...yeah, it's a little early.
I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends so I don't get a lot of game time Fri/Sat/Sun, but, I have settled on a goal to kill a couple of hours between getting home and going to bed -- I am working on the Ykesha Hunter achievement. Shout out to Oliphaunt of Drinal for grouping with me to get a few kills while he was in another part of the zone and I was still hunting the Gulf -- not to mention his Tracking to to let me know which named were up in Torigan Mines as well.
It's rather nice and mindless -- kill PHs until named pops. So far I'm roughly halfway through the Gulf of Gunthak (really brought back memories of hunting there back in the day). I'm guessing with the Memorial Day weekend with more frequent named popping, I've good luck with only killing a PH 5 or 6 times; though, Guard Dragrik was obstinate requiring 10 PH deaths.
PSA: don't forget about everyone's favourite friendly group of skellies, a festering Greysong pirate for Howlan's Research #2: The Rest of the Diary, over in the corner of the beach VERY close to Mokon Brokenskull's PH. Seems someone heard the pleas and rtook pity to reduce their aggro range some, but, still, be wary -- they're a nasty lot even for lvl 85, and crazy as it sounds, they see through IVU, but not regular Invis.
Safe travels and good hunting, friends.
Edited, May 26th 2018 4:26pm by nekokirei