I've been logging in more recently for some unknown reason. I wish I could say it was the new content in the expansion but I don't have anyone that level. 71 necro Taninger is still working on evolving a handful of items that will never be as good as defiant. The progress is tediously slow but their chatter while killing stuff is like being in a real group while medding back in the day.
I started working on, of all things, a (twink) warrior that was parked in kael gear @ 46. Sweet gear for the level. I had a Franklin Teek task to kill some stuff in CoM and headed there. An hour later I left 4 levels higher. I still find this leveling curve seriously disturbing. After another Teek task I was 51 and shifting over to AA, which will delay leveling and placate me for a while. His incarnadine BP clicks at 50 for invis... I love that.
Honestly, what I really miss in this game was the all nighters just to get from 30 to 31. All the people you would meet and talk to because you had no other way to level. Easy isn't a panacea, and I'll find every way I can to delay every level I can.
Edited, Dec 8th 2016 11:09pm by Taninger