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2015 Solo leveling spotsFollow

#1 Nov 19 2014 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
I just finished soloing from 1 to 99 without any help. In fact I didn't speak to one person the whole time (no one ever talked to me). This is not the fastest way to level up, but if you're coming back and starting fresh with little or no help this will do. It took me till my early 20's to find out about FoV,GoV. Make sure you look up Trusts, and Record of Eminence as well.

1-10 Ronfaure
10-20 Valkrum Dunes
20-25 Qufim
25-30 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
30-50 Crawler's Nest GoV 1 and 2
50-60 Cape Terriggan FoV 1
60-70 Bostaunieux Oubliette GoV 4
70-78 Zeruhn Mines GoV 4
78-89 Outer Horotuto Ruins GoV 7
89-94 Dangruf Wadi GoV 8
94-99 Gustav Tunnel GoV 8

Billclinton 99Drg/Blu
Bahamut Server

Edited, Nov 20th 2014 12:59am by Bavien
#2 Nov 20 2014 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
1-10 Ronf (worm/rabbit pages)
10-17 lathiene (grass fungar pages)
17-30 gusgen mines (skeleton page)

Is also an acceptable if not faster route
#3 Nov 20 2014 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
No mention of Labyrinth of Onzozo?


Conflict: Labyrinth of Onzozo gives 700xp for every 10 mobs killed (most other places only give 100xp for the same). It is almost like a mini GoV itself!

There are two good camps there: The goblins/cockatrice camp, 50-60 and the Torama/Manticore camp, Lv68+.

You can easily go until the Mid-80s on that Torama camp thanks to the Conflict giving 700xp, it is still good XP. It starts to drop off in the mid-80s, though.

Also worth mentioning is the Boribaba/Babaulas (Skeletons) camp if you happen to be a job that uses blunt weapons (WHM, MNK, etc). That is 95+, and is the easiest place in the game to skill Healing Magic to cap (just chain-cast Cure on them). The only problem with this camp is you need to be careful of the Water and Wind Elementals when they pop (If you are Lv99 with sparks gear, they make excellent skillup mobs!), and the Boribaba (casters) can be difficult to pull at times due to the other skeletons spawning in the hallway. Watch how far you pull them back; goblins, the wyvern, and a manticore can aggro if you're too close to the Torama room. Also, the camp only supports 1-2 people XPing there due to the fact there are only 4 Boribabas that spawn at any given time.

Edited, Nov 20th 2014 12:29pm by Lyrailis
#4 Nov 25 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
crawlers nest at lvl 30! killing the worker crawlers and death jackets there at that lvl takes forever! 35 ish maybe!
#5 Nov 25 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I prefer to be over leveled for a camp as well, sure you 'can' do crawlers nest at 30 , but like jamie said, it will take FOREVER to kill. On the other hand, you can go 35-45 there super quick once you can actually hit the stuff and your trusts dont die on you.

I would say in general, milk the exp camps till you cant. Gusgen can go to 30 no problem, but if you want you can go to 35 if you move down an area and just kill new skeletons. Which sets you up for a easier time in crawlers nest.

#6 Nov 25 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Edit: double post.

Edited, Nov 25th 2014 2:59pm by dustinfoley
#7 Nov 25 2014 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Also figured id add this.

Coalition assignments:
Best way to level a job 1 to 50 (great for subs you dont wanna gear/spend time on). Granted its a waste on 1-10 since that can be done solo in no time, and arguably 1-30 takes very little time, but hey, it can be done.

For new people, I cant really recommend anything other than the delivery ones (lets be honest you wont be building a geo ergon weapon any time soon), stick to it, unlock kamhir drift, and do 1 impirataru at a time, sometimes 2, as long as you are sure you wont waste the surplus exp. I unlocked all jobs just to use the exp gained on these to level all jobs to 50. If nothing else, on newbie characters, you will unlock biovac tp locations, as well as build bayld/adoulin fame while leveling for the first time.

If you have adoulin and havent used it, do the first 1-2 missions to unlock coalition assignments, wait 5 days, then profit!
#8 Nov 26 2014 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
...or just go 1-50 in a couple days using trusts, books, and RoE. I'd say one, but I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt of wanting to do other things with their day. Sub levels really aren't hard anymore, with the only real "requirement" being an okay weapon and gear coming from chests if solely for defensive purposes. But with EXP gains being increase for sub-EMs at some point in the past and the additional bonus systems I mentioned, steamrolling EPs kicks the crap out of oldschool IT grinds. Heck, one could comfortably go 1-20 in most starter zones if they're patient enough, and likely within 2 hours.

The only real snag with leveling so fast is a mix of leveling certain magic schools and simply being able to afford the spells. I'm genuinely surprised SE hasn't added spell scrolls to chests in the appropriate level ranges yet.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#9 Nov 26 2014 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
My point was just that 1-50 is a pain, and detracts from what people want to do, no one enjoys leveling a job just for subs.

Why spend 3-4 days grinding a sub job 1-50 when i can wait 5 days and take it 20-35 in 5 minutes, and wait 5 more days and take it 35 to 50 in 5 more minutes. Leaves me a lot more time to enjoy the jobs i want to play and not the subs i HAVE to level just to be able to get into content.
#10 Nov 26 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
1,135 posts
Only downside is skills, but that can be overcomed with a few hours :)
#11 Nov 26 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Everyone said how hard skilling up would be...I never got it. Even back with abyssea people would whine about 'you will ruin your skills'

1) get 99
2) get spark gear for + skill gain
3) get moogle/sakura for + skill gain
4) go to a 99 gov place and get + skill gain prowess
5) cap all skills in no time
#12 Nov 26 2014 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Offensive skills are easy to level. Defensive ones, including things like Enhancing Magic, not so much.

Anyway, my gripe with the Adoulin thing is you're basically telling people to wait 10 days of effectively not playing the game just to get your desired result. Grinding it out now isn't hard, even for mages. 17 in starter zone, 33 or so in Bubu, 42 in Qufim, then I guess the rest in CN if just subbing. It flies, really, and doubly so if you can /BST for EP steamrolling if not a pet job otherwise. Given I soloed GEO to 80 before just saying fuggit and joining a worm party, I probably would've 99'd it faster than your first 5 day cycle even without Abyssea.

And the way I look at it, if they're just unlocking Adoulin, they're probably not ready for Adoulin endgame, either. Having your subs up ASAP is certainly part of that process. So, mix and match, sure, but don't let it be the only way. Plus my way has the benefit of building up Sparks for RoE gear.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#13 Nov 26 2014 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
478 posts
dustinfoley wrote:
Everyone said how hard skilling up would be...I never got it. Even back with abyssea people would whine about 'you will ruin your skills'

1) get 99
2) get spark gear for + skill gain
3) get moogle/sakura for + skill gain
4) go to a 99 gov place and get + skill gain prowess
5) cap all skills in no time

Skills have always been faster to level when your job level (and thus skill cap) is higher. I realized this quickly when I was new back in 2008-2009. However, you usually have to go slumming around in low-level areas first to get them to medium levels. With combat skills you can't skill up if you whiff it.

I got really good at skilling up in campaign battles back when you could only get them if you didn't get tags and would have to suffer full XP loss if you fucÄ·ed up. I learned a lot about mob hate by doing campaign to level my first job solo... which was WHM from the low 30s once I could cast reraise weakened.

A few months ago I started burning sparks to skill up all those magic skills that take forever. I got Enhancing, Enfeebling, and Summoning first because they were the most infamous ones, and Blue Magic because I was already almost capped. Then the throwing/archery skills. I'm saving main weapons for the uragnites, though. (With Kupipi, Joachim, and Sakura you can go almost completely AFK.) Out of the 36 skills, I now have 21 capped, and two more that were capped before last month's update.

It bugs me when I see someone (usually not a new player) blasting obvious skill up spells IN TOWN when they should just burn the Ä‘amn sparks already if they care that much.
#14 Nov 30 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Do a lair/colonization reive, no evasion. Can go 0-400 melee/magic skill in a few hours.
#15 Nov 30 2014 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
A few months ago I started burning sparks to skill up all those magic skills that take forever. I got Enhancing, Enfeebling, and Summoning first because they were the most infamous ones, and

I went to Gustav Tunnel and spammed Dia over and over and over again on the Pygmytoises there, got it done in like 2 hours (~280 to 378) without using Sparks.

Enhancing, eh yeah, I don't think trying to cap that without using Sparks is anywhere near reasonable to even attempt to do. Even WITH maxed out Skill Gain Prowess, Temachtiani equipment, food, AND the earring, I don't think you'd get it anyday soon. I tried it with everything except the Food and I blew a whole MP meter in various Barspells, Haste, Protect, Refresh, etc and got one, single 0.5 for 15+ minutes of work.

Edited, Nov 30th 2014 7:34pm by Lyrailis
#16 Dec 04 2014 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
I capped enhancing pretty quickly using trusts, call moogle obviously and a trust that can be cast on, enhancing always skilled quicker when casting on someone else, I remember years ago spamming shell/protect on the generals in beseiged to cap at 75.
#17 Dec 04 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,135 posts
Thank you for the info, actually pretty good info there :)
#18 Jul 03 2015 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
Some other good leveling locations:

Gusgen Mines - 76-85

Vs Rockmills and Flys.
Nothing aggros or links. There's TONS of stuff here to kill.
I wouldn't suggest fighting the flies due to AOE spam.
There is a GV page but I don't like fighting skeletons.

If you start here when they're IT make sure you can call 4 Trusts and have decent ACC.
I prefer to camp in areas with only VT and move on when everything is EM.

At 85 they were still EM-T. Didn't see any DC yet.


Maze of Shakrami

Warren Bat + Cryptpillar
There's a page for this, which is 3 bats and 3 crawlers.
Nothing aggros, but crawlers link. These bats don't.
These crawlers seem to hit hard for only being T.

This are can be super slow due to evasion down and defense boost. I rarely got past chain 6 I think.

Some EMs started popping at level 88.

Going /BST here at this level might be a good idea. 4 Trusts + pet would speed things up and you have LEAVE!

Also, at around level 65 the Bhaflau Thickers camp near the Marids vs Colibri is amazing! Once you've cleared the first area you can go near the watchtower for even more. I think you can go early as long as they're VT. This is an old favorite of most BSTs. Back when chain #6 for 640xp was actually good exp! No rings back then..
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#19 Jul 04 2015 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
478 posts
NoticeblyFAT wrote:
I capped enhancing pretty quickly using trusts, call moogle obviously and a trust that can be cast on, enhancing always skilled quicker when casting on someone else, I remember years ago spamming shell/protect on the generals in beseiged to cap at 75.

I think part of the reason that worked so well was that they were level 80 or 85. Casting enhancing on a higher level than yourself also speeds it up. Of course once you hit 99, you can't really do better than to cast on another level 99.

Note that the tier of the spell does NOT affect skill up rate. But it does eat up your MP faster. Divine is the one where you have to use higher tier spells because there are so few spells and they have really long recasts.

There was always some joker who would cast Protect IV / Shell IV on the generals, thus forcing me to cast the same tier to get any skill ups. It was worse when the level cap went up because they would cast P5/S5 on the generals. Also, Milhi will cast P4/S4 on herself if she doesn't already have it. So I would chug a sprinter's drink at the start of Besieged and run to put a Protect I / Shell I on her before she got around to casting P4/S4. Sometimes I would be there when a higher tier got dispelled or wore off after 30 minutes.

NoticeblyFAT wrote:
Going /BST here at this level might be a good idea. 4 Trusts + pet would speed things up and you have LEAVE!

When trying to solo CP on WHM recently, one of the things I tried was WHM/BST. The tricky part is that in a high enough level area to get half-decent CP (1200-1400 with 2x and other bonuses), charm would barely last long enough for one mob, and I was constantly having to re-charm. It was tedious but at least a little fun.
#20 Aug 29 2015 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
383 posts

#1 - Worms
Make sure trusts don't AOE the leeches in area (they link).
Worms link, but still not much of a problem.

52-62 (still T at 62)
#1, but further to north of worm camp.
Dhalmels and Weapons. Take quite awhile to kill. Try to pull near tunnels.
Dhalmels link. Weapons aggro sound.

On my DRG with Escha Ring I got from 40-62 in less than 2 hours.
Make sure you can call 4 trusts.

I was wearing mostly all level 30 armor and was never really in any danger.
Sure beats going to CN.

Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
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