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Promyvion - The Emptiness - Get your game onFollow

#202 Feb 03 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
I could put this in the main guide, but really it's not so much a function of Promyvion as it is a function of level capped areas. This was in the release notes, but I'll repeat it, as the question comes up a lot.

If you're a level that's near the cap (say, 30-32 in Promy, 40-43 in Phomiuna, etc.) you may notice that you're earning *far* more experience than your friends. You're all capped at 40 together, but your xp is rockin' while theirs is kind of lame.

How does the exp reduction work if you're over the cap

The game gives you the greater of two values. Either...


Formula 1) The EXP you would earn if you were your base level

../ OR /..

Formula 2) 1/2 the EXP you would earn at the level-cap.

There is one extra catch. If you're earning exp via Formula 2 you are not eligible for EXP Chains. Players who are near the cap -are- and will be able to xp chain to their heart's content.

What? I can't do math. Math is hard. ><

Okay, let me break it down for you.

Let's pretend that you've walked into Promyvion and your actual base level is 33. You wind up capped down to Level 30.

You fight an IT Wanderer on the 4th floor. It's IT++ to a Level 30 -- let's pretend it's real level is 38.

Formula 1)
Lv38 beast vs Lv33 PC - 5 level spread, maybe it clocks out as being IT. You would earn 160xp for the battle.

Formula 2)
Lv38 beast vs Lv30 capped PC. Definitely IT. Clocks out to 200xp. Because you're on a capped formula this is cut in half - You would earn 100xp.

Formula 1 gives you the best result, so that's what you get when you walk in as a Lv33 and are capped down to 30. You may participate in xp chains. Fighting in Promy will be a profitable venture for you.

A friend in your party runs a Level 60 WHM and has come along to do the Promy run with ya. He's in the party for the same wanderer battle.

Formula 1)
Lv38 beast vs Lv60 PC - the monster would rate as Too Weak. YOu would earn no exp from it at all.

Formula 2)
Lv38 beast vs Lv30 capped PC. Definitely IT. Clocks out to 200xp. Because you're on a capped formula this is cut in half - You would earn 100xp.

Formula 2 gives you the best results, so your friend who's on his 60WHM capped to 30 will earn 100xp for the fight. He won't be able to participate in xp chains. Fighting in Promy won't be as profitable, but at least the xp he's earning is being applied to his main class.

I hope that helps. ^^
#203 Feb 06 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
912 posts
think this should get another bump, or better yet, a sticky ^3^
#204 Feb 09 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
204 posts
#205 Feb 09 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
1,655 posts
Bee to the Yoo to the Emm to the Pee.
#206 Feb 09 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
688 posts
I have something to add for the Promyvion-Holla boss. If you are a WHM in a Holla party, you will have Auto-Regen (Lvl 25 WHM passive ability). This can cancel out any Poison Potions you may use and spell trouble for your party, as you can be put to sleep.

Instead, a WHM might consider using Venom Potions. They give -5 HP/tick, but if you use a Pear au Lait (+3 HP/tick), the combination of food, potion, and Auto-Regen will give a WHM -1 HP/tick.

This sounds troublesome and expensive, but at least on Unicorn, the price of a Venom Potion + Pear au Lait is cheaper than 1 Poison Potion.

Hope this helps. ^^
#207 Feb 09 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I have something to add for the Promyvion-Holla boss. If you are a WHM in a Holla party, you will have Auto-Regen (Lvl 25 WHM passive ability). This can cancel out any Poison Potions you may use and spell trouble for your party, as you can be put to sleep.

Instead, a WHM might consider using Venom Potions. They give -5 HP/tick, but if you use a Pear au Lait (+3 HP/tick), the combination of food, potion, and Auto-Regen will give a WHM -1 HP/tick.

This sounds troublesome and expensive, but at least on Unicorn, the price of a Venom Potion + Pear au Lait is cheaper than 1 Poison Potion.

Hope this helps. ^^

Are you sure about this? I don't exactly see how you would still be put to sleep since the poison would still damage you while the auto-regen just restores your hp. I was a white mage for a holla run and I never had the poison effect cancel out on me unless the poison time ran out. I was always awake everytime that bcnm casted it's sleep/curse aoe.

Also, I'm not sure of this, but I thought you can only have one food, one drink activated at a time. How would mp refresh drinks be activated. If I can drink both and have no problem, then it's cool. However, I can attest that the poison potion works perfectly ok. I just rather have no hp loss/tick and an extra space available for a hi-ether.
#208 Feb 12 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
688 posts
I was put to sleep in the BC while using poison potions, though in all the hecticness (those things are busy battles...) it's possible that it wore and I didn't notice. I will have to check this in a more controlled environment and make a further report. However, I did test with Auto-Regen and a Poison Potion while not in battle, and my HP did not change at all the entire potion duration. Whether or not the damage counts that way, I am not sure.
#209 Feb 12 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
I have something to add for the Promyvion-Holla boss. If you are a WHM in a Holla party, you will have Auto-Regen (Lvl 25 WHM passive ability). This can cancel out any Poison Potions you may use and spell trouble for your party, as you can be put to sleep.

Instead, a WHM might consider using Venom Potions. They give -5 HP/tick, but if you use a Pear au Lait (+3 HP/tick), the combination of food, potion, and Auto-Regen will give a WHM -1 HP/tick.

This sounds troublesome and expensive, but at least on Unicorn, the price of a Venom Potion + Pear au Lait is cheaper than 1 Poison Potion.

Hope this helps. ^^

While I haven't tried this personally it's very sound in theory. You can have more than 1 food active as long as their icons don't conflict. You can eat a food like sushi, drink a Au Lait, a Yagudo Drink, and a Venom Potion all at the same time if you wanted to. Since only the sushi would count as the food icon, Au Laits counts as a Regen effect, Yag Drink counts as Refresh, and Venom potion counts as, well, poison. Excellent idea.
#210 Feb 13 2005 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
204 posts
A couple of questions:

1. Psychoanima and Hysteroanima. Can you use both of these at once on the NM boss or only one of them at a time?

2. Also since each of these have a somewhat 30 sec effect period. Do you need to have one member use these once 30sec effect is up or can all member dump the bottles on the NM and the time effect will stack up to have a longer duration effect?
#211 Feb 13 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
A couple of questions:

1. Psychoanima and Hysteroanima. Can you use both of these at once on the NM boss or only one of them at a time?

2. Also since each of these have a somewhat 30 sec effect period. Do you need to have one member use these once 30sec effect is up or can all member dump the bottles on the NM and the time effect will stack up to have a longer duration effect?

I'm not sure about #1, but as for #2- I don't know of any items in the game where you can "stack time". Item use seems to be an 'on' or 'off' thing. Using another anima may reset the timer but I doubt it will stack time.
#212 Feb 13 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
798 posts
1. Psychoanima and Hysteroanima. Can you use both of these at once on the NM boss or only one of them at a time?

we actually just did this in our promy-holla NM boss.
you can, however there is a 10 second delay on using one of them then using another. what you can do though, is have one person use their psychoanima and then another person use their hysteroanima at the same time. this will stack both then once they're off, switch (you do hysteroanima and then other other do psychoanima).

we made an anima order so we didn't overstack and the whole fight pretty much the NM just stood around. there was times where he did attack since you don't really know when your anima is used up.

it worked really well, all of us had those two and 4 of us had terroanima for the rest of the fight. it was really easy if you prepare.
#213 Feb 16 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Prim - you're right on time stacking. It works like overcasting a spell effect, such as Haste; resets the timer and ticks forward from there.

Lately I've been telling people to not try to count to twenty, just count five to six weapon swings and use another anima. It's a more reliable indicator. The actual 25s time limit is more around the 8th swing or so but by the time they spam their "OMG DUDE X USE UR ANIMAHHZZZZ" macro and the when Dude X reads it, fumbles his macro, then uses it out of range, then gets in range and uses it properly, the appropriate time has passed ... ^^
#214 Feb 16 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,169 posts
6 BST Toatal Ownage of Promyvion - Dem

Could not have done it without the info in the ogininal post!

Edited, Tue Feb 22 11:41:55 2005 by taverasme
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#215 Feb 22 2005 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
ok i did everything you said but when i get to the part where i go to ru lude gardens and talk ot the elf, he talks about the soldiers and what it take to be one and he said this isnt the place for the likes of you or something like that and no cutscene. Im a lvl 18 blm/lvl 3 whm at the moment and im rank 2 am i not big of a lvl/rank or something plz tell me?!?!?!?!
#216 Feb 22 2005 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I just finished farming recollections from the first floors of dem and holla. I didn't see it in the guide so forgive me if it is and I missed it.

At both of them, the crag specific enemy was of higher level than the other enemies. In dem there were Gorgers that were even match, while in Holla I was jumped by a tough Thinker. Took me a little by suprise as I wasn't expecting anything over decent.

One of the thinkers also used one of the tap moves, although I can't remember if it was binary or trinary.
#217 Feb 24 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
It's been discovered that u trade the NM drops to coresponding ???s in Promy-Vahlz to spawn a special nm there.
#218 Feb 24 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
387 posts
Some new info for you. The ENM battles from yesterdays update are in the spires, so I thought you'd like to put them in your awesome guide. Here's a link to some battle reports on Asura. I haven't participated in any of these, I'm just passing the info along :P

Reports from Asura
~Zyhie, Mithra Black Mage
Windurst - Asura
If you had a tail, would you chase it?

My profile may or may not be accurate.
#219 Mar 01 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
209 posts
i have a question about the shade gear (unless i missed it through the guide or anywhere else just quote it)

if you wear shade gear will it help you're melee damage or is it just for the intimidation effect?

thank you
#220 Mar 05 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, this is a big thread and I didn't have time to read it all, (excellent info btw). In case it has not been mentioned, a RNG can 1 - 2 hit kill the strays on all 3 of the floors that have them, RNG simply need to use Holy Bolts, this makes killing the MRs alot easier and faster. Hope that helps and isn't duplicate ino ^^;;

Dem - 3/4

Mea - 2/3

Holla - 4/9

unless you know most of the people in an alliance, i'd strongly reccomend going with only 6 or 12 people.
#221 Mar 18 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
You may have covered this but I'm not sure many have. I belive the only way to get one of the rare earing drops is to beat the current best time. My LS promy/ENM team has defeated the boss's more than 15 times, however, the only time we recived the super rare equipment memory was when we beat Holla in record time. (we recived the memory for the Devine skill +3 earring)

On a side note, we let our whm take it since we thought it was JSE... D@mn the luck. It's only rare and it goes for over 1mil on shiva ; ;
Can't wait to take Dem on next time. I could really use the smn skill +3 one, but I'd settle for the enfeebling magic one. (lmao enfeebleing +3 earring goes for over 3mil)

Take care guys, and good luck killing those ENM's! ^^ ~Aet
#222 Mar 31 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
387 posts
I found out what the "Rementant of <NM>" is for. According to Faranim they pop NMs in Promyvion-Vhazl.
~Zyhie, Mithra Black Mage
Windurst - Asura
If you had a tail, would you chase it?

My profile may or may not be accurate.
#223 Apr 15 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
Here's my promyvion-mea experience. :)
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#224 Apr 25 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
Have a stupid question. What is kiting?
#225 May 29 2005 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
I wanted to note that if you finish a promyvion for the first time, you are warped back to the shattered telecrystal. This should be kept in mind in case you're planning on doing 2 runs at a Promy Boss.
#226 Jun 09 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,169 posts
Thanks to the great info in this guide we were able to prepare our team for all three Promyvions. We did ALL three in ALL BST parties. If anyone is interested in doing the same, it is very possible, we are not the only all BST team to do it.

Click here if for ALL BST PROMYVION thread.
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