone to get gear / exp / money in ?

A. Route 1: When you start out you will spawn into the tutorial. This will guide you through the basics of the game or, if you are a returning player, bring you up to date with any changes that may have taken affect during your absence. Here you will find it easy to get a group and meet other players, and get your hands on some very nice newbie equipment. We didn't have that in my day!

When you hit level 10 or 11 leave the tutorial. When you leave you will spawn in Plane of Knowledge (PoK). Press backspace to bring up your ingame map and head over to the stone which says Crescent Reach, which will take you to Blightfire Moors. Run through Blightfire to Crescent Reach, and to the quests around there for armor and exp. Once you hit level 18 or so you can go to Paludal Caverns, where you can usually find a group pretty easily, and get nice exp.

Route 2: Leave the tutorial as soon as you finish the "walkthrough" stage and head over to the Serpent's Spine via route 1. There are many questgivers in Crescent Reach up to the twenties I believe. This route gives slightly better equipment rewards than route 1.

You can leave the tutorial either by talking to Arias, or stepping through the cave entrance behind the waterfall. If you tell the Soulbinder "bind my soul" inside the tutorial, you will be able to return as long as you are below level 16.

Q. I'm thinking about returning to the game, which expansions should I buy?

A. Buy the most recent as it catches up all the previous. Depending on your play goals you might want to wait and try what you get with a free to play status account.

Q. What are EverQuest's system requirements?

(circa 2008 info?):

Required Specs:

Windows® 2000/ME/XP
Pentium® II 400 equivalent or greater
256 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 7500/NVidia GeForce 1 equivalent or greater*
DirectX ompatible Sound Card
28K + Internet Connection
4X Speed CD-ROM
500 MB Hard Drive Space
DirectX 9.0
EverQuest Classic and a valid EverQuest account

Recommended Specs:

Windows® 2000/ME/XP
Pentium® III equivalent or greater
512 MB RAM
NVidia GeForce 3/ATI Radeon 8500 equivalent or greater*
DirectX compatible Sound Card
56.6K + Internet Connection
16X Speed CD-ROM
1.5 + GB Hard Drive Space
DirectX 9.0

Update from bbot.

Q. I have not played for 3 years, are my characters still there? I do not remember my account password or name, I guess I would have to start all over again and I would rather not so I won't come back.

You could not be more wrong, SOE wants you back, every account that has every been opened is still there with almost all the toons. Those under level 10 were deleted with the server merge, but all others will be on the account once you relog in. The deleted ones can be restored to you if you are prepared to spend a couple of prime workday hours on the phone ******** to costumer service, though most would not want to spend the time to do so, unless you kept all your platinum on a level 1 bazaar trader, then it might be worth it.

If you have forgotten the password, and/or account name, you can get that information emailed to you provided you know the email address the account is registered under. You can find more information at this SOE Site. That link also tells you what you need to do if you have forgoten that account name, password and you no longer have access to the email address you registered the game under. Basically SOE has all the credit card information you paid for the account with and if you can match that information you will be given your account name and password and you will be back in the game with your old characters. This will require speaking to a customer srvice rep on the phone however and may take a little time.

If it has been a few years your current credit card number might not be the one you used as it might have had last couple of digits changed when it was periodically reissued or if it was lost in that period. If you do not have that old information readily availible, you can call you credit card company and get that information. Do not listen if some ignorant costumer service rep says its not possible because it does not show up on the monitor, they are a finacial institution and they save everything. You just may need to talk to a supervisor and get directed to the appropriate department outside the customer service department and it may also take a few days to get the information to you, but don't take no for an answer.

Finally, the above steps that you can take if you have forgotten your password/ account name will also work, even if you have sold or given away the account to someone else. So if you ebayed your old account or gave it to an old roommate you no no longer speak to, you can take back the account using these steps. SOE does not recognize accoutn transfers and specifically forbids them in its policies and the recipients are out of luck according to SOE if the original account holder wants the account back. credit to Fhrugby the Sly

Q. What is OOC Regen?

With TSS SOE came up with out of combat regen (OOC), a way to drastically reduce downtime (and put every chanter in game in the unemployment line). Now every mob that you agro will, once dead, give you a timer of 30 seconds for regular mobs and 5 minutes for raid mobs. While in combat and in the timer period you will regen mana/hp/endurance just like you did pre-TSS, once the timer is gone you will start regening base 3% hp/mana/end per tick, and any mana regen effects you have (clarity line, AAs, beast crack, FT gear, etc.) will stack on top of the 3%. There are several new icons that go along with this system, they appear in your characters name box where your % health, mana, and endurance are displayed. The first symbol is a golden circle it means you are currently in OOC regen and getting 3% everything back per tick- you MUST be seated for this to work, just like normal medding. Next symbol is a blue circle and it means you aren't in combat and you have no timers, you're just not seated (also you have to be stationary, so moving on a mount won't let you regen mana). Crossed swords mean you're in combat and an hour glass means you have a timer. Your timer will be displayed below your endurance as a grey bar with the amount of time you have left displayed beside it. When it runs out it disappears. If you have a detrimental buff (malo, slow, rezz effects) you will have a flame symbol that means you need to be cured before you can go OOC. In the case of rezz effects you just have to wait till it fades. To keep mobs that may have agroed on you but are now out of your range from keeping you in combat now mobs will drop agro if you are out of their range for over 30 seconds or so. FD pullers -- now you have a visual way to see if a mob is back at it's spawn point yet if you can't actually see the spawn point, just wait for the swords to go to an hour glass *this will only work if you don't have a mob dotted*.
Last -- buffing a player with a timer will give you their timer, and if you die to raid mob you will still have the timer after you are rezzed. credit to Srakeats

Q. So it seems I have forgotten some of the basics, like how to get stuff on the hotbars and such. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get some info?

To get stuff on hotbars:

1. Spells

Put your cursor over the spell that you want to move to the hot bar.
Hold down the left click button.
A new icon will appear on your cursor.
Drag it to the hot bar slot that you want to click to cast from.
You can now either press the respective key for that hotbar slot (1,2,3,4,5... etc) or left click it with your mouse.

2. Clickies

It's pretty much the same thing.

Bring up your inventory and find the item which you want to drag. Hold down left click over the top of it, drag it to the hotbar.

Credit to DrakkinFan (with editing)

For AAs or leader AAs bring up the applicable window (aa - press V, LAA press L) then select the ability you want, on the right side of the window for AAs it will have a button that says make hot key. Click here and you will have your button. For leadership it's a little different based on things that have 3 ranks (mark npc) -- on the right there is a section called create hotkey with a 1, 2, and 3 under it. Create hotkey one will work for anything with one rank (health of target's target, find path, delegate mark, delegate assist) and the 2 and 3 are used for things with multiple ranks (inspect buffs, and mark npc).
Also there are now 4 hotbars! To bring up your hotbars click on the EQ button in the bottom left corner then go to *actions* and click on which hotbar you want to open. I use all 4. Hotbars one and two are horizontal while three and four are verticle. Bring up your options window *ctrl O* and go to *keys* to change buttons associated with your hotbars, each hotbar has its own selection in the drop down window. The bandolier window also has hotkey creating capabilities - Bring up the bandolier window (B), select the setup you want to hotkey and press "hot button".
Last thing is for clickies. If you use your mouse on clickies make sure you right click on them, otherwise you'll simply be picking them up with your mouse (which isn't good when you're clicking a defensive ability on your BP in combat and accidently unequip it and lose AC in battle)

Credit to Srakeats

For another guide, you can go on "The Returning Player FAQ Thread" on the official EverQuest forums.

List of Class Boards

Druid's Grove - Druids
EQ Clerics - Clerics
EQ Outriders - Rangers
EQDiva - Bards
Graffe's Wizard Compilation - Wizards
Monkly Business - Monks
Paladins of Norrath - Paladins (defunct?)
Ranger's Glade - Rangers
The Runes - Enchanters
The Safehouse - Rogues
The Shaman's Crucible - Shamans
The Spirit Realm / Sammana's Reference Desk Shamans and general information
NecroTalk - Necromancers
The Beastlord's Den - Beastlord
EQSummoners - Magicians
Evil Gamer - Shadowknights
GoBerserker - Berserkers

with help from: Felicite, madmur, tweelisT and Raolan.

For some useful general knowledge, check out the EQ Strategy Wiki.

Lag Killers

- /showgrass off -- Used to turn off grass models... mainly obsolete in the non-revamped zones, but the newer ones have a lot of grass, which creates a lot of lag.

- /leave <chat channel> -- Oddly enough, the chat channels can create a bit of lag. It's more noticeable during raids, but it is still there.

- Turning off spell particles, environment particles, and player particles is a good way to reduce graphics lag. Another way to do this is by filtering which names you see for players (/showname, I believe is the command. You can choose to show first, first and last, or first, last, title, guild, etc.)

- Turning off/down the sky model always helps. You can choose complex, simple, or off as toggles for the sky. Complex means you see the sun, stars, moon, clouds (that move), and other such things. Simple gets rid of the clouds, and off gets rid of everything. with credit to NaturesParadox.

Open Zones

Many keyed zones from the Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power, Gates of Discord, Omens of War, Depths of Darkhollow, and Prophecy of Ro have had their key/flag requirements modified. All players that have obtained the key/flag will still be allowed entry into the zones, as will players that have met minimum level requirements for the zones. The zones and minimum level requirements are as follows:

- Required Level 46 -
The Howling Stones
Old Sebilis
Skyshrine to Cobalt Scar

- Required Level 55 -
Sleeper's Tomb
Veeshan's Peak
Vex Thal
Locked areas of the Temple of Ssraeshza

- Required level 57 -
Bastion of Thunder
Halls of Honor
The Temple of Marr
Tower of Solusek Ro
Drunder, The Fortress of Zek

- Required Level 60 -
Plane of Water
Plane of Air
Plane of Fire
Plane of Earth

- Required Level 62 -
Plane of Time

- Required Level 65 -

- Required Level 68 -

- Required Level 70 -
Demiplane of Blood

- Required Level 72 -
Theater of Blood

Mercenaries - Player-Controlled NPC Group Members

Mercenaries were released along with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. See the Mercenary Overview on the Allakhazam Wiki for information.

Also, a thorough FAQ about mercenaries can be found over at EQ Summoners.

Don't forget the Forum Information and Useful Threads thread here as it gets into more specifics.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 4:10pm by Railus

Edited, Feb 1st 2015 6:39pm by YCHIR

Edited, Jan 1st 2016 10:06pm by snailish

Edited, Jan 30th 2017 5:04am by Gidono

Edited, May 16th 2018 11:19am by Gidono

Edited, May 19th 2019 3:31pm by Gidono
#2 Sep 26 2016 at 5:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
We may have just lost another legendary class site... Monklybusiness appears to have (at the very least) let their domain expire. Hopefully this is just a blip and it's back up in no time, rather than being gone forever.

All eggs in one basket (including here) is a bad idea. I recommend frequenting and supporting as many EQ sites as possible. Two of the best:

Fanra's Everquest Wiki

EQ Resource
#3 Jan 30 2017 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
EQNecro link is now a Home Expert website
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#4 Jan 30 2017 at 5:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Naonak wrote:
EQNecro link is now a Home Expert website

A whole different tradeskill, interesting. Removed link.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at
#5 Feb 28 2017 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like GoBerserker also died off. I really hope it comes back before Phinny gets to GoD. There is so much info available there and the wayback machine only has so much archived.

Edited, Feb 28th 2017 11:30pm by Wrathis182
#6 Apr 21 2018 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Returning player.

My husband and I had 6 players each on one server and 1 or 2 on another. Anyways, we moved to Germany in 2000 and though the speed wasn’t great we were able to get together in groups and raid and level up.
In 2005 we moved back to the states, kept playing.

But, in 2008 we moved back to Germany, we are still there, and until just recently the play has been slow and well, they didn’t catch up with the speed of the states until last year, so we said goodbye to Everquest, hoping to return when things got better.

Well, they got better, I still no my passwords, all of my characters, I made character sheets for them all, even my husbands. So, the server we were on is gone. Can I get at least a few of them back?

Missing my girls, created a new one, but it’s just not the same.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#7 Apr 22 2018 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
The server merged into another server and your toons were moved to that server, I'm sure. What server did you used to play on?
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#8 Apr 22 2018 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Ayonae Ro
#9 Apr 22 2018 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
Merged into The Tribunal which then merged into Bristlebane which is still around.

Daybreak has a page listing all server mergers, just Google "Everquest server mergers."

I suspect your toons are waiting for you on Bristlebane!
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#10 Apr 22 2018 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Playing a new character on Bristlebane. How do I find out if and where the others are?

By the way, thanks for all the help, past and future.
#11 Apr 22 2018 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
They should still be on your original accounts. If not, it's possible they got deleted during a purge of long-unused characters but I thought that only happened at low levels. I suggest you post a petition (or ticket) on DBG's site giving them the names of the toons and the server.

Here's a link to submit:

You need to log into your account on their site to submit tickets so they will have your account info from the log-in. This all assumes you know your old account info, which you imply you do. Otherwise they have to work off other identifying info like credit cards used originally (which might be hard to provide if it was many years ago), original email account, etc.
Good luck and let us know how it goes. Might take a little while but DBG should be all about getting customers back! At worse create new toons and give them the old names. These days it isn't hard to level up. You can probably get back to your original levels in less than a month, even with casual play. Reviving the old accounts, though, is good for obtaining valuable veterans AA's, which can be very useful.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2018 3:19pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#12 Apr 22 2018 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I will let you know either way.
#13 May 16 2018 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
snailish wrote:

List of Class Boards

Druid's Grove - Druids
EQ Cleric - Clerics
EQ Outriders - Rangers
EQDiva - Bards
Graffe's Wizard Compilation - Wizards
Monkly Business - Monks
Paladins of Norrath - Paladins (defunct?)
Ranger's Glade - Rangers
The Runes - Enchanters
The Safehouse - Rogues
The Shaman's Crucible - Shamans
The Spirit Realm / Sammana's Reference Desk Shamans and general information
The Steel Warrior - Warriors
NecroTalk - Necromancers
The Beastlord's Den - Beastlord
EQSummoners - Magicians
Evil Gamer - Shadowknights
GoBerserker - Berserkers

with help from: Felicite, madmur, tweelisT and Raolan.

Hubby and I have recently returned after a VERY long break (years!). Eager to learn all the changes, we tried to visit the class sites with little success. The only sites I was able to connect with are the ones for Druid, Wizard, Rogue, Necromancer and Beastlord. :-(
#14 May 16 2018 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
TobbiRamb wrote:
snailish wrote:

List of Class Boards

Druid's Grove - Druids
EQ Cleric - Clerics
EQ Outriders - Rangers
EQDiva - Bards
Graffe's Wizard Compilation - Wizards
Monkly Business - Monks
Paladins of Norrath - Paladins (defunct?)
Ranger's Glade - Rangers
The Runes - Enchanters
The Safehouse - Rogues
The Shaman's Crucible - Shamans
The Spirit Realm / Sammana's Reference Desk Shamans and general information
The Steel Warrior - Warriors
NecroTalk - Necromancers
The Beastlord's Den - Beastlord
EQSummoners - Magicians
Evil Gamer - Shadowknights
GoBerserker - Berserkers

with help from: Felicite, madmur, tweelisT and Raolan.

Hubby and I have recently returned after a VERY long break (years!). Eager to learn all the changes, we tried to visit the class sites with little success. The only sites I was able to connect with are the ones for Druid, Wizard, Rogue, Necromancer and Beastlord. :-(

For clerics, go to

I'm not sure about the rest. I'll edit the cleric entry.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at
#15 Feb 25 2019 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
11 posts
Outdated info here and elsewhere still describes making hotbuttons for the Banestrike AA. I finally found out about the change searching through all the EQ forum posts with the word banestrike in them. For all my fellow flat-fingered button-mashing returning vet players, the only indication your Banestrike ability is working now is a damage text that is pretty easy to miss if you are going fast and furious against a mess of trouble. Exact text to follow if I can get a round tuit.

To say it plainly: Banestrike has been fully automated. There are no buttons nor are any required.

Good Hunting!
Ewor, on Drinal

"soandso is struck by vengeful spirits." is the text I see that I think is the Banestrike indicator.

Edited, Feb 25th 2019 12:07pm by EWorthing

Just saw this one a few minutes ago: "yourname hit a drowned pirate for 600 points of physical damage by Banestriike XV." The 'vengeful spirits' was maybe an aug or equipment firing off it's effect.

Edited, Mar 5th 2019 2:32pm by EWorthing
Pally on Lanys
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#16 Feb 25 2019 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
That stinks about Banestrike. Never understood why they did this.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#17 Mar 04 2019 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
OK, search isn't working for me this evening and this IS newbie/returning stuff. There is probably a place to look at all the shortcut keys and learn what you never knew as well as what you just can't remember. I remember that Shift/B opens or closes all the containers on your character BUT, for the life of me I can't remember how to open/close all my BANK containers at once.

--------------FOUND IT!------------- It's in the list of Commands in the Keys tab of the Options panel. Just have to assign it to a key combo. Must have done this at one point, but the mind is already wasted, so . . . .--------------FOUND IT!------------- oh, I said that.

Another bit is how to change your sig/char info that appears @ the end of your posts here on ZAM! (Fanbyte). Couldn't find anything even when the search appeared to be working.

So, a little help would be mucho bueno.

Thanks, Ewor on Drinal

& BTW, the Find button for all your items is much appreciated by this Dwarf/Gnome/Barb/Froggy

ZAM be the Greatest!!!

Edited, Mar 4th 2019 10:01pm by EWorthing
Pally on Lanys
#18 Mar 04 2019 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
Not a macro apprentice even, but I think I read some casters had issues with Banestrike interfering with their spells when used in their macros.

Ya, change is good. yay change. (teeth grinding) Sorry, it's a personal problem.

Good Hunting!!
Ewor on Drinal.
Pally on Lanys
#19 May 19 2019 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
362 posts
The link to Steel Warriors is not safe. It launched a RansomeWare/Takeover virus, that luckily can be cleared by restarting your computer safely. I am not sure if you can task-manager to clear it or not.

PLEASE EDIT ORIGINAL Post to disable this link!

#20 May 19 2019 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Anhari wrote:
The link to Steel Warriors is not safe. It launched a RansomeWare/Takeover virus, that luckily can be cleared by restarting your computer safely. I am not sure if you can task-manager to clear it or not.

PLEASE EDIT ORIGINAL Post to disable this link!


Thanks. Removed the link.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at
#21 May 21 2020 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Thank you, newb here all over again
Soulphage is my name for these games> EQ1,EQOA,EQII,WOW,XboxLive,Diablo II US East
also Shipwreck on EQII
#22 May 21 2020 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
snailish wrote:

Q. What is the easiest class to solo with?

A. For the easiest and most efficient class, a Necromancer. Necromancers have a snare, a pet and huge range of Damage over time spells (DoTs). Also, if you get into trouble you have an easy escape route: Feign death. Magicians are also very strong soloers (much more than in the original game).

You may also want to consider a bard. Whilst a less intuitive method of playing than a necromancer, a skilled bard can solo very efficiently using charm kiting. You can see the website EQDiva for strategies on playing a bard. If you are starting on a fresh progression server a druid can solo well (and make a good income from ports and buffing). Enchanters are very strong in early expansions in a progression environment if you are willing to charm --but are arguably the most subtle class in EQ.

This is always a question that can be debated and argued for hours, and I've done it many a time, sometimes over ales at the Kaladim local!

I've played every class to a reasonable level (at least 1-80) and I consider necros and bards among the harder classes to master. They're also not super-user-friendly to novices, since necro dots and taps take some time to get comfortable with understanding. Bards can be confusing because of how they're unique in the game using songs instead of spells, not needing mana (well, most of the time, but sometimes they do... lol) and having to swap out weapons for instruments depending on what they're doing.

Easiest to play is not, of course, the same as easiest to solo. Warrior is probably the easiest class to play at low levels, and the character concept is recognizeable for anyone who's ever played a fantasy game. But they don't solo very well, especially on TLP servers (without mercs.) On the other hand, they shouldn't NEED to solo on a TLP server, especially a new one, since groups are easy to find and most groups want a warrior.

In any case, i'd vote for mage and druid. Mage is an easy class to play, almost point-and-shoot. I'm prejudiced about druid since it's been my main forever. But they really are GREAT on a new TLP server, just because you can cast SOW early on (which is a time-saver AND a life-saver, and makes you lots of friends) and the porting is invaluable. Whenever I start a new druid I still get excited as I get each level of ports, first the evacs, then the solo ports (rings) and then the group ports (circles.) And they sure help you make friends... and ultimately the game, especially on TLP, is more about the social aspects than it is about levelling rapidly.

Of course, good cases could be made for every class. Everyone wants a cleric in the group on new servers. Enchanters are golden the moment they acquire Breeze and then Clarity. I had a blast on Mangler playing an enchanter, amazing other players with how much they contribute to groups with mez and charm. Druids can impress with charm too, btw, if there is an animal around, and most XP zones conveniently stick an animal breed or two in the zone expressedly for druids to charm.

I gotta open a beer to continue this discussion... Smiley: lol

Edited, May 21st 2020 4:11pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#23 Sep 12 2020 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but I can't create a new one. I'm logged in right now (just created a free acct) and it lets me reply, but when I go to "create new thread" it just tells me I need to log in, then when I click log in, it brings me back to the main forum home page, so I'm stuck in a loop.

I wanted to create a thread about how to learn spell research on the new time-locked progression servers. I'm playing a mage on Aradune and want to learn the research tradeskill, but p99 wiki is apparently outdated in some ways. A player in game told me they changed research again, but I'm having trouble finding legit up-to-date info on how to do things now.

Anyway, I'll go into further detail and move the discussion to a more appropriate place if admins can fix this log in/new thread issue for me. Thanks.
#24 Sep 13 2020 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Aphelios1 wrote:
Guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but I can't create a new one. I'm logged in right now (just created a free acct) and it lets me reply, but when I go to "create new thread" it just tells me I need to log in, then when I click log in, it brings me back to the main forum home page, so I'm stuck in a loop.

I wanted to create a thread about how to learn spell research on the new time-locked progression servers. I'm playing a mage on Aradune and want to learn the research tradeskill, but p99 wiki is apparently outdated in some ways. A player in game told me they changed research again, but I'm having trouble finding legit up-to-date info on how to do things now.

Anyway, I'll go into further detail and move the discussion to a more appropriate place if admins can fix this log in/new thread issue for me. Thanks.

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#25 Oct 05 2020 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Just started back in EQ after a very long hiatus. Two days running this weekend Faydark was empty except for my kid and myself on Tunare server. Are there any other servers that are medium populated?
#26 Oct 05 2020 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
3,036 posts
That will be the case at low levels on all servers. Maybe a bit less on the TLP servers, especially the two newest ones, Aradune and Rizlona. Your best bet to find others at very low levels might be to go to Crescent Reach. TLP servers are not available for free accounts, btw.

Best to look for and join a good family type guild as they can help with gear and questions and some members may have low level alts they could use to group with you. In any case, low levels go quickly nowadays. If there's two of you, that's 1/3 of a group there so announce in chat you have a group of 2 LFM (looking for more.) It's always easier for an existing group to find more players than for a solo player to find a group. But on regular servers you will be soloing, or duoing in your case, from 1-75 or so, maybe grouping occasionally as you stumble on others working on lower level toons. On the TLP servers it's not as bad. But remember even those 2 TLP servers I mentioned have been in existence for several months now so most players have levelled up quite a bit.
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