Well, I know someone used to post these regularly, and maybe with the progression servers, maybe a few old timers are back and can help continue the tradition.
I am on Coirnav, started around 2 weeks ago with several alts, I could not decide on what class to concentrate on. But after this weekend I think I have decided on a monk.
Saturday, I started a group at Orc 1 on Commonlands with my SK and my pocket Shaman along with a warrior. After 2 other SK's joined, I decided to switch over to my monk who was level 5.
That group pretty much went on all day with people coming and going, people returning, etc. I took a few breaks and would come back and find an open spot. Later in the afternoon we were starting to out grow the Orcs, so we moved to South Ro and started doing Crocs till the evening hours. I ended up getting the monk to level 12.
Sunday I joined a group doing Orcs in South Ro, again with the Monk, after about an hour or two that group fizzled out. Later I started another group doing Crocs and later we attempted to move to Upper Guk, with a pretty low average level group. I was lowest level at 14, highest was 18. We got into the zone and started moving in, but wiped at the top of some circular stairs with 4 mobs at the top. After regroup we moved to another area and did pretty well until our tank unknowingly went AFK and you know what happens then. Monk got up to level 14 even after all that and I really didn't get a chance to play that much.
During the evening I got to group up with a Twitch streamer who was leveling up a level 9 necro in Commons, so I grabbed my SK and we did the orc camps for about an hour while he was waiting for a raid to start.
Good Times!