Sippin wrote:
tatankaseventh wrote:
I just wanted to mention, you don't have to spend big bucks on bank bags. There are two ways of making the tailored bags, and the one way is WAY cheaper. The bags weigh something like 800 pounds, so you can't use them anywhere but in a bank, but they're less expensive that way.
The "expensive bags" from the Marketplace are 32-36 slots. The tailor-made bags run only 14-20 slots, and at least on my server, FV, they can be pretty pricey. Right now the sellers in the Bazaar offering the 20-slot are asking about 25kpp each. then add the cost of the reagent to expand them, which is over $2k if you want to make a bag to carry on you. Of course a bank full of 20-slot bags will hold a lot of stuff and you can expand the heavy bags with a much cheaper reagent.
Now if you can pharm your own Befouled Pelts & Silks and Ethernere Essences, you can make them cheaper, if you're a Master Tailor. But at 524 trivial even a Master will fail. So given that those components have market value (about 9kpp on FV) it's a tossup whether it's better to buy or make them.
What I do is just gather mats for a while (just stuff I loot while hunting). When I feel I have enough to make it through a run to get me to 300, I use a Draft of the Craftsman on an alt, and make all the bags, without losing any mats, and get an alt to 300 tailoring. The two caveats here, I don't have mats JUST for 20 slotters, but also 14 and 16 slotters. Further, on-character and in-bank storage is not an issue for me at all, so there's no hurry for me to get more of these quickly.
Sippin wrote:
tatankaseventh wrote:
For housing, I've bought all 12 of my houses with Loyalty points, which I don't really spend on anything else, anyway, so that's worked out nice.
This leads me to ask a question I've been meaning to post on a separate thread. (Still might if this gets buried here, and I don't want to derail---too much.) How do players store their mats? I'm guessing with 12 hours you devote one to each trade skill? This sounds useful but I'd hate to have to keep zoning into different houses to dump my recently acquired mats. While the Guild Bank seems to have potential it really doesn't have enough space for the huge amount of different mats that are easily accumulated.
What I do is make alts on my account and load them up with Extraplanar Trade Satchels, each of which can hold 32 mats. (You can also buy the 40-slot TS container from the Marketplace but that costs 1000SC and I don't think it's worth it for an extra 8 slots.) My main accumulates all the mats to the point where he runs out of space. Then I transfer them through the Shared Bank slots to my TS alts.
No I don't sort them during the transfer, I just dump them into whatever alt has the most space. How do I know where to find stuff? I created a hot button to CAMP which includes the
/out inventory command. So every time I camp it automatically generates a current inventory. Then I wrote a small program which takes all the inventory files from all my toons and combines them into a spreadsheet. So if I need some Befouled Animal Pelts I just check the spreadsheet and locate which toon/slot has some of those.
This works for me but I'm all ears for better solutions. The way I accumulate mats willy-nilly and the way I work on making trade skill combines willy-nilly as well, devoting an entire house to one trade just doesn't seem to make sense. Of course my solution won't work if someone has their account loaded with toons they actually play. But my mains are on separate accounts so they all have plenty of open character slots to make functional level 1 "mules."
OK, here's a quick run-down of my approach. First I'll note that all my houses are owned by my three mains that I box, and my three Bazaar merchants. All have a hotkey for /outputfile, and I just use the Cygwin app (UNIX like window with some nice functionality for the Windows PC) with a window open to my inventoryfile directory. A quick "grep" quickly finds where the mats are. And I have all 12 houses right in the same area, so that helps.
Also, on a more useful side-note, I saw you say this above: "This sounds useful but I'd hate to have to keep zoning into different houses to dump my recently acquired mats". Yeah, I wouldn't have this setup if I had to zone in to the house to access mats. The good news is, you don't. You walk up to the house, but still in the neighborhood zone, and right click, and select "manage items" or something like that. It brings up the UI for accessing the items. So no zoning required. I actually zone into a house to place a trophy, or something like that, and many of the houses I have, I have never zoned into.
So, first, my philosophy. After housing came out, I saw a way to NEVER have to swap alts to access any mats I might need (or any other item). So I store NOTHING that might be needed by another char in any of my chars' banks or inventory. Everything is in a house or the guild bank. I have all my chars in my own guild, and set the houses to allow guild senior officers (i.e. all of my chars) full access. Banks only hold quest items, gear, NO DROP items, etc for that char. So, except for my three mains, a bank and inventory full of deluxe tool boxes works fine. Every chars also gets 1 Dream Weave Satchel (16 slot /claim), and if that char actually gets played to hunt/kill, they get 1-3 Extraplanar Satchels.
So, when I play (usually the three mains), the one char loots everything, and has three extraplanar satchels. Depending on what I'm doing, I can go several days to a week before I unload. Almost everything goes to the guild bank, because it's all stackable, and the GB stacks it for me. When a stack fills up, I take in to the houses to store. For more unusual items, that either don't stack, or are less common (lower level TS mats, because I don't hunt in lower level zones that often), I dump all of those to TS only bags in my bank, just to park for a bit. Once those fill up, I take those, and whatever full stacks I've made from the GB, and take it to the houses. I don't have a super strict way of organizing the mats, and certainly not by TS, but I follow an informal way of organizing them, and with being able to quickly search (grep) for what I want, it works pretty well, and doesn't take a lot of my time in overhead.
One lesser known advantage of using housing to store stuff is, you can keep NO RENT items there, and they don't poof. So, if you have a mage, you can make a bunch of gear and weapons, and put it in a house. Then if you have other pet classes who need pet gear, you just go and grab it :)
Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)