A recent thread got me thinking about various AA/combat abilities. Some of which are *really* useful, and others not so much. Since I've hardly played more than a small handful of characters enough to know their specific abilities, I was curious which abilities people find to be the most useful for various classes, and which the least useful.
As I mentioned in that other thread, I think that the repel line is massively useful for my paladin. I use it all the time and it has a huge benefit to my tanking capabilities. On the flip side though, one of the most useless abilities in the game is the breather ability. In theory, it sounds great. You're low or out of endurance, you click the ability and you gain it back at super high speed. Great right? Here's the problem. It only takes you up to a certain level (caps at 21%, 25%, or 29% depending on rank). Let me be clear on this. It actually caps your endurance gain at that level. You can't go higher than that percentage in End, while it's up (you'll actually see it increase on a tick and then drop back down).
The kicker? You can't use it during combat, or while combat mode is activated. So you have to wait until you drop into ooc mode to use the ability. So, um... you could just sit down and get the 3%/tick regen rate at that point, which will actually regen faster (eh, about the same), but is *not* capped. If you make the mistake of triggering the ability thinking it'll increase your end regen, you'd be mistaken. They don't stack. You get either ooc regen rate or the breather rate. And if you have breather activated, you'll sit eternally at the cap, never actually recovering your full bar of end no matter how long you rest.
I'd actually have to double check, but I think it clicks off if you enter combat, so you can't activate it and then start fighting allowing you to regain end super fast the whole time (that would just be way too powerful actually). Um... so... it's completely useless. Most of the time, if you sit down you'll have regained endurance pretty close to the cap by the time 30 seconds have gone by anyway, so it's not even like you get a boost at any point. It's just useless all the way around. And actually hurts you. If I'm stopping to wait 30 seconds to recover end, I'm going to take an extra minute or two to just recover the entire bar, so I can go kill tons of stuff before stopping again. There's no point to waiting 30 seconds just to recover a quarter of my bar.
So yeah, pointless.