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#127 Feb 11 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
Just a record on my experiences with the King Ranperre's Tomb at 54-56:
We were in the center, between the two Cutlass Scorpion spawns, and pulled Dire Bats and the Hecteyes there (I want to say there were called Thousand Eyes, not too sure about it). As a melee, let me say, the mobs there are pie to kill. I was having TP issues for the first time since Garlaige. The Hecteyes are hardly a threat, and are easy pulls since they don't link. They do cast Tier III -ga, and AM, so your RDM has to be on the ball with Silence. Make sure the tank turns around whenever the thing readies Hex Eye, to save some MP on Paralyna (Yeah, it's not much I know). Death Ray seems to be, despite any appearances or common sense, single target, and I'm given to understand is basically like Spirits Within. Try and make sure that the Hecteyes isn't facing the mages.. Hex Eye can get nasty if they paralyze everyone, as it's a fairly stron g paralysis. Note, that anyone who wants their Witch Hat is going to almost certainly see a Burning Eye or 4 drop if you exp on the Thousand Eyes.
Exp dries up a bit at 56, but I can't give a fair analysis as we had to share the camp with another party, every time. It EASILY supports one party, but two makes Chain 5+ a *****. If a third moves in.... leave.
Also, the Cutlass Scorpions tend to spawn in the way of the Bats, so try and save a Hecteyes or two for an emergency chain. You should be able to pull a nearby bat or two despite the Scorps' presence. They kinda make it interesting, I'd say.
On an unfortunate note, you may have to shift camp slightly; There is a Bat that pops nearby, on a fairly long respawn timer; Shouldn't interfere but once every 3 chains or so.
#128 Feb 14 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Bump! Updated! Fantastic Inputs. I'm always willing to adjust it, Hunter... where did you camp exactly? Take a look at a map here: Vana'diel Atlas and please give me a rough pos^^ It will help immensely, I dunno how you were pulling the Thousand Eyes from the stairs.
#129 Feb 14 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent

I found this post to be very informative, and I like suggesting alternative places for every given level, to find XP. It's good to see someone thinking outside the "There's one place at every level, to go level up" mentality. Good job man! Good job!

I'd rate up if I could. Thanks for the info!
#130 Feb 14 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
lol thanks I was asking about something like this 30 minutes ago!

The should be sticky!
#131 Feb 15 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I think some of the levels here need to be adjusted.

You have stuff like velociraptors in valley of sorrows set as 59-61, when they are quite easy to take down at 57 and stop giving decent exp at 59.

Also you don't inlude leveling areas for bones or manaburn parties.
#132 Feb 15 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
Looks like, but can't be positive of, G-8. I wasn't really checking my pos.. I was on the way to the Beetle camp, yet couldn't find it (I have the sense of direction of Ryoga Hibiki -_-), and the room actually looked like a halfway decent camp.. lots of worms, nearby bats, and them thar Hecteyes things I'd heard were good exp. Being the good sports my static is, they camped there though they were sure they were going to die.. well, other then that Bat spawn that occasionally occurs, we didn't come close. Be forewarned, Bats have high eva.. I'm not in Sniper's Rings or using Sushi or nuffink, but that stuff was just plain mean. If anyone can check the exact pos, much obliged.
As an extra bit of help for anyone looking for this spot, no beetles anywhere nearby, and far past the Hecteyes and one of the scorps, there are wolves labelled "Hati".
Seriously, that spot (Wherever the hell it is) is on 10 levels of awesomeness in a party. Easy Chain 5s + enough Burning Eyes that our mages could pertake in the pot? [Yes, Please]

Edited, Tue Feb 15 06:54:52 2005 by HunterShu
#133 Feb 15 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Hey, great guide and some informative stuff. Been looking for a good spot to XP with my ninja set. Not really looking forward to dealing Valley of Sorrows when Gustav stops giving xp--VoS always seems to be way, way too crowded and just not worth the effort.

Just wanted to clarify one thing about Bark Spiders in Boyahda Tree. I'm guessing you meant the ones in Dragon's Aery? If you camp right on the zoneline of Tree/Dragon's Aery, you can get some great xp off of Darters and Spiders here, particularly with a piercing-damage party (RNG,THF,or DRG). Darters are either about the same level as those in the Ancient Goobuue pond, or slightly higher. Spiders are a little bit higher than the Darters, and great to cap a chain with. Occasionally you will get a spider pop at camp, but it's nothing that can't be slept and dealt with. This is best for a single party, as you will probably want to be chaining high. There is another potential camp down the tunnel to the right, but it is a little more dangerous, and of course the flies link like crazy. Also, you may lose a few mobs if people are gathering for Fafnir and need to TP up on something. However, if you get to see a Fafnir (or Nidhogg) pop, it's fun to take a break for a few minutes and watch the fight ^^; I would say 68 is probably the lowest you'd want to go here without a bard, 70-71 max.

By the way, rangers will love being able to scavenge Darksteel bolt heads here :o yum yum
#134 Feb 15 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent

I wasn't really checking my pos.. I was on the way to the Beetle camp, yet couldn't find it (I have the sense of direction of Ryoga Hibiki -_-),

A ranger/thf/ninja (i.e. puller) with a bad sense of direction? O.o I took a look at the map, and I still don't know where you camped. But if you saw the wolves then you were probably South or East of the Hecteye Room. Thanks for helping Hunter^^ I think maybe I might go back down there, cause your camp sounds really good.

I think some of the levels here need to be adjusted.

You have stuff like velociraptors in valley of sorrows set as 59-61, when they are quite easy to take down at 57 and stop giving decent exp at 59.

Also you don't inlude leveling areas for bones or manaburn parties.

I think you're an idiot. I tried Velociraptors at 57 cause we couldn't find a camp, and they almost killed us. And people level off those raptors all the way to 61 cause I've seen 61's there! Maybe it's cause your a bard... hence PTs tend to fight stuff a little above your level?

Secondly, No I don't have any manaburn or bone camps, ya know why? Cause I'm a DRAGOON! </sigh> If you know some bone ~ manaburn camps, please share instead of just criticizing. I'll gladly add them.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 14:27:13 2005 by AmbroseOdin
#135 Feb 15 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
Manaburn parties: EVERYWHERE!!!

Heh... I actually wanted to say, Great guide! So good in fact, I printed it out. I've been trying out some of the less common campsites you mentioned, and while some ended in disaster, some turned out great. Regardless, it's nice to try new things, and to be able to convince people to try it with me by simply saying, "I've heard good things." ^^;

Edited, Tue Feb 15 14:53:41 2005 by Vrtra
#136 Feb 15 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
You don't need a bones guide, there's a sticky at the top of the Monk Forum for that. Manaburn I'm given to understand does take a lot of space, but other then that, is functionally the same.

I should clarify on that Hecteye's camp: It's both bats and Hecteyes, and again, between to Cutlass Scorps, one of which should be spawned at any given time. Hex Eye is a gaze attack, you can technically dodge it by just not facing the Thousand Eyes. I'm not much for magery, but I think you can face away and still cast fine, and if so, just do that, don't worry about it. There are not enough Hecteyes to chain solely off them. Just make sure you're careful when pulling bats near corners, I had a link at one point because a bat thought it'd be funny to hang out around a corner past one of the Scorps. A puller will probably need Stealth, it's just too much to not get aggro from those things without it. And the wolves I saw for checking past the Hecteyes/One of the Scorp Spawns, thinking I might be able to find more mobs.

Edit: Alright, I checked again, it is indeed G-8, NW of the Thousand Eyes room. Camp just outside the tunnel leading to the Hecteyes room, for best results. Don't forget to bring that God Puller, since you'll need him, and watch that bat spawn in the tunnel. Can make life interesting (Read: Dangerous), so keep an eye out.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 19:39:23 2005 by HunterShu
#138 Feb 15 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Updated! Thanks Hunter. I put what you said verbatim in.
#139 Feb 16 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,236 posts
On [45-47 Rumble Crawlers. Unknown Camp.]:

Camp on the east end of F-9 in the tunnel off the racetrack room. Pull rumble crawlers, blazer beetles, hornflies, exorays and mushussu (these are all viable at 47+; might not want to do the mushussu at 45). Rumble crawlers spawn in the room right at the entrance of the tunnel, so the puller needs to be careful. One also spawns in the tunnel itself on occasion, but on a fairly long timer. Don't let the puller pull helm beetles from the back of the tunnel >< This gives good exp up to at least 49 (we were still doing 3500/hr) since you can chain them pretty fast by that point, though they were starting to reach VT ratings. It also means you can exp normally while hunting for your exoray mold for limit 1. Camp can support 2 parties easily, 3 with a bit of discomfort.

[Edit/Correction: 48 was still good. 49's too high, but still useable if you're just there for the molds.]

It would also be nice if you included a link to the Monk forum's bones listing (it's stickied there, but still good to have a reference to it).

Edited, Fri Feb 18 01:23:05 2005 by Kinematics
#140 Feb 16 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
wow, this is great! rate up! i really needed this thread, it helped alot! thanks!!!
#141 Feb 19 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Updated this like the ******** I hope you enjoy the new format, good and bad comments are always welcome.
#142 Feb 19 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
The new format looks great! I like it broken up by location instead of level stretches, but it's still easy to find the level range that I want. Thanks for all your hard work!
#143 Feb 19 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
Awesome topic, rate up! ^^
#144 Feb 19 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Bumped for information request.
#145 Feb 19 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
You have the camp details for Monastic Cavern listed under 60-63 Toramas: Labyrinth of Onzozo.

New format was odd at first, but definitely not bad.
#146 Feb 19 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
#147 Feb 19 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
There's a "trick" to seeing how many people are in a zone before you trek all the way over there.

/sea [Zone Abbreviation]

Just remember it only works if you've been to the area before.
#148 Feb 20 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Bump! Looking for information for a level 63 PT.
#149 Feb 20 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
Nice layout! I'd like to point out an error, though. The Beetles at Revelation Rock in Western Altepa don't aggro, but they definitely do link.
#150 Feb 21 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,049 posts
Great thread.

Just a note. My static party of level 63 was fighting steelshells and processionaire in Boyahda Tree.

We decided to pull one of the Korrigan (the black mandragora) just for the hell of it. We loved them. Much *much* softer than the steelshells, if not a bit more annoying. They have the classic AoE sleep, and I saw one special that hit our DRK for 340ish damage, but other than that, they seemed great. We'll be intermixing them with processionaire on Tuesday.

Our party setup was as follows:


Our PLD was using the earth staff.

The best place to pull them seems to be by the waterfall at Cloister of Storms, or on the way to the Ancient Goobue area in the tunnels.

Hope this helps.
#151 Feb 21 2005 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Awesome thread, and the new format looks great! Anyway, just a note about Onzozo in the low 40s, as I didn't see it mentioned:

An alternative (and arguably superior--no offense!) camp is located in the tunnel connecting the two large rooms. You can pull from both sides, and you won't have to worry about elemental spawns or pulling past any pops.

The only thing to watch out for is the occasional cockatrice pop in the tunnel itself, but this is quite infrequent and easily dealth with as the tunnel is quite long anyway.

Also, people will sometimes pull Mysticmaker into one end of the tunnel to fight him.

Edited, Mon Feb 21 04:10:06 2005 by Shintaku
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