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Japanese Players & my observationsFollow

#102 Feb 26 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
Awesome post, Bump.

Edited, Sat Feb 26 11:12:11 2005 by Marvul
#103 Mar 30 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
i totally understand what JP`s feel. 1) im a ranger and bad partys turn into big money losses. 2) when im in jp pt`s i always get lost and start to have Stalinian thoughts.... thinking they all after me and saying that i suck... lmao
#104 Apr 04 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts

I have in my own personal experience had a larger perecentage of polite japanese players compared to american. maybe its also i dont understand some of what they are saying, but i always start parties and japanese players always /bow and /disband letting me know in advance. americans are usually good as well, lakshmi is an excellent server.

Anyway the common denominator i have found is xp. every party getting great xp seems to get along quite nicely in my experience. not always true but it helps. i got 16k in gustav tunnel the other night, 3 japanese, 3 american, and we were joking around, getting creative. the japanese ninja taru tank sat on the dragoons wyvern and translated (tarutaru) (airplane) :)

Sorry for the long winded post, but one of the things i love is the interaction between cultures, it is a central scene of the game and makes it much more fun. I've worked on some quirky japanese sayings to use for fun. Cidjagger <<<shiruetto ya kage.
Anyway thanks for reading, i'd love to hear more of your interesting crossover cultural findings about the game.

Thank you,
#105 Apr 05 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,285 posts
MavrikCorky wrote:
I do consider /checking rude, and even as a NA player, I get irritated when I am /checked all the time in Jueno.

I dont mind if I have a bazaar flag up, in which case I encourage people to check me, and I feel that anyone with a bazaar flag up wants to be checked.

But honestly, why dont you make a macro of /sea <t>

Makes it so much simpler, and it doesnt **** people off. I have even made an equipment switch macro to boot people out of my inventory, simply because it does irritate me.

This /checking nonsense really has to stop - And you all need to realize that it isnt only JP that dont like to be checked, it is NA too

Search doesn't display your title. Search doesn't display your equipment.

If you find being checked so bothersome, put on your filter to filter out the notices. Otherwise, I will assume you are just a whiner looking for something to ***** about.
#106 Apr 05 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,285 posts
scchan the Magnificent wrote:
About /check

1) Using filters are fine, but sometimes people do not use it (regardless of nationality of the player). You cannot say, "You have a filter. You should use, so I can examine you."

Yes, people do not use it because, as an extension of the psychosis that makes them so horribly offended by /check, they also wish to have the messages displayed so that they will have an excuse to get pissed off.

2) It does not hurt to ask before /check. Common courtsey. It does no harm.

It does, because it makes you look like a fool to the thousands of normal players out there who aren't looking to pick fights by getting all huffy about being /checked and refusing to activate the tool SE gave us to deal with their problem. It's NOT common courtesy, it's bowing down to unreasonable demands.

And you forget the most important part -- there is NO way of telling if someone dislikes being checked. NONE.

3) Being /check has sexual reference among Japanese player. You may not think so, but there is a different point of view from Japanese players. It is nice to respect that difference.

Actually, this ties in with my last point. Exactly how do you tell if someone is Japanese? They look exactly like North American players. There is a big assumption around here that people run around towns with big visible "don't check me" signs or "I am Japanese, therefore my dislike with being checked is implied". It's really not that obvious.
#107 Apr 05 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Well no one ever mentions EUR the JP opinion the same as NA? I'm assuming so.

I wish that I could speak Japanese so I could help/party with everyone in this game, but sadly, try as I might, I can't find a class that teaches the language near me.

I try my best to emote and use auto-translate and actually have JE on my search, even though I know 2 or 3 words of Japanese, I'm quite willing to be the one not talking in a pt, but it's uncomfortable, they could be criticising your play performance (which I really worry about btw) or talking about what they had for dinner last night. ^^

99.9% of JP's I've encountered are very nice, they always thank me if I throw a random cure if I'm passing by and such. :)

[off topic]
However, I was partying in Valkurm Dunes and once sent a JP player a /tell asking "(Hello) (team up?) (Valkurm Dunes)? ^^" and got this in response: "(English) (No thanks) (Good bye.)".
Naturally, I was hurt, I don't like to be rejected, but in retrospect, I guess this player may have wanted to talk with people who spoke his language. [/off topic]

I'd also like to add my opinion on the /check function. I personally have no problem with it at all. Although I saw this 75BST in Bisons gear and I thought "Wow, that's armour looks great" and proceded to examine her. She /blushed and ran off. I felt so horrible, but I only wanted to know what the armour was. ;_;
I've never heard of asking to check someone before...
I like to see what high levels wear, for future reference and such. It's mostly an admiration thing, and I'm sorry if it offends. ;_;

I don't know if the above has a point...since it's 4am :P
But that post is excellent, rate up! d(^_^)b

EDIT: Gah, typos. >.<

Edited, Tue Apr 5 23:31:22 2005 by Heybunny
Heybunny & Valfreyja: Leviathan server | PerAsperaAdAstra LS
Married to Blackraven October 2005 ^^
#108 Apr 06 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
42 posts
Seeing this post actually inspired me. I am a typical NA player. I love everything about culture, and online games make me feel as if I can interact with several different types of people. I have never in my experience playing, I have been the only NA player ina an all JP pt, even complimented on how I performed, and have never seen any problems ever.

This leads me to my point. Language barriers can be tough, I am fluent in 3 languages myself (self-taught). I have been raised that when you find something you do not know, learn it. FFXI has taught me a valuable lesson, do unto others... I help when i can, and I will go the extra mile, just don't lump me into a pile of someone who can't cope or cooperate. I have had nothing but pleasant experiences in game, and regret nothing, have friends from all over the world. The one hangup that NA players have is they have to be the best. As my parents once told me, 1st place is great, but so is 2nd and 3rd. Never lose sight of the common goal. FFXI has been out longer than the NA player realize, when the market opens up, new players arrive. While I disagree with begging established players, you have to realize mindsets. This doesn't boil down to hatred, lack of communication may come into key, but actions speak louder that words.

The one thing that I hope is that people can learn from one another. Why should we be punished for what happened in the past? The future is all we should be concerned with. I have played this game almost 2 years now, and will not give it up for the world. And the international community is what I love about this game. I love talking to other players, and even try to make them feel at home, but moving people into catagories is wrong, and I feel that everyone makes mistakes, regardless of where they are from. Accept humanity as a whole, we all bleed red, especially after a Tonberry owns us. ^_^
#109 Apr 14 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
every jp pt ive had has been a good experience usually. they pull fast, and sc at every lvl. they also dont mind alot of odball things, like mages melee and such. as long as the job gets done.

i can understand the JP ONLY thing, but what explains all the
{English} {Too Weak}?
#110 Apr 14 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
i can understand the JP ONLY thing, but what explains all the {English} {Too Weak}?

Keep in mind that in the Japanese version the words {Japanese} and {English} are the languages only, not the people.

For many Japanese people who use {English}{Too Weak} they could be saying their English is not good, not that they necessarily think badly of non-Japanese players.
#111 Apr 14 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
371 posts
Meh, JP's are the same as NA's to me. I don't need them. They don't need me. Frankly, Labeling us they way you say they do, doesn't speak highly of them. It's a shame that they let a few(Probably a few hundred thousand) apples spoil it on everyone.

I have met a few JP's and have had long autotranslated conversations tho. Kinda fun.
#112 Apr 14 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
Great Post ^^

I always like to hear more about our JP brothers and sisters when it comes to understanding thier motivations in the game. To better understand that is to have a better experience with them in-game.

To be quite honest, I have had very few negative interactions with JP players. Most of them are just as positive and upbeat about a good party as any other player... NA or otherwise. I've had more negative experiences with NA and EU players, but that is more than likely due to the fact that I party with them that much more often =P

The only thing that I think would make for better interaction between NA and JP players involves the liberal use of the autotranslator function. BOTH NA and JP players should use it more often.

Also, it helps to know a few words of the other player's language. It is arrogant and extremely ethnocentric to believe that everyone else should speak your language. By showing another person that you are attempting to communicate in thier language shows them that you are interested in communicating with them beyond all boundries.

Most of my experiences in communicating with JP players were positive ones. I wholeheartedly believe this was made better by use of the autotranslator and a little Romaji (Japanese words in English characters. Ex. "Okaeri!" = Welcome Back!).

Just remember that JP players are just like you. There are a few cultural differences, but most can be overcome with a little effort. They play the game to have a good time. There are some asshats, but most are good peeps. Also keep in mind that respect is a two-way street.


#113 Apr 14 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Rate up! Great post uchipu, thank you much.

Something I'm curious about:

BST's... stealing our mobs for their Pets

Perhaps you could explain this? Both parties amd BST's need mobs- how is that stealing?

#114REDACTED, Posted: Mar 21 2006 at 4:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nice post with some very good points -- all been said before in previous posts. The reason I'm posting here is to update the view on /check and asking first.Actually, /checking is abnormal among anyone who RP's. NA or other nationality. This started in MUDs, carried to M59, EQ, UO, AO -- pretty much every mmoRPg I've done at least. Among RP'ers and even very casual light RP'ers (like me), it's regarded as incredibly rude. It's like halting someone on the street to check the labels of all their apparel. The juvenille non-RP'er will generally respond to this with some additional rudeness -- presumably to get the point across that they're just plain young and rude.
#115 Mar 21 2006 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
Well, this is a very interesting topic. And I'm glad that I read it because i've learned much in this thread about Japanese and North American players. But the one thing I see that is this not understanding other cultures thing is pretty one-sided. NA has the curse of having a culture too. And this /check thing is similar to the JP only thing. (Well, NA get offended more probably) I guess someone should tell them what the JP message gives off to NA players. And even though I /check *****, I'll try to cut it off a bit since it's so bad.
#116Theonehio, Posted: Mar 21 2006 at 7:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Regardless if this is a "nice" thread, no need to bump a 1 year old thread really <.<.
#117 Mar 21 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
316 posts
You resurrected a helpful thread from 11 months ago so that you could restart /check discussion?????


Edited, Tue Mar 21 07:05:51 2006 by SEforPrez
#118 Mar 21 2006 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
i love the post!! so very awsome!! big rate up :)

i have a few JP-En friends they have told me pretty much what you said. and also i have been in thier parties.. and while i was "the friend of so-and-so" they treated me well. but as you said the languge barrier was very hard to deal with. many of my Jp friends were made simply by always behaving well. i treat everyone i meet like my best friend. will go way! out of my way to help anyone. i have had soooo many people say " i cant belive you did that for me." and i love it :) i my self have been labeled as a JP player by association. and have had some minor prob because of it. but i dont mind :)

people are people, i love them all. and i think that carries accross languge barriers. just my 2 cent.
#119 Mar 21 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
as a 71 whm i really injoy getting a invite to a jp party. all though i cant understand what they are saying the do use the auto-translater which i can then figure out whats going on. the japenese players have taught my quite a few things. one being why xp on it++ mobs when u can lvl off t and vt for better xp/hour..which i find that most of the NA's still lvl off xp mobs ><. we really need to take a page from them on things.
#120 Mar 21 2006 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
4,136 posts
Dread Lord Theonehio wrote:
Regardless if this is a "nice" thread, no need to bump a 1 year old thread really <.<.
Sure there is. Sometimes a little refresher is in good form, and considering a few of the current topics I'd say it was due. However...
SEforPrez wrote:
You resurrected a helpful thread from 11 months ago so that you could restart /check discussion?????

Agreed. It's pathetic. Of all the reasons to bump this thread, that's not on my list.

Sadly, I typed up a bunch of stuff, thinking that the February on the third page was last month, before I realized that the posts I was responding too weren't from last month, but rather, last year, but, meh, I'ma post it anyhow, 'cause I took the time to write it, and I'd hate to just delete it now =P

The following was all written before I saw the year on Heybunnys post, including the P.S.
Heybunny wrote:
Well no one ever mentions EUR the JP opinion the same as NA? I'm assuming so.

A lot of it comes down to communication. A lot of people seem to forget the treatment PS2 players got when the PS2 release came out. NA players treated PS2 players very poorly, because there were a lot of n00bs. A lot of PS2 players didn't get a keyboard, because the game didn't come with one, and it didn't have a big "you must have a keyboard" sticker on it, and technically it's possible to play without one, you'll just suck.

I remember running into a lot of players that were extraordinarilly quiet, and couldn't do their job right, and I would use the /nominate feature to ask if they had a keyboard, to which they usually responded "no".

A lot of players would badmouth PS2ers in the middle of partys working perfectly fine, only to offend someone on a PS2 who would say something like "hey, i'm on ps2". That shut people up. Playing with someone who's a good player, and then finding out they're a "OMG PS2 N00B" can change peoples perspective. Nowadays it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between a PS2 player and a PC player; thankfully.

Unfortunately there's no way to surprise a JP player by seeming like a perfectly good JP player, and suddenly saying "hey, I'm a NA". It's kind of obvious who we are, and it is, therefore, rather easy for them to exclude us without ever giving us a chance at all.

I don't recall there being a big hate fest towards EU players from the NA players, but I think that's partly to do with the small turnout that the EU release had. Also, and I could be wrong on this, I think that a higher percentage of EU players went ahead and got the keyboard in the first place.

Heybunny wrote:
I'd also like to add my opinion on the /check function. I personally have no problem with it at all. Although I saw this 75BST in Bisons gear and I thought "Wow, that's armour looks great" and proceded to examine her. She /blushed and ran off. I felt so horrible, but I only wanted to know what the armour was. ;_;
I've never heard of asking to check someone before...
I like to see what high levels wear, for future reference and such. It's mostly an admiration thing, and I'm sorry if it offends. ;_;
I used to /blush at people who /checked me as a joke. You "examined" me.. haha .. get it? Well sadly most people don't get it. I enjoyed the occassional "lol" I got out of the few people that did get it, but the sheer abundance of /slaps I got caused me to discontinue this light hearted joke. Some people just have no sence of humor or something.. -.-

P.S. I think it's really pathetic that some people are trying to derail this topic into yet another /check debate. Get over it people. If that's all you got out of the OP I feel sorry for you.
#121 Mar 21 2006 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
678 posts
I love playing with the JPs of Seraph, but sometimes it is rough to get an invite. The main reason I love their parties is that they actually EXP. Once they get to a camp they exp for 2-3 hours straight and then take a 10min break. They don't get to camp, go afk for 10min, take a 5 min break after every mob etc. JP party > NA party unless your NA party is a full static that you know. I <3 JP
#122 Mar 21 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
565 posts
marion wrote:
for example, pervious (sic) to the second Gulf War, the American government showed strong jingoistic and isolationistic policies by ignoring what the UN has to say.
American ignorance (yes, it exists, and largely due to the government-run educational system) and arrogance aside, matters involving the U.N. are another issue entirely.

Of the U.N.'s 191 member nations, only about 1/3 of them would be considered "democratic" by contemporary standards; i.e. - having judiciaries and media that are independent of the executive branch of government. Once that number reaches 2/3, I'd be a lot more willing to care about what the U.N. as a whole is saying.

As for what the OP had to say, it was well thought out and informative. Some of the responses are not. The point of the post was not to chastise, or ***** was meant to inform. It served its purpose, elegantly so.

Those of you who feel the need to take the opportunity of this thread to bash the United States for whatever reason, I encourage you to spend a night pondering what the world would truly be like without it.

Better yet, find out where you fall in the political spectrum. Many people don't know, and odds are you'll be surprised. =P
#123 Mar 21 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
I like the original post and overall tone of the thread. Very pleasing to see.

I read through pages one and two before hitting reply, and it's just to add something which struck me as I was reading;

The Auto-Translator is actually quite effective at commmunicating battle tactics (with the possible exception of SATA), in my experience. It's very easy to setup a skillchain, request cures, and so on.

No, what the auto-translation function does not allow us to do is actually [i]talk[/] to the Japanese. You know, ask them how their day was, and stuff like that. Conversation. The main issue the Japanese seem to have is that they like to be able to understand their fellow party members, and in this respect, the translator falls down flat. If Square were to do anything to promote community relations, they could do no worse than greatly expand the auto-translator.
#124 Mar 21 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
Better yet, find out where you fall in the political spectrum. Many people don't know, and odds are you'll be surprised.

Great Odin's Raven! I'm a liberal. Why have you forsaken me little quiz?
#125 Mar 21 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
5,903 posts
Yeah, cool post. Very well written, and contains some insight into what JPs really think.

I am a bit concerned though. Do JPs think that ALL NAs who have Noble's Tunics and such, are gilbuyers?

I've been playing this game for 2 years now (well, will be 2 years next month), and I have:

Noble's Tunic
Scorpion Harness
Emperor Hairpin
Leaping Boots
Rajas Ring
All WHM spells.
~8,000,000 gil on me.
WW61 Alch60 Cook60 Cloth60 Bone42 Leather32 Fish59, Cooking mule has Lv78, GS mule has Lv18 GS.

Would I be considered a gilbuyer? *blink* I assure you, I've never ever broken the ToS as far as gilbuying, botting, or third-party programs (not even windower. I refuse to touch that).

#126REDACTED, Posted: Aug 15 2007 at 3:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I lol'd.
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