I've been resubscribed for a few weeks and decided that rather than playing 3+ boxes all the time, I would focus on just playing Felicite. Solo, or duo with my friend from the old days. So much less pressure. Last time I made new characters instead of picking up Felicite, but it feels right this time.
Saturday we did the 65, 70, and 75 Hot Zone quests (stayed in the Jewel of Atiiki and kited Efreeti for a bit). Also did one set of the kill quests at the Farm in Dragonscale, but this was not our favorite (for one thing, it was all light blue.. I should have gone last weekend.. and for another, I overpulled and earned my only death.. "how can I die, I have Death Peace?").
Sunday we did the 70, 75, and 80 Hot Zone quests, some more Jewel, and then tried out kiting at the road junction near the Stables on the Loping Plains - I enjoy the gators, but I like the space better over at the stables.
Ding 77, 78, and 79 (73, 74, 75, and 76 were over the last week or so). I have all the bits for my Abstruse - about 40% to go.
Autogrant is insane. I mean it does exactly what it's supposed to do: catch me up to the "current" level faster.. but I get *so many* AA each level, I just read the list and cackle with glee.
The last time I played a bit I got a Mage/Wizard/Bard to 83 with a traditional group setup, so I know some of the zones at this level.. but it's just about time to go into new places. Which is both fun and terrifying.
IRL I finished "Worth Dying For" and started "A Wanted Man", did some chores, and watched some football.
P.S. Sippinn (iirc.. guessing an alt?) bought some Defiant from my Bazaar girl, it gave me a shiver.