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Offline for 10 hours?Follow

#27 Oct 13 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
4,049 posts
But it's simple. I pay the monthly fee. I dont expect to get 2 days of play wiped in one week. Simple as.

That's really beside the point. You're not entitled to 100% uptime ever, not even in a single week.

Look at it this way. Let's say there's an average of 3 days downtime per month. Your monthly fee covers 27 days of uptime per month, and you're entitled to no more. Your fee doesn't, nor has it ever, entitled you to solid uptime every week or month. If you believe that the cost per day of uptime is too high, you're welcome to cancel your content ID.

Honestly, the uptime on this game is far more than satisfactory. And let's not even mention that the downtime yesterday was so that SE could give us a massive update. Please, God, let the downtime continue if it involves updates - I'll take new content for a little downtime any day.

#28 Oct 13 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
630 posts
Sucks to be me =(

I got nos chool today and than maitnence starts at 11am...and won't end til 9pm, at which point my mom doesn't allow me to play games anymore cause it's a school night =(

Tuesday I had noschool and their was 5 hour maitnece -_- Sunday I logged out to mule and couldn't get back on.

-_- SE hates me ; ;
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#29 Oct 13 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
Im not talking about demaning or expecting perfection.

Just good customer service.

Can any of you really? Hand on heart say that Square enix provide good customer service?

Talking to a GM or even worse. Telephone help is like talking to an NPC.

It isn't good customer service. It's poor.

That's all.
#30 Oct 13 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
499 posts
Kragorn wrote:Yup, as usual done to minimise inconvenience to the JP community.

Ok, this is getting old.

Anyone that works in any technical job where you have to maintain systems used by clients know that you always do maintenance, that involves bringing the system down, during off-peek times.

If you check out the last census, you can see that login's drop off sharply after midnight JPN time. So, its obvious that this is the best time to do a maintenance. The graph isn't that detailed, however, so we cannot see exactly what the times are, but you can clearly see that the time with the least amount of logins is in the morning.

I have to bring down a system here at my work around 7pm EST sometimes. We have users over on the West coast, so it is only 4pm for them. But, too bad, because we go by the time at Headquarters which is on the East Coast.

This isn't part of some grand scheme to shaft all Non-Japanese players. Please, enough with the conspiracy theories.

No i'd not say it was a conspiracy. I'd not even say i don't understand why they do it. It makes sense to shedule your downtime when it would affect least players. But at the same time when the same group get repeatedly affected by it, they're bound to get irked.

What would make sense, and seem fairer to me the typical EU player. Would be to distribute downtime around the useage. So shedule the majority of downtime for EU prime, a medium chunk for NA prime and some for JP prime.
For instance there has been two sheduled maints this week. Both bang right through EU prime. Would it of hurt too much to shift one of them slightly so that the same group don't have all of their playtime on the night removed by both. Say start this second one 5 hrs later. That way the EU prime timers and NA daytimers would at least get to play on one of the maitainences. Sure the JP daytimers and NA prime timers would sting, but once in a while would make EU feel less like SE just aren't bothered.

I'm not saying even to alternate between the time but to make the downtime at each time of day roughly proportional to the lpayer base at that time.
#31 Oct 13 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
Dont kill me for it, im not complaining, really. I just have not been on for quite a while so I did not even get to see the update notice thingie. I dont want to ***** haha all I need to know is what time it starts, and ends. I live in the central time zone in the US. Thats all I want to know, so... thanks! ^^

And.. lighten up guys! =p either way, it should help make the game better and to help patch up what could be future-inconveniences.
#32 Oct 13 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Gildaren wrote:
Cry me a river. The incessant whining geats really old.

Please take your own advice.

P.S. If your going to use words like "incessant" it is best to make sure you spell words like "gets" correctly.
#33 Oct 13 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
"I'm sorry but we all have to live with it. They are replacing equipment. No doubt a result of Sunday's emergency maintenance. What was fixed on Sunday was a temp fix, and this is permanent. "

This is correct answer, they are re duct taping the servers and applying hello kitty stickers to the routers.

#34 Oct 13 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
630 posts
NA is gettign just as much sting as EU.

Maitnence Tuesday started in the morning and ended in the afternoon, maitnence today started in the morning and ends at night. both days I ddin't get much play out of it, and both were days off /sigh SE
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#35 Oct 13 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
1,719 posts
I am actually a fan of the all the server resets. For one thing it gives me plenty of time to do house work, catch up on current events and just do something differnt than play FFXI.

More importantly though it gives me a great chance at getting various NMs when I log back on. I have a nice stash of new items to play with now and am looking forward to getting more when this maintence is over tonight.

I try and look at the bright side - overall the servers have been pretty stable and if this maintence is going to help with making them even more stabile then I am all for it.
#36 Oct 13 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
1,384 posts
As a business, they try to please as many people as possible. This is shown on updates and maintanence the most.

There main player base is asia (asians statistically enjoy this type of game more then anybody else), we then have the US market second. After this, you could put Europe, Canada, Austrailia, etc.

Therefore since about 60-70% of there Client base (just a number, but could be higher) is in asia/US, these are the customers they are going to attempt to please the most.

There have been maintenance directly in japan prime time, and there has definatly been downtime directly in US time, it just happens proportionatly less, since this is their main client base.

The reason you think it is always on your time zone, is because it affects you more when it is in your primetime. From what I have said, I will agree it is in your prime more, but this is because of statics that they have gathered over the years, and the least amount of logins ACCROSS THE WORLD tends to happen after Japan midnight (11AM est), therefore this is where they are going to put normal maintanance).

I am canadian, and they have had their last 3 major updates directly on a holiday for us (thanksgiving (a few days ago), august long weekend, July 1st (canada day), but it isnt a holiday for the majority, so it makes sence. The update on monday was a holiday in japan as well.

Believe me if they didnt care about us, would they really be giving us updates according to what people want/demand (ie. npc's, ranger updates, ninja updates, new endgame material, new rare/ex drops of monopilized NM items etc.)

There will always be people upset about downtime, but for the about 15 cents that this 10 hours is going to make up of your 12 bucks a month, I really dont think it is all too bad. People need to calm down a little, since every single maintenance there is a whole list of people here that get upset over something trivial like not being able to play a GAME for a few hours.
#37 Oct 13 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default

I really don't know whether I just deal with it or go to SE and blow their heads off for it.

I can't blame them for this maintenence (sp >.> i can not spell today dammit). I mean it's only because there are a bunch of dumba**es out there who wanna ruin the game for the rest of us by hacking anding this gilselling sh*t. I'm just happy that they're trying to fix that to make the playing environment better.

As for the GMT deal...quit crying. There are lots of other players out there who had to log off as soon as they woke up. (and i really don't care if ya yell and b*tch at me for saying that)

And another thing....

On the "being-p*ssed-off-because-i-can't-log-on" side...I can't really go outside much because of personal reasons and FFXI is one of the only things i used to contact the outside world >.. Se you did pick a bad time for a lot of us and i actually do sujest a time where NOT 50% OF THE US HAS THEIR DAY OFF!!! >.>;;;

Anyway...that's all i have to say. Have a happy Yom Kippur.

#38 Oct 13 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
The problem is all these updates are not fixing the problems, they are just making them worse.

Thats where probably all the anger comes from.

If they are going to have downtime then actually fix something. You can guarantee that when servers come back up, within 24 hrs search will be done or login pol errors.

mark my words.

SE needs to fire their IT staff and get new ones, ones that actually know what they are doing.

Right now i think their Lunch room staff doubles as their server maint. staff.
#39 Oct 13 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
4,049 posts
Please take your own advice.

P.S. If your going to use words like "incessant" it is best to make sure you spell words like "gets" correctly.

1) I never whined. Not even once.
2) Using incessant does not preclude me from making a typo. Way to pull the 'I'm going to point out your typo and pretend I've proven a point' card, though.

P.S. - If you're going to point out typos, it's best to spell words like 'you're' correctly.
#40 Oct 13 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
The anoyance stems from Europe always being hit in the last 3 weeks we have now had to cancel 4 major LS events with practically no notice. I have no problem with scheduled maintenance or it being in GMT as usage stats show its the lowest. It's the sheer ineptitude of how it's set up to be honest that ticks me off.

I started the week on Monday and sorted out my plans, minor play and out on Monday, Tuesday out with the boys, Wednesday football and chill and Thursday actaully do bunch of LS and game things. After that I'm busy till Monday, so my one window of oportunity I leave is cool. Then in come SE with yet another bout of unplanned, unscheduled maint and it starts to get just a little anoying.

I hate to say this but I really do think SE commitment to the game goes as far as its monthly payments. If it was actually in anyway interested it would have dealt with both gil sellers and DDoS by now. How many Financials or even small comercials do you see with the kind of downtown attirbuted to DDoS on FFXI.

End of rant, it needs to be done, yes I get it, just please try for once to do it right. This whole moan will be withdrawn if I log back on to Seraph next to find DDoS fixed and our resident gil sellers banned.
#41 Oct 13 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Come to think of it. Why is the game offline for ten hours anyway? Im aware there are known issues with the game at the moment, following the last update.

Is it to make way for the Xbox 360 version?

#42 Oct 13 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
619 posts
OK ill point this out..everyone keeps saying these outages are to accomadate JP time...has anyone stopped to consider that this maintenance is normally during 9-5 PST? Does anyone know if Playonline is west coast USA and maybe they just do it during their normal business hours? Friggin conspiracy theorists.
#43 Oct 13 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
326 posts
The only problem I've heard about is that you cannot zone out of Rolanberry Fields.

I think that SE should just hold off on the maintennance for a few weeks after an update and watch the chaos go down in the game. Take their customer service offline and take their phones off the hook. Then people will stop complaining and understand why maintenance needs to be done.

I think either something went terribly wrong with the update and no players have noticed or they are getting ready for the Xbox 360 Beta launch.
#44 Oct 13 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I think either something went terribly wrong with the update

If this is true which i doubt they have a test server for this which would imply the update has not been ... tested {Hmmm}
#45 Oct 13 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
Imagine for a second that the servers were actually somewhere in North America with North Americans working on them. Since it is a 24/7 service, there is no such thing as doing maintenance on an off-time.

Ok so now imagine that you are one of the IT guys that need to perform the maintenance on the servers. Would you rather do the maintenance during your normal working hours of 9am-5pm or would you rather work unpaid overtime to fix the servers just so that the JP dont have maintenance during their peek time?

I for one would rather do the maintenance during my normal working hours, so therefor the JP's would get "screwed" everytime, like us NA "do" now

Let them do the maintenance whenever they want. They are making our gaming experience better by doing so.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 14:45:36 2005 by DiMenna
#46 Oct 13 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
exactly. I agree fully with you, but even so there's no stopping you from slapping your PS2 or PC with a brick because you can't log on. XD (one of my own natural impulses @.@) lolol
#47 Oct 13 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Would you rather do the maintenance during your normal working hours of 9am-5pm or would you rather work unpaid overtime

I suspect they have shift workers as it is a 24/7 operation.
That makes more sense doesnt it
#48 Oct 13 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
326 posts
Yah there should always be someone watching the servers or programmers ready in case something bad happens like a DDoS attack.
I'm pretty sure SE always has someone to monitor that sort of thing.
#49 Oct 13 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Here are a few ideas I have come up with concerning maintenance…

They can't fix gill selling because in china it is still legal and it’s impossible to manage outside of the game transactions... yes it is sad and in many ways ruined the FFXI economy. What they are probably doing is working on small fixes like quest fixes and fixes dealing with the new areas just released. Another thing they are probably trying to fix is hacks... I know they exist for a fact and have seen them in 3rd person being used by people who live by me and what they do is allow you to make your character move around on the x,y,z,s, axis as fast as you want... you can like go on top of any building across any map in the blink of an eye ect... since the last patch though...I have been told it doesn’t work any longer and they are probably doing more to figure out how they can (hopefully) stop it from happening again. Oh yeah and as for the time of the maintenance, I hate it too, but… I understand it. This game was originally released in Japan, and created by a major Japanese game company, and don’t forget JP's had the game an entire year before it came out in the US. Having the maintenance be at a convenient time is just a luxury of living in the country the game was created in. Also it could be convenient for the maintainers who are probably located in Japan. So it’s convenient for them to work on it... idono that’s just my 2 gill on it all...
#50 Oct 13 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
They can't fix gill selling because in china it is still legal and it’s impossible to manage outside of the game transactions...

ffxi was not relaesed in china so they should ban all ip's from china.

#51 Oct 13 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
ffxi was not relaesed in china so they should ban all ip's from china.

I was told by a GM on Leviathan that, yes people in china do have the game and are allowed to play it. and also they have no jurristiction on gillseling in that area of the world.
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