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If killing XI was meant to push players to XIV....Follow

#27 May 14 2015 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
I have tried XIV but for me it has no soul. I'm not interested in traversing an empty world that punishes me for wanting to gain experience outside of quests. I don't want to have almost no opportunity for grouping outside of people matched to me by a machine. Sure, you can make friends in theory but when the whole system is set up to atomize people and there really is no incentive pushing people on the same server to work together... yeah no thanks. It's like a shadow of what I loved of XI.

Anyway, I just resubbed to WoW this weekend to give it another chance. There are some neat things there. I spent the day playing alone and it was fun. There were lots of people in the world. Sometimes it was annoying when they were trying to get a quest mob that I wanted - but then again - that made the game better for me. I love the pet battling thing. I love that my hunter can have exactly the kind of pet I want. I like that there actually is a BST/Hunter type of class

Still, I don't have the same hunger to play WoW that XI gave me. I still love XI, but it hurts too much to play it right now. I can't bring myself to invest in the character now that deletion is imminent.
#28 May 15 2015 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Olorinus wrote:
I have tried XIV but for me it has no soul. I'm not interested in traversing an empty world that punishes me for wanting to gain experience outside of quests. I don't want to have almost no opportunity for grouping outside of people matched to me by a machine. Sure, you can make friends in theory but when the whole system is set up to atomize people and there really is no incentive pushing people on the same server to work together... yeah no thanks. It's like a shadow of what I loved of XI.

Funnily enough, certain people here who will not be named and most of the "community" of XIV says that's terrible design and isolation style gameplay is far superior. Yet it didn't seem to work out that well for WoW's latest venture. It is true, some stuff in WoW is pretty interesting, yet Yoshi wanted to copy the stuff people were tired of. Sure ARR is better than 1.0 (Cuz you know....a FINISHED game will always be better than one UNFINISHED) but 1.x was more of what you'd expect a "successor" to XI be, still retain what made XI good while trying it's own things. If they spent time revamping 1.x (or even XI like the original plan) on a new would have been something amazing and actually have a soul.

ARR, and HWs, has no heart and I can safely say that about HW even though it's not out because I guarantee most people will just "OOOH" and "AHHH" about flying mounts and flying around for the first few days, yet Yoshi said HW is basically 2.0 all over again and that's not good. But hey more content is good.

Edited, May 15th 2015 8:51am by Theonehio

#29 May 15 2015 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
I just feel so sad thinking about what could have been. I always wanted to be able to fly and swim in FFXI. Knowing that I will never have that chance - and that the game I love will be left to wither... is just tremendously disappointing. There was no need for it to go this way. Instead of XIV - they should have done XI reborn.
#30 May 16 2015 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Technically they did with Wings Of the Goddess. And I've been playing FFXIV for awhile now, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be, however, yes on the social side, that is the game's biggest flaw.
#31 May 16 2015 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I think the social situation in XIV would have been much better if SE had taken these two steps:

1) Players should have been able to join more than one FC
2) People who completed coil shouldn't have been locked out (at least from participating)

These things are being somewhat "fixed" for HW. There will be FC alliances, which is slightly better for encouraging social interaction. Also, the endgame raids will have story modes, and participation caps are already gone... so people in FCs can help each other progress more freely. Before, people were incentivized NOT to help FC mates who needed it.

Unfortunately, the damage to the community has already been done, and it will take a very long time to remind people why it's fun/useful to approach things in game more casually. Also, it still doesn't help that the most difficult fights are so incredibly scripted that groups can't hope to progress unless everyone is on the same page with that specific encounter (unlike FFXI, most "accumulated player skill" in XIV is largely an illusion based on the number of specific boss scripts you've memorized).
Thayos Redblade
#32 May 17 2015 at 4:59 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
A few on BG put it perfectly, they are not killing FFXI, they are just not trying to keep it alive. What SE is doing is letting the game wind down on it's own and too me that is the best way to let a MMO pass into retirement. If they had just pulled the plug that would have hurt everything they have going right now.

I dislike FF14 for all the same reasons on top of I have little to no faith in SE learning their lesson. I don't think they have thought things though enough about what to do when the PS3/4 starts effecting the game like the Ps2 did for FFXI or what is going to happen when the dev kits dry up. I don't know if it's a problem that would effect 14 like it did with 11 but all I have seen is the same old we'll have to wait and see and the same excuses. Will they be willing to drop the Ps3 like they are saying they are looking into. Will they have the same fear people will just stop playing/paying rather then upgrade and that will affect the future decision on the Ps4. Will they divert resources and profits from 14 to fund another MMO same as they did with FF11.

That fear is well founded look at WoW, EVE, EQ, FFXI all these games have lasted though a couple of generations of console hardware so if I'm going to get drawn into a game that could last well past the Ps4 I want assurances that it won't be held back by a console. Hell UO is still getting content updates all be it with a very, very small team and it came out in the 90s.

#33 May 18 2015 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
Theonehio wrote:

XI at its height was never ground breaking

Incorrect. XI introduced an actual storyline that felt like such. Gameplay elements that were similar to older MMOs like EQ (what it was inspired by) and even to this day still introduced more features and content concepts other MMOs haven't. In reality, it's the older MMOs that are ground breaking, none of the new ones will ever come as such. Saying WoW was groundbreaking is weird when all WoW did was make MMOs easier to get didn't exactly change the genre for the better.

If anything, Maplestory is groundbreaking, because it shown developers you can make SERIOUS bank on people, when before developers, by large, considered MMOs to not be insanely profitable and more of a risk than just sticking to offline titles. This kind of statement is why there will always be hate, because it's really hard to deny that XI, not only one of SE's most profitable titles ever, did indeed bring a lot to the genre for its time. WoW was released only 2 years later, meaning it was still an "older" MMO.

Edited, May 1st 2015 7:38am by Theonehio

The story is a poor example of a ground-breaking idea that XI showed. Looking back at the positive reports of XI I was expecting you to say the Job Class system or even the Party system which the game originally was built around. It was much more a challenge to make sure a full party of people were doing their job right instead of being solo till end game.

With WoW you have already said why that was ground-breaking, it made a MMO system which allowed non high end players to play a game. It also sold incredibly well compared to any other MMO especially at a time when the MMO Market was on the rise. I am no fan of WoW but I cant hide away from the fact that for an MMO it was very popular and ground-breaking.

With XI, although it brought in the money that's only thanks to the monthly subscriptions. What SE game can really compete with that? A poor comparison really.
#34 May 19 2015 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Ffxi did bring cross platform play, right? And it was the first major console MMO, which is only recently becoming more common.
Thayos Redblade
#35 May 20 2015 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
That is exactly what I was thinking.

I play FFXIV ARR and notice a huge slow down on low level area's and new players will struggle in those area's to get into dungeons to do some of the content.

It will only make it worse when the expansion rolls out, I believe SE knows this and decided to murder PS2 and XBOX360 versions to probably either push the console owners onto pc, the ones who probably want to stick to console move to another console and probably to 14 which would help low end of things for the people who haven't tried 14 at all.

Though I feel like 14 burns you out on doing the same dungeons over and over just for 1-2 pieces of gear and rinse and repeat, nothing outside of dungeons besides hunts nothing else offered unless you like running the hardmode stuff still same thing dungeon spamming, after a while it gets super boring and I haven't decided on getting the expansion to 14 yet till I see what else they have to offer than just flying mounts and dragon race.

If its just more dungeons and same as the 1.0 and up stuff with some added story that's going to be a serious drag.

So the free login week I hopped on FFXI, I have been having a lot more fun than I have been in FFXIV for d a m n sure, I don't know if its because of the amount of stuff the game has, the open world feeling or just the feeling I have control and I am not on some straight path, though I'll tell you this, it is so good not to see spamming RMT in FFXI, in FFXIV its h e l l.

Though I really do agree with you, I do believe they are stopping FFXI to try and push their product they are supporting now, though I believe it could be a huge mistake, its too early to celebrate FFXIV and if they are going to do the same junk over and over in 14 I might just end up looking someplace else for my entertainment I do like nostalgia monsters and story but the way they have the game, just burns you out too fast, plus I wish they had something else to do outside of dungeons besides fates, golden saucer and hunts, cause once you are done with those well the game is just not worth it.

Also the player base in FFXI is awesome in 14 too many people complain not like FFXI where if someone messes up pick yourself up give tips and win the fight.
FFXIV win or leave or kick and accuse stuff that makes the community look like crap.

Edited, May 20th 2015 11:24am by ZanonX

Edited, May 20th 2015 11:24am by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#36 May 20 2015 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
ZanonX wrote:

Though I really do agree with you, I do believe they are stopping FFXI

They aren't about to stop anything (aside from the PS2 support, good riddance there). There really isn't an active agent doing anything in particular. They are simply letting the game be. That is all.
#37 May 20 2015 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
ZanonX wrote:

Though I really do agree with you, I do believe they are stopping FFXI

They aren't about to stop anything (aside from the PS2 support, good riddance there). There really isn't an active agent doing anything in particular. They are simply letting the game be. That is all.

They are closing down xbox 360 ffxi access, and ps2 ffxi access as well as stopping all new content addition.

ffxi is really popular in japan on ps2, japanese players still make up the majority on this game and they favor consoles.
#38 May 20 2015 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
Not to mention the amount of x360 users world wide (I am one) who currently play FFXI.

I don't think it would be wrong to assume that this time next year there will be an awful lot less players in the world of FFXI, people are not going to go out and buy a PC just to carry on playing.

Let us not forget that killing consoles in FFXI will not just stop the PS2 and x360 players, it will also stop any of the people who only played cos their friend or partners played... and they wouldn't want to continue without them... so there's gonna be PC players who will stop too...

The actual amount of people that will be shafted next year is unknown, but in a game that already has a waning player base then any loss would be bad, but I fear this will be bigger than anticipated and the straw that finally breaks this camels back.

Getting rid of PS2 and x360 players is SE's attempt to finally put this thing to bed, they have tried and tried to **** us off for years and we keep putting up with it... so they need to cut a little deeper...

Edited, May 20th 2015 8:35pm by Danseurfabuleux
#39 May 21 2015 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
641 posts
I did a "/see all" yesterday and saw 340 players online. The population will probably be even smaller than a private server when they stop the support for PS2 and 360.
#40 May 21 2015 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
4,281 posts
Solonuke wrote:
I did a "/see all" yesterday and saw 340 players online. The population will probably be even smaller than a private server when they stop the support for PS2 and 360.
It really depends on what time of day you search. On my server, the population routinely clears the 1k mark a couple of times a week. And Valefor is pretty much the worst server.
Philemon on Valefor
Gjallarhorn 4/17/08
Daurdabla 5/9/11
Carnwenhan 5/4/12
Ryunohige 10/29/12
#41 May 21 2015 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
227 posts
I know this game just keeps on going and it has survived many calls from people saying it is gonna die in 6 months etc etc but we have never had a mass exodus of forced removals before, that the planned end of console support will bring, you cannot deny that this will be a very big arrow into the heart of FFXI.

As a x360 player my days are numbered, once support stops for me I will be forced to quit... just like thousands of others will be...

I own a PS4, I have played FF14 for 3 months around xmas 2014 and I really disliked it... I wont be going back to that, its nowhere near the same type of game as FFXI is.

They wont, but I hope SE does a U turn.

Edited, May 21st 2015 9:29am by Danseurfabuleux
#42 May 22 2015 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Runespider wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
ZanonX wrote:

Though I really do agree with you, I do believe they are stopping FFXI

They aren't about to stop anything (aside from the PS2 support, good riddance there). There really isn't an active agent doing anything in particular. They are simply letting the game be. That is all.

They are closing down xbox 360 ffxi access, and ps2 ffxi access as well as stopping all new content addition.

ffxi is really popular in japan on ps2, japanese players still make up the majority on this game and they favor consoles.

If it was popular SE wouldn't pull the plug on it. Either you're grossly overestimating the 2015 PS2 support or Sony has really made a lasting console if it still functions after 13 years.
#43 May 25 2015 at 5:31 AM Rating: Excellent
3,777 posts
Unlike FFXI, most "accumulated player skill" in XIV is largely an illusion based on the number of specific boss scripts you've memorized

This right here is the the biggest annoyance I have with 14. Every boss fight in XIV is a lesson in memorization, and once you have the mechanics down it's the exact same battle every...single!!!....TIME!!. That style of game design is reminiscent of old NES console games. It reminds me of the wind tunnel in battletoads where to win you had to memorize the track and know what was coming ahead of time. That's bad game design in my book because there's no real engagement, and repeating a fight more than a few times is so mind numbingly boring. The instanced dungeons and fate systems play out the same way too, leading to burnout way too fast. FFXI was grindy yes, but at least there was variety in every fight. Bosses used TP moves at more random intervals and could choose from any particular spell or attack in their current table at will, leading to unpredictable and fun battles that constantly mixed the buffs and debuffs with offensive and defensive maneuvers. In FFXIV the mechanics are so critical that they outright make or break the fight, defying Ilvl entirely with instantaneous wipe mechanics that KO the whole raid regardless of gear/preparations if not executed properly. That's a let down for me.

On the upside, I'm enjoying Rhapsodies for the time being. It's nice to see my mithra again, even if it ends up being for a brief timeframe.

Edited, May 25th 2015 10:43pm by Melphina

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#44 May 26 2015 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
641 posts
Remember the times in Battletoads when you had two player mode? Now you get to do the same with 8 players!
#45 May 26 2015 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
What? You mean accidentally hitting your partner because the game didn't differentiate between friendly or foe when you swung your over sized foot in the air? Thanks to the game's hit detection you ended up killing each other. You didn't even need enemies on the screen to fail. Two player mode was even harder than single player mode, which says a lot for that game.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#46 May 27 2015 at 1:02 AM Rating: Good
641 posts
Killing the tank with Benediction because the game doesn't have any instant instant abilities. Thanks to the game's hit detection I can use Elusive Jump on Dragoon, be miles away from an AoE and still get hit because that's just how the game rolls. That person that has a very important role that dies the most.

I've thought many times how much simpler each fight in XIV would have been if I could had just controlled all 8 players!
#47 May 28 2015 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
Melphina wrote:

On the upside, I'm enjoying Rhapsodies for the time being. It's nice to see my mithra again, even if it ends up being for a brief timeframe.

Edited, May 25th 2015 10:43pm by Melphina

I love Rhapsodies too and what they have done with removing daily lockouts from things like Dynamis and Salvage.
(Rhapsodies storyline seems to be taking up the path of where Chains of Promathia left off with some time travelling in the mix too. It's shaping up to be a great storyline!)
Being able to summon 4 trusts at the same time is really nice!
I have also seen an influx of old, returning players that I haven't seen in Vanadiel for years!

It's a great time to come back and play because there's so much to do!

As for the game's content coming to an end after Rhapsodies, it does make me sad but I am starting to feel that SE has done as much as they can for the game.
The original region based system of conquest has been copied in Wings of the Goddess (Campaign Battle), Seekers of Adoulin (Colonization Rieves) and to some degree in Unity Accord (Records of Eminence).

Although I really do adore the recent incarnation of conquest via Unity Accord, especially when my chosen leader becomes top after conquest tally each Sunday, my gear will get greater benefits. (Much as the original incarnation of conquest gear did when the game was new,)
How many times can they reuse this system and keep it interesting?

#48 May 29 2015 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Eh, maybe I'll give it another whirl. I just feel angsty about my character being deleted and all the hours of my life I sunk into it being vaporized. Yeah, I'll still have the memories, but I just don't want to put more hours into a character that SE will flush down the tubes, you know?
#49 May 29 2015 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
1,135 posts
It's worth it, just don't burn yourself out :P
#50 May 29 2015 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Eh, maybe I'll give it another whirl. I just feel angsty about my character being deleted and all the hours of my life I sunk into it being vaporized. Yeah, I'll still have the memories, but I just don't want to put more hours into a character that SE will flush down the tubes, you know?

Think about all the time you've sunk over the years into games (or at least, game files/characters) that you no longer play, or where the internal batteries have failed and they are no longer capable of holding save files. The same thing's essentially happened to them.

It all gets vaporized eventually anyway, but you can still make a good time and a good memory out of it. Nothing really lasts forever, even in non-virtualspace, for that matter.

Hell, to get to a more morbid subject, eventually we're going to die too. Everyone knows that, at least in the back of their minds, but we still try to make the best of what we've got.

Edited, May 29th 2015 6:25pm by Fynlar
#51 May 29 2015 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Fyn, when I die, delete my browser history. I'm counting on you.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
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