I believe it is this tier of
cultural armor Might be easiest to go down the rabbit hole at EQtraders:
EQ Traders wrote:
"Old cultural" is older and includes both the well-known "blue diamond" cultural armor, in which blue diamonds were a key ingredient, as well as lesser known sets of "imbued", lower quality armor and weapons. Wood elves also have cultural fletching recipes that date from the same time as the other old cultural. All these recipes have in common that they are usable by more races than the one that can make them. They also generally are limited to use by worshippers of one deity, although some of the lesser known, lower quality armor and weapons have unimbued versions with no deity restriction. Some races and/or deities do not have any usable old cultural whatsoever. To see which old cultural armors you could wear, refer to the Old Cultural Race/Class/Deity Template.
On EQ Traders site, then click the "Old Cultural Race/Class/Deity Template" and you will get a huge list. Here's a piece of it:
EQ Traders wrote:
Non-Imbued: Northman Ring (BAR), Vale Studded Leather (HFL), Vale Reinforced Leather (HFL), Seafarer�s (HUM), Dwarven Chain (DWF), Enchanted Teir�Dal Chain (DEF), Teir�Dal Chainmail (DEF), Teir�Dal Adamantite (DEF), Teir�Dal Adamantite (DEF � enchanted), Teir�Dal Regent (DEF)
Innoruuk: Teir�Dal Adamantite (DEF � enchanted), Imbued Teir�Dal Chain (DEF), Dark Prince Regent (DEF)
The trick is... in Velious era you don't get the top-tier of this stuff as they have presently set it up for progression servers. Teir Dal Regent is not active from what I am hearing, so Dark Elf cultural is locked somewhere in the adamantite range.
Hope this helps.
Edit: click "recipes" then "cultural" to get to the spot with the link to the old templates.
Edited, Jun 24th 2016 7:11am by snailish