Even though you don't need to be a premium member to use it, yesterday we released the updated Item Collector for the EoK expansion. It should be working for all, if you have any issues please try the following first to resolve it:
1) The local DB format changed. The program should automatically update to the new format, however, if your items are never being sent to the server delete the itemcol3.db file and restart the Item Collector.
2) Remember, if you change any settings you will need to zone to restart the collection engine.
The invalid item() issue should be resolved, as it is using the new packet format to locate the items. If you are having any issues, please post with as much information about what you were doing when it happened. If backend.exe does crash, please try and locate the crash dump so that I can debug what happened.
Finally, while I am working on a new installation program the old will work with a couple changes. When you run it, DO NOT load the winpcap that comes with it. You should now be using the newest driver win10pcap found at http://www.win10pcap.org/download/Win10Pcap-v10.2-5002.msi
You may also be missing the VCRUNTIME140.DLL. Please follow the directions that Tobynn wrote up in the following post: