So, I'm trying to work my way through PoP flagging, and I'm stuck on Plane of Tactics.
First of all, none of the guides and walkthroughs that I've seen explain anything here. They all say, get Tallon and Vallon flags, and then get Rallos. None of them mention any in-between steps which evidently exist.
So I found Tallon and Vallon up last night, got the Planar Projections, talked to Maelin, and from the text I get from the Seer (the lady you talk to, to see the state of your flagging), it's time for me to kill Rallos.
So, I find Rallos up, but he's not targetable. A General chat query gets me the name of two mobs which must be killed to make Rallos targetable: Decorin Berik and Decorin Grunhork.
When I look on their pages here, there's no mention of where they spawn (I didn't see them anywhere on track), and the comments mention that you need to kill them to start the Vallon/Tallon scripts, which leaves me confused, cause I was able to find and kill, and get flagged for, Tallon and Vallon.
Is there anyone who can tell me exactly what the steps are to get to Rallos? And maybe point to a PoP flagging guide where rather important details like this are at least mentioned?
PS - I did just find another guide (, which explains more for this zone. The Tallon and Vallon mentioned are not the ones I killed already, so now it makes a bit more sense. And these two mobs (the Decorins) are the ones I need to find. Just don't know their spawn time, though I assume it's 3 days +-.
PPS - OK, found another guide ( which explains everything. So I guess it's just the Planar Progression entry here, and the first guide I was using, which didn't mention this extra step :)
Edited, Sep 9th 2016 2:46pm by tatankaseventh