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Promyvion - The Emptiness - Get your game onFollow

#27 Sep 25 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
827 posts
Promyvion-Holla : Fairy Run

16 people went, and all but four died. Here's our story...

Floor One: Cake. I don't have to repeat it again.
Floor Two: No biggies here either.
Floor Three: We lost two people while fighting five IT mobs. It sucked, but we raised and went on the way.
Floor Four: Ran a bit, found the spire.

Some of these posts may indicate that getting to the spire is the hard part.

It isn't.

We had our alliance, and a JP alliance mowing everything down on the way, calling for help on the mobs and working together on the receptacles. Like I said, no major problems getting there...but the spire *can* and *will* kick your ***.

Our pt makeup on the most successful try against the NM was PLD/WAR, RDM/NIN, BLM/WHM, WHM/BLM, SMN/WHM and DRG/WAR. We knocked off maybe 1/4th of its health, and then it ate us alive. I cannot see a possible strategy here. If you buff, it uses your buffs against you. If you don't buff, you die too quickly. It has a nasty AoE attack (that does not hit everyone in the arena, thank god) and Utsusemi is a absolute godsend. I just can't see an effective way to damage it fast enough to make it fall.

The key has to lie in these animas. Has *anyone* tried them yet?
#28 Sep 25 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
I have used a Terroanima in Mea, and yes, it does help a lot, the Delver panics and runs back and forth briefly, then there's a fairly sizable debuff. Sadly, it didn't help enough, as the effect tapers off. More party members need to bring the anima, probably.

I want to figure out how to get past those flux gates, I've heard that they have something behind them that significantly weakens the end battle. Hopefully it won't be long before the mysteries are revealed.
#29 Sep 25 2004 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
*picks up some puzzle pieces...*

* If you find a `Recollection` (i.e., Recollection of Guilt), rare/ex, you can take it out of the Emptiness and trade it to the black-robed scientist dude hanging out in the Palace (he's in the far back room, the private chambers, staring at a picture on the wall; if talked to before, says `Hmm... Emptiness... Weakness..?`). Trade it to him, pay 2k, wait 1 game day, and he gives back an item that supposedly helps with the boss fight in the Emptiness.

I want to figure out how to get past those flux gates, I've heard that they have something behind them that significantly weakens the end battle. Hopefully it won't be long before the mysteries are revealed.

Wow, almost looks like it fits ^^

Also, I've heard that once you've beated all 3 crags Promyvion versions, you gain a key item that allows you to jump in a whirlpool in Valkurm Dunes or Qufim Islands that will take you to Tavnazia. That's what I heard, at least, and in one of the 4 cutscenes, they did mention those whirlpools, I thought...
#30 Sep 25 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts
All I have to say is this is freaking awesome. I just finished an attempt on Dem. The first floor was cake. The second was a little tougher but we did ok. The third floor we got a link and got nailed with aoe silence...and well...lets just say there were 15 people laying on the floor face down. We didn't expect aoe silence but next time we'll be ready.

What's your guys strategies for taking down the Memory Recepticles? Our stratagy was just to have the blms and rngs nuke the hell out of them. Then the meeles would just pick up any Strays that aggroed the nukers. It worked pretty well on the first two that we went through.
#31 Sep 25 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,674 posts
Romegan wrote:
I have used a Terroanima in Mea, and yes, it does help a lot, the Delver panics and runs back and forth briefly, then there's a fairly sizable debuff. Sadly, it didn't help enough, as the effect tapers off. More party members need to bring the anima, probably.

How did you use it, exactly? Did you click on it in your items? Did you trade it and target the Delver as your trade target? What? Smiley: confused
#32 Sep 25 2004 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
The Boss in the Holla Spire casts plague. Is there any item that can cure plague, because when you are a group of Whm, Blm, Pld, Drg, Sam, and (honestly I forget what our 6th was). We were screwed when he hit us with a strong plague. It drains both TP, and MP so you are basically dying a very slow death with that on.

Also it does not take an alliance to get to the Spire. In fact when we did it with an alliance it was harder because things were very unorganized. With a party here is how we beat each of the Memory Receptors.

First we cast bio on the thing, of course it used its Empty Seed move. Then 1 of us would pull a stray build TP on it. First one with 100% TP, would go to the MR use it's best available WS, usually this caused a stray or 2 to link, we killed the strays, every time 1 person got 100% TP we would use that on the MR. I would use both my WS and Jump for a little added hit before his AoE knocked me back to the group.

We repeated this process of 1 person running in and using WS until it was dead. The mages healed, never nuked. It was a slow battle but the damage done was steady and consistant.

Also with a little stealth you can make it through the 4th floor to the spire with little to no battles at all. you just need to be patient and organized. It is pretty much a 1 way winding road to the spire.

Of course we died from the NM at the spire, due to his AoE plague move. But, we plan on getting some items(we went in with echo drops, holy water, hi-potions, because we were expecting him to use silence AoE and Curse, but he did neither of these). We got his health down to about half before he killed off the last member of our party.
#33 Sep 25 2004 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
We went from a full alliance to 7 people running like hell to the castle (?) zone at the Dem zone. One died on the way and the 6 of us tried the fight ourselves...Whm, Whm, Blm, Sam, Drk, Rng. Well we almost got him but we all died at the end.
#34 Sep 25 2004 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I just tried Holla.

The run up there and the MR's went fairly smooth (on the first two levels we didnt even have to fight the MR's cause someone else did and we ran into the portal). We had i think 2 deaths before the spire, we raised and continued.

The Spire fight is a ***** tho. The AoE is brutal, especially the the plague, i think if it didnt cast plague we would have had a chance...we all died but we got its health down to prolly the final couple hundred, he was so close to dieing it was sad.

oh yeah and my party in there was whm, smn, blm, pld, rng and sam(me)
#35 Sep 25 2004 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
I was also able to solo the recepticle as rng/nin, exactly what a poster above me said. Just stay out of range of the strays and keep recasting utsusemi after the AoE. I think the best strategy to defeat each recepticle is to just let all the rng/nins in the PT kill it while everyone else stays out of range until it's dead. As for BCNM, I did not make it solo, I decided the 2nd floor was too crowded and I would not make it without getting tons of Aggro.
#36 Sep 25 2004 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Just went there. Spookilicious.
#37 Sep 25 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Well, made it past Receptacle on 2nd level solo. Took a bit longer, but not too bad. The Receptacle didn't seem much stronger than the one on first level. Had to kill one Stray between me and the port at end of the fight, then ran in quickly before the others agroed.

Been exploring 3rd level some, but still no luck finding the ??? to get the map. The Receptacle on 3rd level has 8 Strays surrounding it, so decided to put of trying solo and see if any PTs are around when I log on tomorrow. If not, I will try the same strategy and hope I can warp before Strays agro, but not liking my odds on this level.
#38 Sep 25 2004 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
Promyvion - Dem:

Managed to join an 18-person alliance to try this tonight. Boy that is some intense stuff!

Made our way up to the 4th floor, had some extreeemly close calls when we were taking care of aggro when 2 Gorgers almost joined in the fray but they amazingly just turned away and ignored us ; ;

Went into the Spire, alliance split into 3, first group went and died fast. My group went in, and right after, my g/f's group went in with 5 people only because someone had disconnected on the 2nd floor and never came back. My g/f's party died very quick. :(

My party however, I'm proud to say actually won the battle despite not having any sort of item to weaken the boss. It was a horrendously close fight and the memory is burned into my mind forever lol. That Shade gear helps -- it paralyzes the boss when you need it the most. After looking like the battle was basically over with 4 people dead, it came down to me (SMN) and the NIN. The NIN somehow got hate from the boss and 3 offsprings and stayed alive long enough for me to do TWO 2-hour attacks. (Ramuh did considerable dmg against Dem boss, FYI) Ninjamonkeh is my hero!
#39 Sep 25 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
128 posts
#40 Sep 25 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
109 posts
We made a run at Dem last night. Made it thru the first couple levels easily. Started with 17 people leaving from Jeuno and picked up an 18th there. We did however lose a WHM heading thru the first stream. They didn't staick around long enough for us to find the way back to the first floor. From there we pretty much avoided mobs until we got to the MRs. On each floor we had to fight 1 more MR because we ran into "Fakes". I'm not sure but you might have to fight all of them before the Memory Stream opens. We didn't get any Rare/Ex items. When we got to the last MR we were down to 17 members. We lost 4 on the way thru because the Strays respawned so quickly. We had a SMN that volunteered to go into the BC first, he wanted to be the first to see it, leaving us with 2 full PTs. My PT went first and our SMN d/c'd right as we started to fight Progeneator. The Offspring he produced started shortly into the fight, nowhere near 50% HP. They all went after the WHM and he died shortly into the fight. By the time the SMN got back we were all dead. We wanted to try again, but I have a wedding to attend today IRL, so I had to go. /cry I'm gonna try again soon with my LS, our Leader is really good at putting things together it should go well.
#41 Sep 25 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
we did mea last night, 30+ people and after 2 attempts we made it to the top.

Once there we all did the BC, our 6 man PT was the only one that beat it i believe(was 3am when we went first).

if you can hit the MR with spells or ranged attacks, you're definitely inside *it's* range.

there is a sweet spot where you won't get AOE'd yet can still nuke, i was able to do this on a few of them, usually by lettign aoe hit me 2 times to knock me back to the right spot.

then call for help and rejoin the party for the kill.

Anyone can fight the receptacle, and you Can't call for help on it.
#42 Sep 25 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
I can't stress this enough PEOPLE WILL DIE so bring lots of WHMs (4-6) to do the raises quicker and ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER.
#43 Sep 25 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
A little bit of Info from our Successful run on Holla last night.

Firstly, we had 24 people, not really by design, but we found another party following us around and decided to team up. If you can get 36 people who want to go, 2 alliances could trash the orbs by haveing one focus on the orbs and the others focus on the strays.

Bard's should NOT sleep strays except ones that have already aggroed the party. They are relatively resistant, and if you don't get close enough, there is a chance that they won't necessarily aggro you.

In the MR fights, we just had our BLMs and RNGs use Ranged/Spells and had our melees take care of the Strays. /Nin is very effective as your shadows will eat the AOE attack the Orbs do.

Make sure you clear a staging area when your doing the orbs, if you get a seether on top of all the strays and the orbs, it can become a very difficult fight.

Bringing some sort of Potion HI/X-potion for both the Trip and for the BCNM was helpful. There are times when your not getting hit for alot of damage and the Mages are busy, so it pays to be able to keep yourself alive. During one fight where 12/18 died, i was able to live due to potions, and more importantly, keep a whm alive ^^

Seethers have an attack called Occultation that steals Buffs. We had a whole bunch of /nin people and it stole like 25 shadows which was kinda funny.

I would suggest everyone who wants to complete one of these brings a Hyperanima which you get by getting one of the Reccolections and trading it to the Robed man in Ru'lude. This was very effective in our group.

For the Boss fight, some suggestions.

Do Not buff the Tank, you can buff the rest of the party though since Trinary Absorbion (the Absorb 3 buffs technique) only targets the person that the Boss is fighting, So just buff up as normal, then have the tank remove buffs.

The Boss has 3 special attacks
Trinary Absorbsion: Steals 3 Buffs OR Debuffs. He stole Curse and Blindness from me once ^^
Empty Cutter: Serious damage DD, can be blocked by Shadows, This killed our Tank Twice ; ;
Shadow Spread: AOE Curse/Sleep, Be sure to have Poison Potions/Uncurse potions.

Suggestions for people at the boss fight.

Mages: Have A scroll of reraise, 3 Yag Drinks, some Hi Ethers and Poison potions. (It can be hard to keep the Boss out of range)
Rng/Melee: Be subbed Ninja because the boss attacks very slowly and it is possible to KITE it for an extended period of time. Bring Potions and Food.

Everyone should bring a scroll of reraise except the tank, since it can be stolen

You have to complete the 3 basic Promyvions to get to Lufaise Meadows.
#44 Sep 25 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
How did you use it, exactly? Did you click on it in your items? Did you trade it and target the Delver as your trade target? What?

Use it like you would a medicine, except target the NM and not yourself. The Rare/EX animas can only be used on empties, I believe, but I was too afraid to risk losing the item trying it on a forest hare or something. Smiley: blush
#45 Sep 25 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
227 posts
like most ppl have previously posted... have RNGs, BLMs, BSTs, SMNs or anything with ranged attack, pets or offensive magic take the MR... its best to stay away from aggro from the strays or your gonna find yourself with a very hard time. especially on the later levels... then once the MR is killed have everyone disengage and immediatly run onto the platform. by doing so you will aggro strays. make sure everyone is on the platform so that the strays will be in range for horde lullaby. if you dont have a bard have your BSTs or SMNs pets aggro the strays first. then immediatly zone. me and about 5 others (about 2 RNGs) made it to the boss floor with this strategy.

note: im not saying i had an easy time with P-Dem at all... ive been there for about the whole day yesterday with 2 different alliances and it was hell... i died about 7 times because it was poorly organized... fortunately the 5 others that i were left with at the end planned things that we suggested and we all got got to the fourth floor, as opposed to my first full 18 alliance that all died on the third floor MR....
#46 Sep 25 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I did Promyvion-Dem a few hours ago, success! ^^
Getting up to the the castle was cake, noone pulled any huge trains and got us killed, so that was a relief. The BC was a tough one though. I went in and Elemental Seal+Gravity on the big guy. We got it down to 3/4 HP before it wore, second Gravity didn't stick. Wee played it well, two NIN tanks traded hate, and at around one half it popped an Offspring. Gravity stuck on the big guy this time, and we took out the offspring. RNG and BLMs two houred the sucker to death at 1/4 HP. Cleared in 9 min and 30 sec.
#47 Sep 25 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Wreaker isn't a Seether type. doesn't look like a Seether at all.

Sphere in Dem is a Beryl Sphere.

Monster Tp Attacks in Promyvion Dem

Lamentation - Aoe Damage - Seether
Stygian Flatus - Aoe Para - Gorger
Wanion - Aoe Poison - Seether
Vanity Strike - 200ish Damage - Seether
Quadratic Continuum - DD - Gorger
Occultation - Utsusemi 5 (15 shadows) - Seether
Empty Crush - DD, Blockable by Utsusemi - Seether
Promyvion Barrier - Defense Boost - Gorger

#48 Sep 26 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
I just tried it with a group of around 20 people... I ended up with the Light of Dem, but with a hatred for this quest. We had a few team mates sacrificed to get to the 4 floor, because of the Strays and the interruption of getting on. I barely made it on, while one Stray was beating on me, I was very lucky. At the spire, 4 of our people had to suddenly leave, leaving 12 people (2 parties) for the final battle. The teams were very unorganized, each had 2 whms and one party ended up with no voker. The party I was in entered, one person had the anima from a previous attempt. We won fairly smoothly, with no deaths. The other party however... Well I wasn't quite sure what happened, but from what it sounded like, they were very close for winning but were all destroyed. As a WHM I didn't get much info on the final battle, and what his attacks did... Although he did a drain attack which drained about 160 HP.
#49 Sep 26 2004 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
I was with Musa in that other party. One peice of advice, NEVER try it without someone with voke. The fight wasnt really tough, just with no person able to keep aggro it was near impossible to use cure 2. Even with 2 whm's casting cure 1 it just wasnt enough. I was the last one to die and the boss has maybe 30% life or less when I did. Would have been simple with some hate control but without...

I am hoping as more time goes on and people figure out better ways to do this maybe it will be possible to get there with only 6 people. Having people leave and/or die on the way and not be able to have good party make ups makes it near impossible to win.

I will say Musa if you read this, the trip there aside from the few deaths was very well done. Probably the easiest time out of the 3 I have had getting to the Spire. All in all it was a good learning experience, and I feel sure I can win next time.
#50 Sep 26 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I don't know if this strategy has been said, I'm too lazy to look at all of the posts. =P
I was at mea - just seeking a party hoping someone would pick me up. An alliance of 18 japanese went into mea, so I followed them, their strategy was very good it follows:
They just avoided all enemys by staying near the edge, they got aggro a few times, but never got really hurt.
For the memory thing, they just had two summoners send avatars after them, one did fenrir, the other did ifrit, and a few rangers took some shots at it (that's all they needed to kill it), but rangers mostly picked of strays. Classes with voke voked stray strays away and killed them. Doing this they never had anyone die (or get under 1/2 health as far as I know, I was helping heal them because I was bored =p, they got to the top, and did the bcnm then. And I did the bcnm for a quick death warp. =P
The Delver did 98 dmg to me, I did 3 with fire...
They went into the fight with stoneskin on everyone, they did titan -> guardian of earth. I know they had antidotes, and hi-potion, because they tested their macros (just did the item and interupted it).
I'm guessing when they got in they just spammed 2 hours, the record for the fight was 2 mins 45 secs when they were all done.
The only trouble they ran into was on the last floor, they got 3 aggro, but I don't think anyone got under 1/2 health.
#51 Sep 26 2004 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
I've almost finished all the starter promyvions and some of my LS has finished it. Getting to the BCNM is not hard. Your goal is to avoid all confrontation. Yes you can fight your way through but its not recommened. It takes enough time to find the Memory Receptacles and Strays. When you find one, kill all strays FIRST. This will become more important on lvls 2 and 3.

Once all strays are done then start killing the memory receptacle with ONLY ranged attacks. Tanks pull the strays that pop from the MR away to the rest of your meleers. Once the MR is killed, clean up the strays and move on. Rest up after port and repeat.

Once you get to the castle, zone in rest up and go

After doing all 3, I'd say the order of difficulty is Dem < Mea < Holla.

For all of them read the previous posts for ideas on what to do and their ability but spread the DDs out and kite the mob around the room. There is a small path bug where the mob doesn't go up the stairs. Exploit that to its fullest. For Mea and Holla the AoEs are nasty so be careful.

The best setups we've seen are one kiter (PLD usually the best because of hate and damage reasons) one DD and 4 ranged attackers (BLMs and RNGs).

DDs spread out at 12,3,6, and 9 positions and the kiter just starts kiting. Heal but primarulky go for damage. Around the 20% mark the mobs go crazy. Pull out 2 hours and get FAR away from the mob. Start blasting it with everythng you have.

Its expensive but I'm getting tired of dieing to the holla mob. I just blew 80k on medicines and food in this attempt to beat it.

CoP is causing quite an inflation on Titan. Most of the level 30 gear and medicines have tripled in price. I've also heard from some JP that the later BCNM battles become even more insane. One person even stated that the lvl 50 BCNM is harder than the Divine Might AA BCNM.

At least the cutscenes are cool.
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